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Everything posted by fender73

  1. Technically it's not an NBD then? :-) How about Candy Apple Red?
  2. [quote name='Vib' timestamp='1317298352' post='1389170'] if this was a 4 strings... [/quote] You could take two off?
  3. Lee Pomeroy - Rick Wakeman/It Bites and more recently Take That - cracking player
  4. Interested - are you able to post? Any idea on the string spacing? Thanks dude Graeme
  5. Mobile phone charger - something i always forget!
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1317215187' post='1388163'] Better not take All Bran if you're taking Immodium. Bit like pressing the brake and accelerator at the same time.[/quote]
  7. Thanks mate. looks a nice bass - i'm looking for a cheap 5'er to experiment with so this may fit the bill. All the hardware etc ok? I'm a zingy string man - will it need restringing/setting up? Is the bass active? Cheers Graeme
  8. 2 basses for me - my Mk1 Kingbass and a MIJ 62 reissue Jazz with Bartolini pickups. Both great basses. Sold the Jazz when i was playing more 6 string guitar, and sold the KB as it needed constanty tweaking to get a decent sound, that said, it played like a dream and build quality was awesome.
  9. Hi mate - What's the string spacing on the Schecter please? How is it for fretwear etc? Thanks mate Graeme
  10. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/151926-willows-spunky/page__hl__spunky__fromsearch__1
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1317035282' post='1385634']Anyone can play loud, playing quietly and still getting the feel across is what seperates the men from the boys.[/quote] BINGO! Lets face it, who HASN'T been asked to turn down (if you haven;t, you're not trying hard enough . icastle is spot on with his above statement.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1316938048' post='1384460'] All done! Turns out it was two songs for a DVD soundtrack. That's all I know at the moment. For speed I just DI'd my P into the desk, and let the plugins do the work. Joe's vocal isn't on there yet, but the tracks are sounding good so far... I'm looking forward to hearing the finished things. [/quote] Awesome mate, let us know what they sound like
  13. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1316892260' post='1384216'] Even at dealer prices they will be cheap and nasty.. You are talking cheap Chinese import cheap. Which will be dead again in no time and back to square one. [/quote] # Hopefully in that time, they will have sold the bass... :-)
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1316890332' post='1384186'] I never use roundwounds so I virtually never get to try a bass with the kind of strings I want on it (the last time that did happen it was a custom shop Pino Palladino Precision and I couldn't afford it) and for me six months is just about right for the strings to be starting to be broken in a little. [/quote] That's where you and i greatly differ then mate. i'm a zingy string roundwound kinda bloke. As for the same strings for 6 months - more like new set every 2 gigs for me. Each to there own, we're all different
  15. Dealer price for cheap brands - or go to thomann! :-)
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1316888725' post='1384147'] If we're expecting shops to always have fresh strings on basses (or guitars) then even more of them are going to close down because they can't make a profit. It's more reasonable to hope for the bass to be set up but even then one person's good set-up is another person's not good set up. I've never bought a bass without needing to restring it to my liking and set it up to my liking. [/quote] Agree, but it depends how long the gear has been in stock - if it's been in for 6 months, been tried lots of times and not sold - is it not reasonable to spend £4/£5 on a set of strings that may last another 6 months to help sell the bass? Maybe i expect too much?
  17. agree about the cost of strings for dealers, but why not get hold of some really cheap ones, and at least check the basses once every few weeks...if they're dull, change 'em - obviously not a problem for new in stock basses, just the harder to sell.
  18. ...and do you know what was consistant about all of them? dull strings and bad setups. I went to 4 local shops today, with cash to spend, but didn't try one bass that had decent strings or any where near a decent all round set-up. Now i know setups are a personal thing, but some had true egg slicer actions and far too much relief in the necks - the Cort was almost unplayable. When i asked about money off, i was told that 'It's already on a deal'....NO SALE. To me, buying a bass with dull strings and a bad setup is like buying a car with flat tyres, Yes it will still drive, but not very well and will not show the car off to its best. Oh well....
  19. Some incredible playing their mate - a little too long to sit and watch for me if i'm honest, but some really great touches in there. You is what they call like 'well talented'....innit Graeme
  20. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1316863822' post='1383773'] I have only recently converted to bass-related hat wearing - both my playing and attention from da laydeez has improved dramatically. I fully support the bassists in hats theorem and shall not perform hatless ever again. Except when it's really hot, obviously. [/quote] Amen!
  21. I'm all over Janek G's live tone at the moment [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-W_f6KWHWA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-W_f6KWHWA[/url]
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