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Everything posted by fender73

  1. I love the fact that he seems to talk so seriously after his 'spirited' performance. He should form a band with Kenny G and Brain May, they could discuss hair treatments. Good find Chris
  2. [quote name='dc2009' timestamp='1316773482' post='1382601'] Sorry, hadn't deliberately not quoted you, was just having a slow browser day, so didn't click back to do so. Honestly, as good as the basses are I wouldn't buy a Korean Warwick at that price, mainly because when I buy a bass I have to consider it's depreciation. I think a second hand german warwick bought at that price today will increase in value over the next few years, whilst the Korean equivalent will only depreciate. I would always rather buy second hand and not face a painful hit when I come to sell, than buy new and realise the bass has bled me of money all the while I've had it. Given the prices are similar, and IMO the German ones are better (woods and electronics in this case - $$ not normal corvette), I would always go for the second hand german one over the new korean one. I'm no anti-Korean basses snob, you'll notice 3/4 basses listed in my sig are Korean, with one German bass in there.[/quote] Did you say 'Warwick' and 'appreciate in value' in the same post :-) I absolutely agree about thinking of a basses value when i buy it, and maybe i'm off topic here, but i don't think my Korean bass will devalue to a point that i'll be annoyed. Anyway, it's Friday, so lets all have a happy bass weekend Graeme ps..DC2009 - Your new Corvette is a stunner mate
  3. [quote name='dc2009' timestamp='1316709796' post='1381824'] I know one guy alluded to the Warwick snobbery that goes on on the forum. I don't think there is much of that at all. I'd gladly have a Rockbass model Warwick, IMO they are very solid instruments, but only at the right price! For me, given the price of second hand german made ones, the right price for a rockbass model is very low indeed. [/quote] That one guy is me, and this is exactly my point... you said it yourself..second hand GERMAN ones...am i misisng something, was my KOREAN Warwick not a good purchase at £450? I've now had the opportunity to A/B it with a GERMAN corvette...same spec.....guess what...no difference. All i'm saying is, don't discount a second hand KOREAN Warwick. I'm off for a lie down. Sorry for the rant.
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1316705271' post='1381742'] The true mark of the bass player is a shiny, bald/shaven dome. [/quote] Also troe...Tony Levin......erm.....Bloke who plays for Jools......erm.......
  5. Man up fella - heavy gear = good gear :-)
  6. I've often looked at the Birdsong basses on the web - only shorter scale bass i've owned was a 32" (Status KB). I like the idea of a 33", reckon it would suit me down to the ground. Drop tuning will make things go a bit floppy (!) i reckon, but again, can be tweaked to adress some of this. My advice - Go for it Graeme
  7. best get a price on there soon mate, rulez is rulez.
  8. I'm down to two now, just done a herd thinning exercise. Looking to get a 5'er and keep things basic for a while. I make it a policy only to buy basses that i can gig
  9. The Space In Between by Janek G, Return of the Space Cowboy by Jamiroquai and the new Dream Theater album.
  10. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1316635180' post='1380821'] Like this? [/quote]Yep - EXACTLY like that Next gig i do, i'm wearing a hat!
  11. Going to give this a try myself, inspired by some YouTube stuff by Janek G
  12. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1316634393' post='1380799'] You've cracked a hat? Was your head in it ? [/quote] thanks for your concern dude, i'm safe and well :-)
  13. Hats...it's all about hats..... Bass players need hats....think about it.....Janek G, Marcus M, Bootsy etc If you want to get ahead, get a hat That is all....and no I haven't been drinking
  14. this goes back i guess to the old 'try loads of basses, buy the one you like' I get fed up with alot of the forum snobbery about the whole warwick issue quite frankly. Take your point about the new prices though, although i still like the 'cheap' P-nut signature bass.
  15. Nothing wrong with the Korean Corvettes - my recently purchased Bubinga 4 string is testament to that - great build quality, sounds amazing, same hardware as the German ones - and i paid a shade over £400 (it's 2 years old and mint) Don't let the Korean element put you off - from my (admittedly limited) experience - they're great. Graeme
  16. Loving the 5 string singlecut elite currently for sale on the Shuker site - beautiful bass.
  17. I'd love to be able to play too much like Jaco.
  18. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1316565962' post='1379867'] Indeed. Perhaps why it's a struggle to find a 'great' sounding mainstream record from the past decade, sound quality is just not a concern there anymore! [/quote] Don't agree with this - Anything Pino has been on has sounded great. Not everybody wants the hifi tones of boutique basses, they don't suit all types of music.
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1316562497' post='1379851'] Thats not doing it for me. Maybe it's the chrome hardware? Surely the biggest gaffe on any bass with a natural finish! But it sounds just like a typical 'jazz on steroids' affair, and I expect something more exquisite from a boutique bass like that. [/quote] Sorry it's not doing it for you - i like it.
  20. Let me look into it mate tomorrow cheers Graeme
  21. Hello mate, i'd be all over this if you could post it Graeme
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