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Everything posted by mentalextra

  1. I think there are some guys on youtube that order and review instruments regularly. I 'm just off out but I will see if I can put up a link later
  2. I understand that he is a class act, and hugely popular with musos, and as much as I'm embarassed to admit it, I just don't like him. And what's worse, I don't really know why? I'm surrounded by people that preach the gospel, and have done for years. But there, I've said it so beat me up
  3. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1445893491' post='2895190'] You could try taking the neck off and clamping it as Dave has to here... [media]http://youtu.be/4KsY-aX-zzs[/media] [/quote] +1 For Dave! Love watching his vids
  4. Bad Manners, although I never actually intended too. I was at a local county show and there were various acts on stage, with Bad Manners being the headline. He was about 40mins late on stage but "threw a good show" even if its not my style of music, as a muso I enjoy most things. I was particularly interested in the audience demographic; not seen that many 50yr old guys in Doc Martins and green bomber jackets before
  5. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1446647062' post='2901091'] Also: Simple Minds were originally a punk band called Johnny and the Self-Abusers. [/quote] In their own words the Stranglers are/were not a punk band [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow8jRgC6TB8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow8jRgC6TB8[/url] 2:27 in Jet's own words
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1446630264' post='2900877'] Both bands were formed in the 70s and both enjoyed pop chart success during the 80s, so maybe not so strange... [/quote] That explains it
  7. Being advertised recently, I wouldn't have thought the audiences would be 'compatable'? Maybe I'm wrong?
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1443691622' post='2876873'] The seller is a liar and a swindler if he actually said how much he thought the amp was worth and then tried to sell it for more. However, if he just said how much he was prepared to pay for the amp and would try to recoup the difference when he sold it, it's a different matter. That, I think, is it in a nutshell. Because all trade is based on trust and if you abuse that trust and are not open, it's unlikely you will trade with that person again. I think if you take a car to a used car salesman, you know what the score is. When you make a 'private' sale on BC, it's a different matter. Maybe there should be something to differentiate between traders and private sellers. [/quote] +1 Surely you leave "the community" behind when you enter the For Sale section. Especially as sellers don't need to even be part of our community? I can't help being suspicious of ads from sellers with 0 posts? I understand that this may not be the case here , but just saying
  9. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUadYsfVPZk"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUadYsfVPZk[/url] This guys having fun with it
  10. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1442916886' post='2870430'] I'm amazed anyone uses his studio at all. One wrong comment and he'll lambast you on youtube. [/quote] Unless you stuff your huge bosom in a tiny leather top!
  11. I suppose if you were looking to promote your youtube channel, trolling on forums would be a good way to start?
  12. I'd like to see a photo. But, it is possible to 'clean' the velcro which can improve its ability to grip. It tends to get full of fluff and hair. Its also possible to buy velcro and perhaps you could replace the worn part but stitching a new part over the old?
  13. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1442592934' post='2868102'] I fast forwarded through it, I though Squeeze were brilliant. Wanted to watch R L Jones, but couldn't stomach it. [/quote] I like squeeze too. I'm all for seeing music on TV but at least with OGWT you didnt have to listen to the BS. Sadly, I find Jools a struggle to watch. All those chats with musos that are desperately trying to be 'cool' and cultured but are pretentious just make me cringe. And sorry but Danny Baker makes me vomit
  14. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1442320635' post='2866001'] CC operates on the basis that many don't know the right price of things. They target naïve buyers and often offer used musical kit (usually El Cheapo brands) at more than new retail cost. Caveat emptor and all that. [/quote] +1
  15. What is the criteria for describing yourself as 'pro' bass player? Does a 'pro' have to play more hours compared to a weekend warrior? I'm guessing that plenty of young guys have given up work to dedicate themselves to going pro and sitting at home with the [i]Wal[/i] waiting for the phone to ring
  16. Hey "blue"! Why not put up a video of your band playing a Beatles track for us to 'appreciate'! I'd love to hear the difference between the Beatles covers i've heard and a real expert!
  17. [quote name='MarkW' timestamp='1439754464' post='2845525'] So, as the title suggests, I am without doubt the least musically valued member of our band. They are a lovely bunch and we get on like a house on fire, but the innate assumption amongst all of them is that whilst keyboard, guitar and drums all require skill, anyone can play the bass. Now I don't really mind - not least because I know I'm nowt special - but it does make me laugh sometimes. Because I have a 4x4 and a trailer I hump most of our gear to and from gigs, and a few weeks ago I was described in all seriousness by our keyboard player as 'a roadie who plays a bit'. Charming! And tonight, when we're trying to sort a dep guitarist for an imminent gig, our singer said "if you'd learned the guitar instead of the bass we'd be fine, 'cos I could probably learn what you do in a fortnight'. Now this isn't a play for sympathy or moral support because I really couldn't give a toss (I taught myself Rhythm Stick to a gig-able standard, so I can't be completely useless) but it did get me thinking: I've read all the stuff about how important we are, and how good bass players are so much harder to come by than good guitarists, but is that really the case? The fact is that in a pubs & clubs covers band like mine pretty much any monkey could do just as good a job as me: there isn't exactly huge scope for wowing the punters with a flashy rendition of the two notes in 'Moves Like Jagger' is there? And even if I could play like Les Claypool or Marcus Miller, what exactly would I do with 'Summer of 69' or 'Country Roads' that I'm not doing now? So given the noddy-bass-line stuff we play, how would I ever look like anything other than a noddy? :-( [/quote] You'll be lucky to get any sympathy on here now you've admitted to driving a 4x4!
  18. Interesting that nobody has mentioned Elvis. He caused quite a stir at the time as I remember?
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1438006365' post='2830751'] Jazz? 1912-1960? So, about 48 years as a mass-market popular form. If rock were to have lasted as long as Jazz it should have dropped off the twig and gone minority interest in 1996. Some might say rock died in 1969; or 1977; or when Elvis went into the army. Who can really say? Either way, rock (as we know it) is pretty much dead and I'm only interested in what's going to come next, always provided us crinkly middle-aged men get the f**k out of the way of progress. [/quote] Young men don't "stick it to the man" with rock any more, they use youtube And I'm surprised nobody has challenged your comment on jazz dying in 1960, [i]Weather report [/i]would strongly disagree with you!
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1438002891' post='2830700'] ............. 'Rock' has lasted longer in the public than any other musical genre (save perhaps music hall / musical theatre 1840-1955). [/quote] What about Jazz?
  21. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1437985516' post='2830458'] Rock n roll is a rite of passage for teenagers/early twenty-somethings. A time for dancing, Sha**ing and getting off one's face with your mates who are just as free as you. There's plenty of young bands around having their rock and roll time. They just don't want to party with their dads. The only people who moan that RnR is dead now seems to be the older dad rockers. It might be dead for them.. [/quote] Older dad rockers like 'stones' and AC/DC So, who is rock and roll aimed at exactly, young or old. Bearing in mind the age of most of the great stadium bands still going. Interestingly, when you study live video's by these same stadium bands they obviously think that the demographic of fans is still in 20s age range? Whereas my old mum was probably throwing her knickiers at Mick Jagger in the 60s . Possibly The Stranglers have an strong honest following of guys in there 50s who think they are still 18
  22. Rockabilly has always had a pretty strong following
  23. Could you be more specific about 'the bits'? Thanks
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