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Everything posted by mentalextra

  1. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1474619442' post='3139221'] I don't think so! [/quote] If I remember correctly the original guy that set up the auction back in the day was a minor racing driver from the '50s. I've rambled enough on your thread. I wish you luck with the "open bass" thing, sounds fun
  2. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1474588247' post='3139117'] Yep, bloke who runs it lives down the road from us. Drives a big old Roller, doesn't drink in the same pub as me! [/quote] Does he play bass?
  3. We used to buy the ex-Police stuff. Drive them in convoy back to London. Early 90s I think. Happy days
  4. That brings back memories! Spend a lot of years driving cars back to London from there. Witney was a bit too posh for us lot
  5. "FinnDave" Is the car auction still in Witney?
  6. Sounds like fun. They really know how to let their hair down in Witney!
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1473682651' post='3132187'] Thank you! Thank you so much! I've been bombarded with people praising MK ever since I first got involved with this forum, and I never really got what the fuss was all about - tons of talent, but also tons of fx and basslines that only worked with a very idiosyncratic style of music. As regular gigger with pub rock bands, modern originals bands, blues bands, northern soul bands, etc. I could never see (hear) what it was that I could take from his playing. This track, on the other hand, oh yes - there are licks, riffs and note choices there that make MK sound like a regular bass player who just happens to be really, really good. Now that's something I can at least aspire to. [/quote] I'm a huge fan of MK and like many others, was inspired by his fretless work. But, I like this vid, not the usual from Mick, good to see him "rocking out" and "having fun"?
  8. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1472718973' post='3123536'] A while ago there was a thread about ideal cars for bass players. I mentioned that the Ford Ka seemed to have been designed on the basis of being able to get an Ampeg fridge in it. A few people expressed surprise that it was possible to get an Ampeg 8x10, two Acoustic amps, a guitar amp, a couple of basses and assorted other kit in such a small car. So here's the proof! [/quote] I understand there's a traffic policeman on this website, I wonder what he'd say about that!
  9. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1466680545' post='3077818'] That's because he wants to sell you what you need, not necessarily what you think you want. .....[/quote] The 'salesman's' always right!
  10. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1471964924' post='3117297'] [url="https://flic.kr/p/Ku4D4W"][/url] [/quote] Daily Mail?
  11. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1471347328' post='3112305'] What always surprises me about cover are of this calibre is that some people sat together in an office and said 'yep, that's it - that's definitely the cover we want for our new album' [/quote] Well I think it includes the classic cliche's for a rock album cover. The only thing missing is a Viking battle sword and a flaming motorbike!
  12. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1471277226' post='3111749'] I'd like to see our favourite Basschat/eBay 'luthier' have a go at improving that [/quote] Although, there is clearly room for 'improvement'?
  13. Is this one of those 'exotic' rare/obscure Amazonian woods that Wal charge a fortune for because only Indiana Jones can find it?
  14. Yes, my action is very low too. I've not checked my neck relief for a while and it appears to be just a hair, but after hearing everyone's comments I think I'll leave it alone.
  15. What should the neck relief be on my Fender jazz fretless. My usual 'go to' for setup advice, DavesWorldoffunstuff, doesn't appear to have a video of a fretless setup, or maybe I've just not been looking hard enough?
  16. You didn't need to write a book, you could have just turned it into an endless blog about your 'journey'?
  17. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1470428096' post='3105992'] . . . . . . . was able to beat a path through the bank's automated 'help' lines and eventually have a conversation with someone . . . . [/quote] The final part of the application process
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1470416770' post='3105902'] Lovely French villages, preferably without any French people in them. To paraphrase Bishop Heber: '[i]France; where every prospect pleases and only man is vile[/i]' [/quote]
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1470416342' post='3105898'] Quite so. But if interest rates go [i]up[/i] then everyone with a mortgage will be hoyed into penury, loans for business will become more expensive, the economy will collapse and we'll all be murdered in our beds. It's probably for the best if we don't have interest rates at all. [i](Sticks hands in pockets, awaits arrival of Dad3353 bearing proposals for 'villages')[/i] [/quote] Nice 'French' villages?
  20. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el3XNuBTy_Q[/media] RIP Mick
  21. Did they play "let there be rock"? If so, how was the bass?
  22. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1465112629' post='3065285'] Great show. And well done Midge for dissing the mediocrity of today's pop music. [/quote] I was pleasantly surprised by Midge, not what I was expecting. Nice touch giving them a van to drive around in
  23. A little more pontification. Ideally we'd all be a professionals, while we are aspiring to be professional we are amateurs. There are very few ways you can call someone an amateur without it sounding like an insult? Although I'm given to understand that muso's prefer to refer to non professionals as 'part timers', but that's another can of worms
  24. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1464945800' post='3063944'] Bargain! I work near that shop and have often walked past and avoided going in because I know that the price tags will make me laugh/cry/assault someone. They've also got a custom shop [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/FENDER-JACO-PASTOURIS-JAZZ-BASS-EX-PINO-PALLADINO-CUSTOM-SHOP-TRIBUTE-/391466045878?hash=item5b2531d1b6"]Jaco PASTOURIS bass[/url] that's also ex-Pino, a mere £4k! [/quote] A bit unprofessional to make a spelling mistake like that
  25. http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2015/uks-best-part-time-band Hopefully they are all on their journey to becoming 'pro'
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