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Everything posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. Ye Gods, is this what literacy has come to?
  2. Yay go Shell!! I used to do Run To You, quite like the bassline meself, great fun to play. Zombie is a good song too, never tried playing bass to it though. good luck )
  3. Both my guitarists have now got 'hot plates' for their Marshall heads and I think we now have 'the look' but keep our hearing..and our audiences! Ansd for what its worth, I think you did the right thing and are best shot of them!
  4. Thank the lord you said that, I watched mine last night and spent ages checking my sourround sound settings, I thought my gear was on the way out! loved the fillum, and all the little nods winks and smirks over slipups etc. yup they still got it:)
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  6. Now.. I was always a Slade fan..but that was dire!
  7. After looking at that Video and following links I've found the Whole 'six of the best' concert from 1982!!! Audio only sadly, but memory provides the rest! Excited? hell yeah, I was there..in the 3rd row...getting soaked and stoked at the thought of seeing Genesis WITH PG...something I never thought would happen. Thats my evening sorted then. Many Thanks to OP
  8. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1353070938' post='1871222'] From the same tour. F8ck me, I've come over all emotional [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiU79oS88cs[/media] [/quote] Awesome...just wonderful! I love the way at about 8.30 Tony banks has to keep stabbing the mellotron cos the chords lasts longer than the tape loops, you don't hear that on 'Seconds Out'....Post production tweaks?
  9. Good man Yerself! I kinda feel the need meself now.....
  10. I'll just stick with my beautiful 4 stringers if its all the same to you guys....people laugh at me enough as it is!!
  11. Played with SAGE my covers band Fri night, it was our 2nd anniversary, had a great time, we come from all walks of life, with 1 old pro musician and 3 weekend warriors, I cant believe 4 guys randomly meeting could fit together so well, long may we carry on!! I like this thread Nige, good call!
  12. Not a 'strange sounding' song at all, its very good, and personally I think the pace is fine, it rocks along very nicely. thanks for putting it up dude!!
  13. My oldest is a Levys suede one, 9 years and counting, best straps around IMO, all mine are Levys bar 1 which is hi viz orange with reflective stripe!
  14. Lovely tune, enjoyed it. Hafta say though, thats a stunning looking bass Nige, what sort of finish is that on the body? Looks like its been dark chromed!!
  15. Love that 2nd pic with the blue light out of singers nose..perfect!!! Music clip sounded brilliant, very impressed and envious of your gig!
  16. Aaaargh we have three of those on our setlist, although 2 of em are in the 'encore/we can play em if we are stuck' list Nos 4,5 and 10.
  17. Massive fan, just wish I could play like that.
  18. [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sub]Blu ray ordered, couldn't get to cinema last night even though it was showing locally...bummer! [/sub][/font][/size]
  19. 22 and 25, not as easy as I thought!
  20. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1349710778' post='1829446'] One of each! [/quote] Didn't Chris Wolstenhome do that at that Olympics thingy? Looked a bit weird depending on which spot was on him as some strings 'disappeared' under some lights Which reminds me..I said a year ago Id post some pics lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2avFU7KN4U&feature=relmfu
  21. Jammy jammy JAMMY git!! Brilliant well done mate, chuffed for ya! And yes linky so we can see as 'n when
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