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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. [quote name='Alien' post='777160' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:33 AM']The Coldamp is indeed what I used, and the amp module is very small, but the PSU that goes with it is twice the size of the amp. I reckon the Icepower modules might be the way to go, but I don't think they sell to the general public as yet. A[/quote] According to their website, BO won't sell the ICEpower units to the public. Pitty, although looking at the combined size of the coldamp amp and PSU modules they're not much bigger than the ICEpower module. This thread (and one over on TB) has me thinking about putting my own 1U amp together with a butchered sansamp VT bass as the preamp and the coldamp pack for the business end. Might just build the mini power amp (as you did Alien) to keep the preamp options open though!
  2. [quote name='dood' post='776819' date='Mar 16 2010, 11:42 PM']Try [url="http://www.hypex.nl/"]http://www.hypex.nl/[/url] and ...well I was going to say ColdAmp - but their website is down. But this page seems to load [url="https://www.coldamp.com/store/"]https://www.coldamp.com/store/[/url][/quote] ColdAmp is what Alien used for his little 400watt power amp isn't it? Cool! Might have to get me some of that!
  3. [quote name='throwoff' post='775949' date='Mar 16 2010, 08:28 AM']I have heard from an amp tech who claims the Benton one has stamped Epiphone parts inside![/quote] The PCB even says Epiphone on it, at least the one I have does... fantastic amp for the money - sounds great with a strat. Another bargain (even if it's not bass related).
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='775103' date='Mar 15 2010, 12:04 PM']The Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe is looking like a very good idea now![/quote] +1 to that! The least gear you can get away with in a covers band the better IMO. Use the PA, keep stage volume down (because punters will want to talk to you mid song and get annoyed when you don't listen/can't hear!), walk in and, more importantly, out at the end of the night with your 'rig' in one hand. Any ETA on the VT deluxe I wonder...
  5. Not a fan of them, but if they're your thing, the Musicman SUB has got to be pretty killer value s/h. Or the Cort/Elrick JP5 (£300 the last one here went for!). Or, my personal fave, the Warwick Corvette Std (especially early-mid 90's examples) - best £300 a bass player could spend IMO (maybe starting to rise a little now).
  6. [quote name='Basska' post='775918' date='Mar 16 2010, 05:47 AM']+1 on that statement being a total farce lol[/quote] -1. In my experience that's [u][b]exactly[/b][/u] what it's for! IMHO, YMMV, etc.
  7. I play 100s on my standard tuned basses (I've bounced back and forth between 100 and 105 for a few years now, mostly because I dig in too hard with my right hand fingers and the 105s can handle that a bit better, but as I've been working to fix my technique I've settled on 100s). My D tuned bass (DGCF as you're talking about) is loaded with 110s. Feels the same as 100s at standard to me.
  8. Really like that new Precision... having gone from no 'P love here' to owning 2 (one very high quality - the other not so much) in a short space of time, I can see a third on the horizon in this. With a little modding and mojoing (oh controversial!) this could make one seriously hot bass! The CV J is an outstanding feeling bass. Would own one of them too except I've got the whole rosewood boarded jazz thing sewn up with my Lakland.
  9. I left my cover band because: 1) the guitarist, although as sound as a pound, was crap and knew it, but didn't seem to want to do anything about it! 2) the singer was crap, but thought he was God's gift (and thought he could turn up late to gigs to avoid lugging equipment, 'cos rock stars don't do that sort of thing) 3) the drummer (and 'band leader') couldn't keep time all that well and wouldn't listen to anyone elses ideas about set content, dress, venues, money, etc (even thought he could choose which of my basses I would use - MISTAKE!). Any arguments involved his dummy being thrown out of his pram at extreme velocity... 4) I'm lazy/couldn't be bothered/missed having my Friday and Saturday nights free Really it was just 4. I could put up with 1, 2 and 3 - I've had plenty of practise over the years! Having said that I'd join another cover band today - [b]if it was the right one[/b]
  10. The size of the neck isn't related to the style of the bass at all I'm afraid so it would be too sweeping a generalisation to say 'check out jazz style 5 strings'. My first suggestion would have been a Stingray, but you've already tried that (I personally find stingray 5 string spacing too tight but have quite big hands). Is the neck on the 'ray too thick (deep) or too wide (therefore wider string spacing). You could try the Ibanez ATK305. These are an awesome range of basses for the money and, but for the string spacing, I would own one. The neck may be too chunky though. What about the Ibanez SR series? They're quite slim in the neck department and there's loads of choice at different price points. The best neck for small hands I've played is on the old Aria Magna series basses - my second bass was an MAB 20/5 and that has tight string spacing and a slim neck. They're not the highest spec'd basses around, but with a decent set of pickups, a brass nut and decent setup they're really good for the money! You could probably pick up the bass itself on ebay for under a ton.
  11. This: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78800"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78800[/url] or this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79721"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79721[/url] and this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79940"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79940[/url] or this [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79653"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=79653[/url] Should do your job.
  12. You know what they say... without pics it doesn't exist!
  13. ...what are you replacing this with btw?
  14. Agreed! Totally awesome! After looking at it in a state of undress (it, not me!) it only took me 5 minutes to fix that amp... wouldn't like to say what little was wrong with it. You might get annoyed! I've no need whatsoever for this amp, but it's just so cute and tiny! It's GAS is all...
  15. Taking a deep breath and stepping away from the keyboard... don't need it, just want it, don't need it, just want it...
  16. [quote name='throwoff' post='761517' date='Mar 2 2010, 09:05 AM']Am I the only person left who isn't a fan of TC?! Dont get me wrong; lightweight, tough, loud (much like my beloved markbass) but they just sound like a hifi to me :s[/quote] Funny I've heard similar things said about Markbass before As usual everything on here should be taken with a pinch of salt - try before you buy, IMHO, YMMV, etc, etc...
  17. Used is the way to go. You could buy a totally monstrous rig for £1k! You don't want to cart a monstrosity around (who does nowadays!) but what are your priorities? Size/weight/volume? Do you have transport or are you looking for a rig to cart around with you on the tube/bus? Easier to steer you on choices with this sort of info. You might consider this if buying new: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/TCE_Rigs.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...s/TCE_Rigs.html[/url] (Classic450 and 4x10 for £1099 - a little over budget but budgets are there to be bent a little!) I believe this exact rig was for sale here s/h for £900 last week.
  18. My 'collection' has got a little out of hand of late so I thought a quick quote would be a good idea. £118 seems pretty good to me considering I managed to max out the quote engine (max £10,000 cover)...
  19. [quote name='JMT3781' post='755529' date='Feb 23 2010, 09:23 PM']Thats just mean.. i'll give you lift.. might leave you at a service station on the way then get the cab for myself lol! was just looking at your 6x12, too big i think buddy, if you want to be rid of one of the aguilar cabs please gimme a shout, i'd even give you more than you paid on ebay, i just need a cab for the weekend lol[/quote] GS4x12 = 45"H x 23.25"W x 17"D Tech 6x12 = 43,3”H x 29”W x 16”D Not that much difference in size really!
  20. These are fantastic basses. I think I've said it on here before, but the last time I tried one in a shop (GuitarGuitar in Glasgow) I A/Bed it with a Stingray (2 stingrays actually) at 3 (or more likely 4) times the price. There was no comparison. The ATK blew the 'ray out of the water in every respect... The bridge is a pretty chunky afair, so you're unlikely to improve performance with an aftermarket upgrade. Live with it I'd say. It's not like you look at it much when you're playing it!
  21. I have the 4x12 version of this - it's a total beast so I don't know how you would decribe this!
  22. Beautiful... and I have a Bongo HH that I'm not using much at the minute too... Hmm...
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