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Everything posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. *jaw hits floor* I'm jealous
  2. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1342558491' post='1737160'] Radar Love. [/quote] Ooooh yeah thats another goodie!!, At our last gig, after the drum solo, and before the bass bit, I threw in a couple of bars of The Chain seeing as it was British GP weekend, seemed to go down well, had to transpose to B though, to fit it in!
  3. I have a set, took the neck one off though, just kept getting in the way. Love the look of them
  4. Tintinus LMAO!! there was me thinking it was the bands 'look' !! gratz on the job, you WILL find your playing coming on in leaps and bounds Enjoy and have fun
  5. And I thought Basschatters were weird! Great reading though, Who'da thunk Yanks could express 'emselves like that?
  6. We threw in Born to be wild as an end of evening crowd pleaser last week and I had a ball with it, even the lead guitarist let go and had some fun, ended up more like the Slade version, went down ok too! And I got to fiddle about up the dusty end!!! I wish we had recorded it!
  7. See, being prepared is worth the effort, given their reaction when you mentioned their own stuff, I think you're on a winner, good work, keep it up
  8. I really liked Onward from Tormato, in addition to those above, Circus of Heaven and Arriving UFO, IMO were dire Fly From Here, a lot of that was written at the same time as Drama, and mothballed, its an ok album, but I've probably played Clockwork Angels more times in the last 4 weeks than I have played Fly From Here in the last year. And I too am a massive Yes fan!
  9. EBS Reidmar, small, light, killer sound, and effin loud!! Unfortunately I love it so much, my Eden is now my backup!!
  10. Blimey! I've seen everything now definitely different
  11. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1341936154' post='1726525'] It's nice to be nice [/quote] Hell Yeah. Love this place!!
  12. Great stuff mate, we record our rehearsals too, and all my wife can say is 'do you guys EVER stop laughing?' Makes for a great vibe and really shows through when we play. Really happy for ya, and hope things get even better.
  13. Nice call, will be investing in one I think, checked RS, Cat No changed. http://uk.rs-online.com/web/cpd/0203748/?searchTerm=203-748 for any who are interested.
  14. 9 years, I called it my midlife crisis, and it seemed safer that a motorbike! having said that I remember humming basslines not melodies since I was about 13. joined a band about 3 months after starting, talk about in at the deepend; no regrets though, and 4 bands later, still loving it bigtime!
  15. Not as much as I used to, would prefer not doing it.
  16. Learn summat new every day, cheers
  17. [quote name='Tinman' timestamp='1341158168' post='1714461'] Yes, Yes, YES!!!! You beat me to it [/quote] Glad to find a fellow fan
  18. 4.5 or 5mm I think, will measure mine when I get home. Admittedly my Indo made Squier is a P, but even so, should be same size I reckon.
  19. Oh yeah, no worries, was just wondering Is it all 1 kit then? Wiring diagram in there too?
  20. Just the 2 pots? no tone pot? what rating on the pots that are there please 250k? 500K? someotherk? Cheers
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