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Everything posted by elom

  1. [quote name='chardbass' post='112284' date='Jan 2 2008, 01:49 PM']Thanks to my place of work (big holiday/entertainment resort in Somerset, begins with B, and isn't Pontins ) I played about 280 nights, 2 sets average. Stamina is good, reading is good, wrists and technique not so good [/quote] Blimey that's a lot of gigs. If you want to see really bad technique though, just pop along to the Phoenix next week! (assuming you are in Chard that is) Oh and to add to the OP, I played 12 gigs last year (all in the last 6 months). Should be on for about 30/40 in 2008.
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  3. I have Mavis Cudicini, my kit-build P Bass copy. When I told the rest of the band that I was building it I was asked if I was going to give it a name and I said "Oh I don't really know" which sent them off into assorted Les Dennis as Mavis Riley impersonations. So it became Mavis. Mavis is my backup bass so she comes along to all the gigs but never gets played, hence the acquisition of the Cudicini surname. It has also been suggested that one of my other basses should be called 'Michelle MacManus' but the reasons for that cannot be disclosed on a family forum!
  4. [quote name='finnbass' post='111206' date='Dec 30 2007, 10:34 PM']If you have no previous experience, you might want to consider starting off with a kit like this: For £70, you can't go too far wrong. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/layla_bassguitar_kit_pstyle.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/layla_bassguitar_kit_pstyle.htm[/url][/quote] I did that and made 'Mavis Cudicini', my surprisingly playable backup bass. Well worth the effort and a valuable learning exercise.
  5. What Ric have done is not exactly subtle is it? Yet, it's just business. If the demand massively exceeds supply then they can make more money by charging more and that ultimately is the job of any commercial enterprise, not making guitars but making money. Does this now make them overpriced? In my opinion yes but there are plenty of people who will still want one at this price. Whilst they continue to sell everything that they produce I doubt that our protestations will have much impact.
  6. 1985 Doesn't get much more 80s than this! [attachment=4236:full.jpg]
  7. [quote name='Boy Thunder' post='106286' date='Dec 19 2007, 12:28 AM']That's why I sold the III... lol Back orf.... [/quote] I've had that on my watch list for a few days... You're safe though, spent all my money!
  8. When I got my combo (Ashdown MAGC210) out of the boot after a gig a couple of weeks ago I noticed that one of the control knobs had disappeared. Bummer. I emailed Ashdown to find out where I might be able to get a replacement from and they just said no worries, we'll put one in the post. And they did, at no cost and now my amp looks like it should again. That might not be much and it probably only cost them 50p but it is the kind of thing that counts in my book. So fair play to them, a little customer service goes a long way!
  9. Let's face it, we are in desperate need of another bassbash so that we can try out all these wonderful instruments in one place!
  10. [i]"If I can dream it, Jim can make it"[/i] Did you really say that?
  11. [quote name='pnefc42' post='100772' date='Dec 7 2007, 11:18 AM']+1 for Mansons - Adrian is a top bloke and will go out of his way to try and accomodate - I've dealt with him for a good few years now and it's exactly the reason that I keep going back - shame places (and more specifically people) like this are the exception rather than the rule Cheers Dave[/quote] Couldn't agree more. Fantastic shop that actually values the customer.
  12. My original idea at the start was that when you'd finished you would post that it was available and the first PM you got in response to that would secure it. The list seems to have a got a bit tricky to manage so you may want to think of that as an option. Really gratifying to see that the book is still in circulation and going well. If I'd thought early on I would have suggested that we each inscribe it! elom
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='102394' date='Dec 10 2007, 09:15 PM']Nope! I have friends - but mainly they're not musos. I know musos - but mainly they're acquaintances rather than friends. Another thread on Basschat led me to [url="http://www.formingbands.co.uk/site/index.php"]http://www.formingbands.co.uk/site/index.php[/url][/quote] +1 for formingbands.co.uk that's how our band got together. Knowing my limitations as a new/returning musician I found it easier to start one up myself rather than join an established band looking for a bassist.
  14. [quote name='wmsheep' post='101516' date='Dec 8 2007, 09:52 PM']Doodlette??[/quote] That sounds like it should be a feminine hygiene product!
  15. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='99959' date='Dec 6 2007, 02:17 AM']I'd be in. But how about this..... Just post what would be your CD track listing (as if you'd burnt it - consider it a virtual CD). Then....if someone chooses to go off and find those tracks either legally or illegally....then Basschat seriously can't be held responsible can they?[/quote] Nice compromise. I'll give it a go.
  16. [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='98383' date='Dec 3 2007, 08:07 PM']depends really, what genre you playing with your band?[/quote] rock/indie covers - mainly modern with a few oldies. sorry for diverting the thread - terrible manners me...
  17. An odd one last night. It had been the town carnival that afternoon which finished at the other end of town and the pub was deserted. I was just waiting for the tumbleweed to starting blowing across. At one point we were down to just 6 punters (and one of those had passed out!) It's hard to rock-out to an empty room and the sound of 2 people clapping is almost embarrassing. Still we put in a bit of effort and the lucky few enjoyed themselves. The landlady apologised for the lack of punters, said how much she appreciated the fact that we still put on a show and booked us up for next year. So all in all an odd night, but a good one.
  18. We've got a gig in St Ives next July and will be looking for another venue or two down in Kernow whilst we're there. Any recommendations (or ones to avoid)?
  19. Just bought a beautiful Manson Kestrel off him. Really helpful, lots of info, extra pics taken. Cup of tea offered too. He's basically a very nice chap who knows his onions too! elom
  20. [quote name='obbm' post='95902' date='Nov 28 2007, 11:47 PM']First bass I ever played was one I made in 1961. It was the shape of a Fender Precision, which was copied from the sleeve of the Shadows first album. It had shop bought tuners, bridge and strings but used the earpieces from a WW2 German flying helmet as the pickups..[/quote] Nobody can possibly compete with that OBBM! For the record mine was a Westone Thunder 2 (Version 3 - Westone nerds will appreciate the difference) in onyx. Sold it when I was 20 to get the cash to take a girl on holiday. Still got the girl, wish I still had the bass...
  21. Interesting how the responses seem to gravitate towards 1 hour and more than 2 hours. I suppose that makes sense though, some people will have a limit and others wont. For us (pub covers band) we have one minimum fee within Devon and a slightly higher minimum fee outside Devon. The question is how far we would go for that fee. At the moment we have a 1 hour limit. I could get more gigs if I could push that limit but a couple of the guys are reluctant and I suppose we are reasonably busy as it is anyway.
  22. In my band we've been debating how far we would be prepared to travel for gigs. I guess that if you are promoting original material you would be prepared to travel further but for a covers gig, how far would you go? I'm just curious really. Each way, measured in time.
  23. +1 for Bass Collection. Small, really light and a damn fine bass too.
  24. I know that this is not the build thread, but could you cobble up a side-by-side before and after pic please...
  25. Don't be afraid to bargain hard and remember they [i]have[/i] to sell this bass, you don't have to buy it. That puts you in the driving seat. If you are prepared to walk away then you are more likely to secure a better deal. By pricing it at £1150 they are inviting bids of £1000, which they will accept after a nominal struggle. You need to start your negotiations well below this level if you want to end up in the right sort of ballpark. You also have the trussrod for leverage (excuse pun) so use it. Lots of people are embarrassed to haggle for fear of looking stupid but I reckon it's worth it to potentially save hundreds of pounds. Hell, I look stupid most of the time for free! best of luck, elom
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