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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Oh absolutely! I mean it's not like any of this is by choice after all. Some songs work for us and some just turn us off with no rhyme or reason. I do have a soft spot for Ferry Cross The Mersey though too πŸ™‚ I also really like Reef and Amy Winehouse, unlike others here πŸ˜„πŸ€·
  2. Wichita Lineman. It's a highly rated song apparently but it completely turns me off. As I do my radio if I hear it starting.
  3. I used to when I owned a Stingray. Sounded sweet once I removed the treble that could chip teeth.
  4. A very good night's sleep the night before is all I need these days. Same goes for everyday actually πŸ˜„
  5. Such a great player, educator, and lovely man. What a contribution he made. Farewell and thank you MoπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  6. I think the buyer only scammed himself by dreaming bigger than he could afford...
  7. QOTSA's mix was perfect too. Mickey Shoes' bass sound was fabulous throughout.
  8. I had some a long time ago. I wired the neck pickup in series to get as close to a P as possible, wired the bridge pickup in parallel for a humfree J. Looked like a Jazz but sounded like a P/J pretty much. Sounded awesome through an old valve Ampeg rig. I lowered the neck pickup down a bit further than a regular J pickup that, because they're so powerful, you have even more tones to play with by experimenting with their height. Easy to find your own personal sweet spot though. Highly recommended and everyone should give them a go at least once imho... A good idea that I never tried would be to get push/pull pots on both volumes for series/parallel on each volume pot. A 0.022k cap works best if my memory is correct. Hit up basschatter Ki0gon for a ready to go wiring loom in said configuration to make life easy! Hope this helps.
  9. Yes, and Frank speaks wise words. The fretless tone is mesmerising and to me It's easier to express/entertain yourself with far less work, rather than fishing around for extra notes on a fretted to keep it interesting. Depends on the situation of course but generally this.
  10. QOTSA, Cardiff Castle next Friday. Can't frickin wait!
  11. Looks amazing and bonkers! How does it help with the wrist strain? Sorry if it's obvious but my eyes are straining trying to work it out πŸ˜„
  12. That's a fantastic score! Congrats! πŸ‘
  13. Are we talking about Only Fools and Horses here?
  14. Me! Oh, I thought you meant none hit wonder...
  15. I like this decade best because I can listen to anything easily.
  16. My son named my Yammy BB Tony, because he's the same colours as Iron Man.
  17. White. My own fave to go with CAR is mint though. Nice bass!
  18. This hit me so hard. My post from Instagram yesterday...
  19. That's an incredibly light weight for a Stingray! 😲 In my favourite colour too. If only... Someone is going to be very happy. GLWTS πŸ‘Œ
  20. I'm 51, been playing since I was 19. Although I haven't played in a gigging band since 2011 (dad duties) I'm definitely the best I've ever been right now. Sometimes I go weeks without playing, but I never stop thinking about it, listening and learning and my touch has lightened so I don't feel that rusty when I do get stuck in again. I really should start doing yoga again though to get the rust of the rest of me πŸ˜„
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