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Everything posted by nightsun

  1. God damn, I hadn't noticed that. Well spotted.....life as a lysdexic is a bugger
  2. In gimp to get one image onto another image do the following: Open image A and copy In image B paste as a layer this will then paste A on top of B, you can then manoeuvre A to it's final position. This video explains the principle:
  3. I can also heartily recommend Gimp, I've been using it for years for design work. Much cheaper than Photoshop as well ;-)
  4. Now I face a dilemna.......I want to like this post, but am unsure if I should
  5. I'll like yours if you like mine...... I see a black market forming
  6. If you find the sidebar as issue, and you use chrome, then you can add the plugin 'CSS and Javascript Injection' When on the site activate the plugin and add: #ipsLayout_sidebar.ipsLayout_sidebarright, html[dir="rtl"] #ipsLayout_sidebar.ipsLayout_sidebarleft { padding-left: 20px; display: none; } to the CSS tab (in image below. Now everytime you visiti the site the main body will be full width and the sidebar will not be displayed.
  7. The age old problem is that these things are subjective. Also change is hard, change management is even harder. My subjective opinion is that the design is cleaner, clearer and easier to read
  8. Yep, looks the nuts, well done to all involved. I know exactly how bottom clenching a system migration can be!
  9. My MK500 head (http://ashdownmusic.com/products/1/Bass-Amp/18/Legacy/89/MK500/) I still cry at night over that one.
  10. Yep, First 'Halloween' gig for me for a few years on Saturday night, apparently it's a fancy dress thing. The No1 music pub in a local city, so should be interesting.
  11. Much the same, playing with a pick just feels so alien. I've tried, but I've never been able to attain the same speed as I can with my fingers. Maybe it the old adage "Practice more you numpty"
  12. Started with a standard P, moved onto a P/J and now pretty much play exclusive J. I can't tell you what it is about the J I love (so I'm pretty useless to this tread). I played my P/J for years, my go to, number 1 bass. Then the good lady her indoors bought me a Flea Jazz (after I'd played one and told her how nice it was). I was thinking it would be a nice spare, maybe use it for a couple of numbers, but used it the night I received it and have never looked back. I feel a bit sorry for the old Number 1 (as sorry as you can feel for a lump of wood and wire), but I'd never get rid of her.
  13. I'll chuck my web business in the hat as well (I wasn't going to tout on here, but hey go with the flow). 'Tis what I do, so if you need any advice, help, design, building etc give me a PM. Always happy to help.
  14. Not sure what options WIx has to be honest, I've never used it but I've seen some half decent sites built with it. Personally I use WordPress as a base for all my sites, find a free template that half way close to what I need and then customise to taste. The benefit of WordPress is the number of plugins available (additional pieces of code to perform a particular task), of which Gigpress and Events made Easy are examples. You can make a WordPress site as easy or complex as you wish.
  15. Gigpress is great. I've used it on many sites, if you need any pointers on formatting give me a shout. I've gone over to Events made Easy for WordPress based events lists. It can sync with Facebook events, so if you add your events to a band Facebook page you can pull all the data back to WordPress (saves on double entry for us lazy people). Again, if you need any info give me a poke.
  16. Yep. had a gig like that...everyone was out in the garden (which was on the other side of the pub so no chance of hearing us)...ended up playing to the bar staff as a dog. We carried on regardless....
  17. Had my Hotrod signed by Jack Bruce....errr that's about it
  18. I've never been comfortable with a pick, never been able to get the same speed as I can with just my fingers. As for tone, no one has ever complained and with the right fingering (oo-err) you can getting a picky sound anyway. Go with whatever is comfortable for you, if you want to put the time in to learning then do so, but it's not the be all and end all
  19. Had my surf green out at rehearsal last week (first time out of the case for over a year), forgotten how nice it is to play and damn is it a growler. Think I may pop some new strings on and take it out for a gig.
  20. Already given this a big up on FB, but I'll do the same here. Fantastic bass this, grab it while you can.
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