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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. A new, unopened set of DR DDT-55 strings. Bought from Bass Direct a few months ago, now surplus to requirements. £22 posted.
  2. Allparts (licenced by Fender) unlined Fretless Precision neck with super lightweight premium quality Gotoh Res-o-lite GB640 tuners. Little use, this neck is rock-solid, straight and plays beautifully. There are some visible string marks from roundwounds but they don't affect the playability or tone at all. The thick ebony fingerboard is more than up to the job! The back of the maple neck is unblemished and feels amazing. Couple of marks at the end of the headstock but couldn't get them to show on a photo. Edit: £210 posted.
  3. The Spector is the "better" bass hands down. A Ric 4003s would be harder to walk past without picking up for a tinkle.
  4. Morrissey - Low in High School. It's one of the best he's ever made.
  5. Age doesn't matter, only personal health dictates this - use it or lose it. Make hay my friend..
  6. Thanks Blue I enjoyed that. The main thing I learnt from it was that I'm now glad I didn't make it. I really don't belong in that world. Massive props to those who dived in and managed to swim.
  7. After owning a couple of 5 strings I now only own a 4 string P, tuned B E A D. Now I use the whole fingerboard and find those five lower notes gained waaay more useful than the five highest notes lost.
  8. Had the same issue last rehearsal with a new combo. Solved it by switching the tweeter completely off.
  9. The black Ricky is in the Burning Wheel vid - Vanishing Point era:
  10. That sounds amazing Blue, well done you! Out of interest, what does your diet consist of? Whatever it is it seems to be working. I'll have some of what you're having!
  11. I'd work weddings every weekend if I could. Best money I've earnt as a musician and always a good laugh if you have the right bandmates.
  12. Nice one Blue I enjoyed that. Not seen that footage before. Talking about being there.. I wasn't, but in July 1962 when The Beatles played the Regent Dansette in Rhyl, North Wales, Pete Best was, shall we say, a bit out of order with an amorous advance on my mum as they were loading out after the show. My mum actually put her stiletto heel through his bass drum as she told him to .... Off! A couple of weeks later Ringo replaced Best. There are actually living witnesses to this story as I heard about it from one of my mum's friends first. Quite a legend my ma.
  13. Tort with maple fingerboards = NO (unless it's a natural finish body) Tort on black bodies = No Parchment (cream) looks best to me. Sets off the black nicely and is in harmony with the maple. Looks classy.
  14. Ta-da! http://www.richtonemusic.co.uk/products/fender_50s_precision_bass_maple_fretboard_2-color_sunburst.asp?gclid=CjwKCAjw7MDPBRAFEiwAppdF9CndBCmCFfYuj4WQSQGQX_Gm4Z6XmvjV86FTB2IAm0AhhpHmMFnp-hoCELIQAvD_BwE
  15. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1508154129' post='3390065'] Lol [/quote] + A million
  16. I hear it but it sounds good to me. "If the sh!t fits, wear it."
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1507706663' post='3387297'] I remember seeing him for the first tine on a US variety show in 1965. His performance hit me as hard as when I first saw The Beatles perform. Blue *Probably saw Janes Brown live a dozen times. [/quote] I managed to see him just a couple of years before he passed supporting Red Hot Chili Peppers. That was a very good day
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1507575709' post='3386486'] I watched it last night. I thought it was incredible. What a story! Unfortunately I think the doc will resonate more with those of us that grew up with Brown and watched his career and music evolve in real time. Was it me or did you think most of the musicians besdes Bootsy didn't have many kind words about Brown? I saw a lot if live footage I'd never seen before, fantastic! Blue [/quote] Incredible is the right word Blue. I didn't actually 'discover' James Brown until the 80's (born in '72) which was when I started searching for the records all my Hip Hop heroes were sampling so I didn't experience his socio-political importance in real time. Mr. Dynamite just changed all that! I've always heard of his almost tyrannical control of his band and business so that was no surprise, but understanding now what kind of life he was born into and that he had been fighting for his since birth finally explains it all for me. It does seem everyone who played for him is still spun out by him, feeling both truly thankful and resentment in equal measures. It must have been mind-blowing to be there. In the eye of the storm..
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