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Everything posted by Mylkinut

  1. [quote name='Jerry_B' timestamp='1330681554' post='1561352'] I like the Fender 'Original' pickups. If you're worried about breaking the internals up, take out the whole lot (for now) and get a wiring harness from KiOgon. This give you the option of keeping the original electrics and connections intact and untouched, whilst also giving you an easy way to swap in new pups. [/quote] Personally changing pickups wouldn't bother me at all, but if you [i]are[/i] bothered this is a +1 I've got Seymour Duncan SPB-2s, lovely middle ground between vintage and QDs with plenty of output.
  2. Quite like that. I'd rather build a Warmouth look-a-likey though.
  3. Bought myself an amp on here and I sold my old Stingray. both very pleasant. I've listed plenty of other stuff but it always ends up on ebay after a while. I've got plenty of stuff I want so maybe I'll have a go at trading next time. I don't mind dealing on eBay but rarely do I buy anything directly off it. My last buy was listed on there with no bids, so I approached the seller by email and negotiated an awesome price. Mine now The Ric and the Hartke both came from Gumtree, never a bad experience there either.
  4. I've been after a black or white PM4 for ages now, this isn't helping
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1330290984' post='1555368'] Too right... each to his own and all that, but how can you say a 56 P-Bass is ugly when you play a Status Kingbass Artist, a foul instrument which is quite rightly criticised in bass playing society for resembling an unholy union between a shovel and a diseased banjo with rickets? [/quote]
  6. I do own one, but if I'm honest it's only because the bass the low B's attached to is really nice. Do sometimes wish it was a 4 though
  7. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1330214262' post='1554305'] This is a great description of what I love about a good Rick. People often get wrapped up in the clank and completely miss that singing upper register stuff (see the Jon Camp clip I posted). Nothing does that like a Rick IMO, and as further evidenced by the same clip, it's the contrast of those singing, bell-like upper register tones with the aggressive, snarly lower register tones that really does it for me. [/quote] Very true - those higher tones are what sold me on my Ric having never played one before. I'm one of those players where there really isn't a 'dusty end', so I'm chuffed.
  8. [quote name='tografox' timestamp='1330220040' post='1554364'] Ric - 50s design, thin pickups, rubbish tone with fingers (OKish with a pic) - Chris Squires - Precision for recording. Bruce Foxton - Precision because Rics impossible to keep in tune - look great/sound crap. Great look, great style - but if you want to play bass then stick with a P/'Ray!!! Every bass player dreams of a Ric - and every bass player goes back to a P after playing one!! Nuf said. [/quote] 'Nuf said' indeed I own a couple of Ps and a Ric - very different but both great. If I were to sell one it'd be the Ric only because I'm less attached to it. You really have to try one (or a dozen) to see if they're for you, but don't worry too much about how 'different' it feels from what you're used to. If you like it, then there's no problem. BTW, I'd offer mine up to try but it's in need of a set up and it's a few counties over
  9. 2 x MIA P, but I've got a Jazz project in the works
  10. If you go down the mass-produced route, a Sandberg JM4 might be a better bet than the Fender - Jazz looks but with a J/MM pickup arrangement. It'd cover the 'Ray a bit better at least. Easily bought second hand for less than £750.
  11. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1329340270' post='1541044'] why? .. they look pretty cool but they get in the way. I played with one for years in my early 20's .. the more I played my bass I realised that it was getting in the way. I might still have it as well as my bridge cover if you were interested, let me try and find it first though. [/quote] I have them on mine as a shiny thumbrest, it sets my hand just over the 'MM' position which is where I'm most comfortable. I also have the 70s-style thumbrest for when I fancy a change. Whatever tickles your pickle I guess.
  12. Wikipedia says they started that in the 90s... but this Jazz clearly proves otherwise.
  13. Except it totally isn't [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Deluxe-V-Body-/160735388428?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item256c93630c"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item256c93630c[/url]
  14. Playability, closely followed by sound. Looks do come into it - anything with enough white and chrome to give me a rock on will usually do the trick.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1329152505' post='1537961'] Class! And people moan about Poly! [/quote] Next time I head up into the loft I'll fetch it down and take a picture. It's honestly beyond ugly
  16. I sold my first 'proper' bass - Hohner Jack headless. Don't regret it at all. I've still got my first actual bass though. I think it was a Strat copy at some point, but someone shoved a new bridge and nut on it and turned it into the world's shortest short-scale bass. It's also been painted with Hammerite. It's the worst instrument ever created. I will never sell it.
  17. I was after a Sandberg PM4 for aaaages before settling on my Precision. The P was an utter bargain and it [i]is [/i]a great bass... but every time a PM4 comes up on here I think I might be missing out.
  18. Do Yamaha BBs do anything for you? I'd say that's damn scrummy.
  19. Does he have LEDs in his? ...could you make a light-show?
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