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Everything posted by elom

  1. Whereabouts are you and do you have any pics? [I do not need another bass..., I do not need another bass..., I do not need another bass...]
  2. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='168956' date='Apr 3 2008, 10:18 AM']Linus, I have the MAG300 210 combo, which is the same head, but 2x10's instead. I bought a 115 extension cab (the speaker in the combo you mention?) I have rarely used the 115. I find the 2x10 is fine for the pub gigs I play (up to around 300 people?), and I never have to turn it up full, or overdrive it. Although we mainly do blues/soul, we used to regularly do 4-band nights on the indie scene in London, so all sorts of emo/punk/thrash bands would use it as the night wore on. I have had no complaints or problems with it, other than losing one of the control knobs.[/quote] Exactly the same experience for me (even down to losing one of the knobs, which Ashdown replaced). I have never had to use the extension cab for a gig yet, in fact I've been thinking about selling it. I bought both 2nd hand through these forums about 12 months ago - paid £150 for the combo and £100 for the cab. Definitely try and go 2nd hand if you can. I recently tried out a Markbass combo and it was in a completely different league. However I can't justify spending that sort of money and for the gigs I do (and my standard of play!) the Ashdown MAG stuff is just fine.
  3. Yes, the 'rules' for this were that if you've not read it in a month then you must pass it on anyway. Where is it currently? (ooh, don't I sound officious! )
  4. There was a Shine acoustic reviewed in last month's BGM. Was well received and got 4 stars. Looks really nice and I'm quite tempted to go for one myself. There is a new one on t'bay £185 delivered [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SHINE-Electro-Acoustic-Bass-Guitar-NEW_W0QQitemZ300189384425QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcmdZViewItem"]here[/url]
  5. that is one [i]nice[/i] bass. well done that man
  6. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='159291' date='Mar 17 2008, 10:58 PM']Brill! If it comes so recommended, it must be worth a try. I like getting out of my comfort zone on music genres. On another day I'll share with BC how I'm discovering so many new artists for next to nothing with my Napster To Go subscription.[/quote] PM me your address sir and I'll stick it in the post
  7. I play 4 string fretted, almost exclusively finger-style. Played from the age of 15 to 20 then left the fellowship until picking it up again 18 months ago after a mere 17 year absence. I love being in a band, the live performance and the buzz when an audience gets into what you're doing. I'm not a natural musician but I make sure that I know our songs inside out. I'm not good enough to be flash or overplay but I think that I deliver a solid performance that fits in with the overall band. Recently we've been learning some new songs that call for some slap and fancy finger work (damn you Mr Flea!) and I've surprised myself (and my bandmates) by being able to manage it, albeit with tons and tons of practice. I like to enjoy myself when I play live so I'm more likely to be jumping around like a moron than stood at the back staring at my fingers. We play the kind of music that I like to listen to (rock and indie), to a generally appreciative audience, plus we get paid too. So what kind of bassist am I? A happy one!
  8. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='159270' date='Mar 17 2008, 10:29 PM']I've sold & traded loads over the years, but this is the one I'll always regret, after owning it for 16 years... [/quote] It must have hurt hard, even the dog looks sad!
  9. For something a little different you might fancy Julian Cope's autobiog Head-on/Repossesed. [indent]"[b]Synopsis[/b] Julian Cope's highly acclaimed autobiography and its long-awaited sequel in one extraordinary volume. Julian Cope shot to fame with eighties band 'Teardrop Explodes' during the Punk era. Hailed as a visionary by those people who recognise his genius and a madman by those who find him perplexing, he has become a cult figure in the music world. Head-On/Repossessed is written in Cope's own inimitable style and follows his journey through a time of incredible change within the music industry. Head-on is the highly acclaimed autobiography that The Observer viewed as "book of the year" when it was first released. Repossesed picks up in 1983 where Head On ends and continues up until 1989."[/indent] Probably the best music biog I have read. I just so happen to have a copy which you are welcome to if you want it - no charge. elom
  10. Hello and welcome to the board. You'll find the locals friendly and happy to help. A 3 humbucker bass would be unusual. The bass in the link you posted has a J and P (split) pickup on it. ([url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bass_guitar#Magnetic_pickups"]see here for more pickup info[/url]) elom
  11. [quote name='elom' post='155535' date='Mar 11 2008, 08:34 PM']This thread has inspired me to go and ask my missus if she'd like to spend her redundancy money on buying me a nice Mark Bass Combo. I'll let you know how it goes...[/quote] looks like I'm not getting a Mark Bass then, or anything else for a while...
  12. This thread has inspired me to go and ask my missus if she'd like to spend her redundancy money on buying me a nice Mark Bass Combo. I'll let you know how it goes...
  13. [quote name='bigjohn' post='155233' date='Mar 11 2008, 12:40 PM']I wish I had your restraint![/quote] I find that lack of ability helps to restrain me!
  14. I'm not sure what DVD he's got playing there but it looks more than a little dodgy to me! I bet he's pleased he patented it...
  15. [quote name='karlbbb' post='153602' date='Mar 8 2008, 02:20 PM']In my old punk band I had loads of great sounding ideas in my head (just little runs instead of root note chugging) and I so badly wanted to play them, I could just never translate it into something that I could play and would be in the right key/scale etc.[/quote] Sometimes we might be playing a song and I think that a little fill might sound good but like you I don't trust myself to just do it, especially in a performance. So any fills and runs that I very occassionally put in are all in fact pre-planned and rehearsed. It's a lot easier to get the notes out of your head and onto the fretboard when you can take your time and make your mistakes in private rather than in front of the band or audience. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
  16. [quote name='fifeq' post='153783' date='Mar 9 2008, 12:22 AM'][url="http://www.myspace.com/danceofthestarlings"]http://www.myspace.com/danceofthestarlings[/url] would like to here some comments! recorded one evening using garage band bass: Yamaha bb414 - sansamp (similar to "SVT like" setting ) - mixing desk[/quote] I thought I'd give this a quick listen out of courtesy like, ended up listening to all 4 tracks twice. For me this is just how a raw, young indie band should sound - plenty of rough edges but bags of promise. The Strokes and Arctic Monkey influences are very strong. Sometimes this works (really liked 'Rejects' - could be an early Strokes demo) but the vocals on 'Flight is Fast' sound like they are trying too hard to be Alex Turner. Not sure what you were trying to do on 'Rule of Four' but it didn't do it for me - sounds like it was recorded inside a metal dustbin and I couldn't listen to it all the way through - this could just be me getting old though! Nice tone on the bass and it fits the style of music. The backing vocals could maybe with do with a bit of attention but that's a minor criticism. Overall a good collection of songs and I'd be interested to hear more. Nice one.
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  18. elom

    jon shuker

    [quote name='Metallicat V3.0' post='146853' date='Feb 25 2008, 07:33 PM']Out of interest anyone done the shuker build your own bass week? Was thinking of doing it with daddy in law. Cheers Darryl[/quote] Yes someone on here has but I can't remember who... I was just looking at the flyer for that course earlier today. It does say that you need basic woodworking skills (which stands to reason) but I struggle to hammer a nail in so I'm a bit unsure as to whether I'd be capable.
  19. We played the Kaiser Chief's 'Ruby' for the first time at the weekend. My god they went for it! We thought it would be popular but were surprised at just how much people loved it. Might save it for the encore next time.
  20. Can I have Finn's new Ibanez Axestar please? I don't know why I like this so much, but I do! Why is it that all the basses I like are mid-80s?
  21. Played 2 hours in a small 'non-music' pub stood right next to an open fire! Fortunately it had pretty much died down by the second set. We played well to a completely silent bunch of locals (one old dear had her fingers in her ears whilst making a face like she was sucking a lemon). Only when we were packing up did people start to come over and tell us how much they'd enjoyed it.
  22. [quote name='finnbass' post='139085' date='Feb 12 2008, 08:58 PM']Sold! To the headed weirdo I'd like to say you led me to it Jon, but I spotted the relisted, reduced-in-price auction and then headed over here to see if it was on your list of JapCrap [/quote] I was seriously considering a bid on that and wondered if finn17 was you. In fact the only thing that stopped me bidding was the minor detail that the auction had closed the day before! Looks fantastic - hope it plays that way too. If you ever get bored of it give me a shout.
  23. [quote name='Ghost Rider' post='139930' date='Feb 13 2008, 10:46 PM']Hello fellow bass players, I may have chance to get an acoustic bass & I am pretty new to bass playing so does anyone know anything about the Ibanez AGB140 semi acoustic. I have read a few reviews but wondered if anyone out there had one & could give an honest opinion of what it is like to play & how well made they are. I am looking for an acoustic to keep handy around the house. The chap selling it wants £180 which I thought was a bit steep as you can get a new one for £235 but it does come with a hard case. Any help would be greatly appreciated.[/quote] I don't know that model but it does sound steep in terms of new/used price ratio. You could probably find better value elsewhere. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-AEB10E-Electric-Acoustic-Bass_W0QQitemZ220199278987QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]This Ibanez AEB10E [/url]went for £100 which seems more like it. Also, if you want it to have handy around the house then the hardcase is not much of a selling point is it?
  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='139935' date='Feb 13 2008, 10:53 PM']I think there is a Bass Collection for sale on these very pages. They dont come much lighter than that.[/quote] and this is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13230&st=0&p=137923&#entry137923"]the link[/url] We had a thread on the lightest basses back in the bassworld days and this one came out the lightest (joint first with a [url="http://www.westone.info/railbass.html"]Westone Rail Bass [/url]actually) at just 3.1kgs (7lbs if you prefer).
  25. This is silly money. Somebody buy this bass before he comes to his senses...
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