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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. [quote name='acidbass' post='844448' date='May 21 2010, 06:03 PM']Hi Alex - I'd like to test the cab out too, if it wasn't too much bother to get it across the water to me in Northern Ireland. Postage shouldn't be that much more expensive depending on courier.[/quote] You're welcome to try mine Danny. And my Midget if you like? Let me know. Frank.
  2. I tried to buy this when it was last sold by Mike, I think? I saw it after the second post today and didn't bother because it looked like it was sold then. Better luck next time? Still, it was missing this one that led to me buying my '75 reissue jazz which I'm still loving so at least some good came of it. Good luck to the new owner. I hope you enjoy it. Frank.
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  4. [quote name='mart' post='830532' date='May 7 2010, 12:00 PM']Does this mod change the impedance of the cab at all? It seems to me that it might reduce the impedance, risking damage to the amp, but a multimeter will quickly tell you whether or not that's the case.[/quote] Multimeters aren't really the tool for a reliable measurement of impedance. I should think the speaker would be 8 ohms though and the amp can handle a 4 ohm load so all should be well. It's definately well worth checking carefully. Frank.
  5. I find my CMD121P a useful tool for rehearsals and gigs in small pubs. I do agree though, that the tweeter can sound a little harsh, especially if you drop in a little pop on the G string during a 99% finger style song. The harshness seems to jump out at you in contrast to the quite warm sound from the amp generally. Frank.
  6. I reckon any of the light weight amps will be fine. I use a Markbass LMII to great effect with my Compact. I would say that you should get in touch with Alex of Barefaced. His customer care is second to none and he has experience with all sorts of amps matched with Barefaced cabinets. Frank.
  7. Very glad to hear that news. I met him briefly once in Glasgow when we were exchanging a bass and hard cash. A nice guy. Frank
  8. It's on the Barefaced website now, including a picture. Frank.
  9. Thanks obbm for clearing up the 19 inch rack question. If I was buying again, I might be tempted by this new Super Twelve. I've had a Compact since last June and I've just taken delivery of a Midget. In truth, the Compact on its own would be more than enough for any gigs I'm likely to play. The Compact is so smooth and deep. It's a sound I really love. The Midget was bought because I have a bigger gig coming up and don't want to risk not having enough volume. Also, in discussing it with Alex, the Compact and Midget make a good three rig option. Midget for rehearsals and smaller gigs or where space is tight. Compact for most gigs. Compact with Midget on top for LOUD gigs. A very flexible setup. The Midget has only been tried in my front room. I's very loud and you can EQ in deep bass at surprising volume. I think I could gig with the Midget most of the time but the Compact gives a wider, fuller and more rounded tone to my cloth ears, which I prefer. (The sound, not the cloth ears.) The more I gig the Compact, the better it seems to sound. Eventually, I'll do a review of both cabs. Frank.
  10. [quote name='obbm' post='827105' date='May 4 2010, 08:59 AM']Performance aside, looking at the picture it would appear to have screw-on strap type handles. At that weight I would prefer something a bit more substantial and recessed as they will get knocked-off or ripped off very quickly. Also why do cabs have to be made narrower than a typical rack case or valve head? This would go well with an Orange AD200 but the head will overhang the cab by a couple of inches either side. Looks daft.[/quote] If it helps any, the handle on my (Older and heavier at 31lbs) Compact have suffered no problems in about 10 months of use. Isn't the width of the new 2 x 12 cab 19.5 inches and a standard rack is 19 inches? Doesn't this match perfectly? I'm asking this because I'm not sure. But since I use a LMII, mine fits fine on my Compact (also 19'5 inches wide) and will also be OK on my Midget when it arrrives. I gigged on Saturday night with the Compact and its the dogs danglies for the gigging bassist who buys and carries his own gear. The sound is just full and accurate. I'd love to hear the new 2 x 12 cab but I have to draw the line at two Barefaced cabs. I think. Frank.
  11. Here ya go. [url="http://belfast.gumtree.com/belfast/97/56423697.html"]http://belfast.gumtree.com/belfast/97/56423697.html[/url] Frank
  12. Just another thought. My CMD121P is still here - the one I didn't sell you. You could try that as an extension cab ( amp disconnnected) to give an approximate idea of the sound you'd get. It would be less impressive than a 121H cab because the volume is much less but still, might be worth a try before you spend more cash? (I'm glad you didn't end up buying mine now because I would feel bad at you not liking it - LOL) Also, there's a guy selling a 2 x 10 combo with 1 x 15 cab in Whitehead. Check gumtree. Frank.
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='825742' date='May 2 2010, 06:30 PM']I would add the Markbass NY121, which I think is the same dimensions?! Anyway....one of the Markbass 1x12s. If thats not enough, sell the combo and get an amp with cabs. The LMTube isnt, IMO, worth the extra over the LM3. I would stick with the LM3 or the F1/500. The LMTube adds very little in terms of tube warmth. The power sections of the F1/500 and LM2/3 are the optimum setup when it comes to tone. There are some negative reviews of the LM 800/LMTube 800....they dont sound like the LM2/3 for some reason. Personally, I nearly did what you did and got a combo. Very light and awesome tone. BUT, I dont think it would be loud enough for me. The Jeff Berlin might cut it for me...might. If I get any Markbass cabs itll be the 2x10 (x2) or one of the 4x10s. I like the Markbass amp tones...and I like how well made they are. [/quote] The New York121 cab is the match for the CMD121P combo but the 121H combo matches the 121H cab. The 121H is alittle taller. At one time I had a pair if 2 x 10 Markbass cabs. It was an excellent and flexible steup. Plus very light to carry as each cab and the amp are very light individually. Frank
  14. Here's my tuppence worth.... Don't judge the Markbass gear too quickly. Take your time and get used to it. Play a few rehearsals, use it on a smaller gig. Try different settings, especially try the VLE and VPF filters. Let your ears get used to a totally different sound from your old rig. I disagree with those who think the Markbasss gear isn't warm sounding. To my ears, it is warm and as close to valve sounding as any small SS amp I've heard. I have no desire to buy a tube amp. I just prefer the clean but warm sound I have now. Valve amp lovers will never agree with that, so it's each to his own I suppose. Beedsters suggestion of a a Tech 21 or similar is good advice. I have a sansamp programmable DI box. It does warm things up if that's your preference but I rarely use it. I find the Markbass sound to be OK as it is. I just tweak the EQ on the amp. The 121H is a loud combo on its own once you get used to getting the best from it. I've had several Markbass cabs. I would say, if you want more volume and just a "bigger" sound, get the matching 1 x 12 cab 121H. You could knock walls down with that pairing. It's only my opinion, but I wouldn't bother with any other cab with the combo you already own - except the 121H cab. IMO, you don't need more power than the LMII gives. I've used mine ( and a LM I before that) for years in all sorts of venues and never been underpowered. If you need to go louder than that, then the PA has got to be the answer or your hearing will suffer. BTW, I have a Barefaced Compact 1 x 15 cab and a Barefaced Midget on the way. These are excetional cabs and very lightweight. You're welcome to try them if it helps your quest for "light and loud". I use and LM II amp for this. I hope this is of some help and that you evenually get on with your Markbass gear. I think you just need to give it time. Frank.
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  16. I've heard Dave gig this bass a couple of times and it does sound lovely. Stunning looker too. I'd much prefer this to the blue ones myself. Very cool looking bass. Dave is also a good guy to deal with too so buy with confidence. Have a bump. Frank.
  17. There's a blue Sterling for sale on Belfast Gumtree. He's asking £700 which seems reasonable to me? I'm just posting this because I know they're hard to find. Regard this as a free bump if you're not interested. Frank.
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  19. The Barefaced Compact is just an amazing cab. A pair of Compacts would be too big for me to store and transport but I would love to buy another if I didn't have those problems. Maybe a Midget though? Frank.
  20. It depends on how much volume you need. The 121H is a lovely amp and would be my first choice. The 2 x 10 might be a little louder and has a beautiful sound but, as posted above, the tweeter can sound a bit harsh. I did have a Markbass 1 x 15 cab which I used with the LMII ( And LM I before that) and it was a sweet sounding cab too. Best setup I had was a pair of Markbass 2 x 10s. One cab for small gigs, two for bigger rooms. A bit expensive for this setup but worth it for the sound and flexiblity. You could always buy the 121H and add a 1 x 12 cab later if you find you need it? Frank
  21. First off all - keep an open mind about things like this. You say your amp made a distorted sound when actually, it was your speaker that made the sound. Work back from there. It might be an intermittent fault in your amp or your guitar or speaker or cables or effects. See what I'm getting at?. Sorry, but from the information you give it would be impossible to diagnose your problem but I hope you get it sorted. Any more info? Frank.
  22. Thanks for that David. It sounds good. I have only tried my Markbass cmd121 combo on top of the Compact and it sounds OK in rehearsals but I've posted a question in another thread hoping for a more technical response on the pairing. I was hoping you would buy a Midget so that you could test that setup for me before I take the plunge. Not that I really need two cabs, but you know what it's like. Frank
  23. I've had my Compact for about 9 months now and I absolutely love it. It suits me in every way. I do intend to get around to writing a review for the Barefaced website. I'd like to add a Midget when finances allow but , in the meantime, I might have to make do with my Markbass cmd121 combo on top. (for a big wedding gig) Any thoughts on how this might work Alex et al? Frank.
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