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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='992902' date='Oct 18 2010, 10:53 PM']I definitely didnt (personally) fall for marketing bullshit. I asked bass players who I turst who have been playing for years, and they arent in the 'sales' arena, so they arent trying to sell anything for anyone or themselves. Sorry if that wasnt aimed at me.[/quote] It wasn't aimed at you in a confrontational way. I was just adding to the debate. Sorry if it seemed like a bit of a dig. I'm sure you'd admit that none of us are totally immune to marketing bulls**t. I know I'm not, as hard as I try. Frank.
  2. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='992667' date='Oct 18 2010, 07:51 PM']To be honest, with all the software available it's hard to design a simple ported cabinet wrong these days! Stick to tried and trusted proportions, get the tuning right for the driver and an adequate port size and there's not all that much more to it. And from what I understand a custom drive unit will be based on a standard chassis and will typically trade one set of compromises for another. It won't be all that far off the standard production equivalent in most cases. That's not to say the Berg drivers won't have a nice tone, it may well be tweaked to a particular aesthetic, but it's not full of magic 'custom' dust. I'm no expert at all but I spent a long time reading around the topic a while back, and have made cabs based around Celestion and Eminence drivers including the Deltalite II 2510s, as well as using a few very good PA rigs based around high-spec drivers. People tend to use TS parameters as a proxy for quality, which is missing the point. In terms of sound quality IMO the modern Celestion equivalents are at least as good as the much-praised Eminence units, and the best B&C units (B&C make the Markbass drivers) arguably outstrip both. Whether that gives the tone you like for bass guitar is another matter, but I think the fact that Eminence are American and therefore cheap over there compared to the European units has a lot to do with their reputation and wide useage. A lot of very high end no-compromise PA gear uses B&C. Personally, I think the Markbass gear sounds great with lovely growly prominent mids - but for people who love say the TC RH450 into RS210s, then that Markbass sound is a little off from what you'd consider the ideal, which'd be more biased towards the low-mids. So if I were making the choice, I'd go by tonal preference and assume the quality of the drive units in most proper high-end stuff is similarly good.[/quote] I agree with most of this. When you get to the higher priced gear, they all seem to use decent drivers so it's down to your preferred sound. I do think a little technical and engineering knowledge helps though. Otherwise you're at the mercy of the marketing bulls**t or judge on looks. Frank.
  3. I can't see any problem with Markbass offering a wide choice of gear. I love the sound of the Markbass cabs, all lovely sweet mids and the amps sound warm and, as we all know, very loud! My little combo, the mini CMD121P is an amazing piece of gear although I've shifted on all my other Markbass cabs for various reasons. They all sounded great. I fancy trying the new 2 x 12 too. Frank.
  4. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' post='990058' date='Oct 16 2010, 11:45 AM']I've read up on some of the bareface stuff and without hearing them, thought they seemed interesting. However The reason I have only these two choices is that I am broke and have to pay it off and the company only really do these type of cabs. In future I plan to get a berg cab, and an eden head.... When I have a proper job, damn recession. There is a eden WT400 and a 4x10 going for 700 which I would snap up if I had the money. In the near future I want to get a 1x12/1x10 for our studio so all I have to do is transport the head![/quote] My first thought is this - why would you want to buy a berg when they use cheaper and lower specified drivers than barefaced and charge you far more? Think carefully before buying. Frank.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='989658' date='Oct 15 2010, 09:08 PM']The only problem with comparing the BF to TC and Markbass is the actual finish and overall look. The Markbass and TC cabinets look very pricey just in terms of aesthetics.[/quote] If the only problem with Barefaced cabs is the looks and finish I can easily live with that. However, I like the looks and dispite my dislike of the paint finish ( I prefer carpet) mine seems to be surviving just fine. I certainly wouldn't buy a cab on looks alone although I definately WOULD buy a cab on sound alone. You pays yer money and takes yer choice I guess. Frank.
  6. Another easy fix is to cover the entire screw with Araldite and screw it back in place. Leave it overnight to harden. Frank.
  7. Just to add, I've had 5 Markbass cabs and I like them a lot but they are not in the same league as the Barefaced cabs. I haven't heard the TC cabs so I can't comment on them. Frank.
  8. Have you thought about the Barefaced Super Twelve 2 x 12? [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=super-twelve"]http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=super-twelve[/url] This cab uses the best drivers available at the price. And at £600 is quite a bargain. I wouldn't pass this one for any other 2 x 12 on the market. It has the best performance and yet weighs only 40lbs. The footprint is very managable for the gigging bass player too and it fits in the boot of any small hatchback. What more could you want? I haven't heard a Super Twelve but I have a Barefaced Midget which is half of a similar cab and totally amazing. The internal volume of the 2 x 12 is bigger than a pair of 1 x 12s. The 2 x 12 must be very, very loud and deep. My next cab will be a Super Twelve. Frank.
  9. I have owned a warwick LX and currently have a Warwick Streamer stage 2 and a Spector Euro 5 string. They are all different in feel and sound and I agree with warwickhunt that a comparison is pointless. However, for what it's worth..... The LX is a really worthwhile a versitile bass with a great range of tones. The stage 2 is pure craftsmanship, growly and deep and smooth but with bite if you want. My favourite Warwick. The Spector is very well built and good value at any price. Mine now has a U Retro pre amp so it's tight and precise sounding. Hard to describe but when I play it I always say it's the best playing and sounding bass I own. All only my opinions but I hope it helps. Frank.
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  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='984402' date='Oct 11 2010, 01:32 PM']How did it come to have a thinner neck on it? Is that what they did for the 50th Anniversary? The only thing that put me off my CIJ, apart from the reverse tuners, was the railway sleeper neck - although to be fair I got pretty much used to it by the time I sold it on. My Shuker and home-made versions intentionally don't have that "authentic feature". [/quote] Strangely, the neck on mine is not at all like a railway sleeeper. It's 42mm wide but not too deep. I find it fast and easy to play. I suppose they must all be a little different? If this one for sale is as nice as mine someone will love it. Have a bump. Frank.
  13. [quote name='plankspanker' post='984381' date='Oct 11 2010, 01:16 PM']I sort of already know you wouldn't be interested but I have to try - I have an Ashdown RPM1 preamp and a Peavey CS800S (600+600) poweramp in an SKB 6u rack and some negotiable cash. Bloody loud but not the littleness you seek? Cheers, Pete[/quote] Thanks for the offer Pete but that kit would look a little strange sitting on top of my Barefaced Midget. I'm thinking of another micro-amp. If it doesn't sell soon the amp will be removed from the combo. Frank.
  14. Still for sale. Anyone interested at £525 plus shipping at cost? That's about the price of the amp only if buying new, and this is 100% new condition and hardly used. And you're getting one of the best compact and light combos available. Plus it's loud and sounds sweet. Frank.
  15. I'm obviously going to be in the minority here. That looks excellent to my eyes. If it was available here I'd have one in a heartbeat. If it sounds similar or even better than the Barefaced Midget, it must be astonishing. The 3012LF is a fantastic driver. Frank.
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  17. I highly recommend finding a MIJ 51 reissue. I'm really surprised at how much I'm enjoying mine. The neck is smooth and fast and I find it as easy to play as a jazz. I have a pair of SD. SCPB-3 pick ups fitted. Yes, a pair. I'm currently messing with fitting a 3 way switch to give the options of neck only pup, plus series and parallel connections. The sound is massive. Really aggresive mids and softer but deep lows. But using only the neck pick up, as it was intended, the sound is rich and thick. And I can vary the sound by playing at the bridge or neck, using left hand damping and plucking using different parts of the finger tips. The sustain is the most of any bass I own judging by how long the tuner holds the note. I have a badass III fitted as well. Whether it makes a lot of difference is debatable, but to me, the looks alone are worth it. At £99 for the bridge, it's a bit steep though. I have been finding he slab body strangely comfortable. It's possible to rest your arm flat on the top of the body and move your hand and fingers only. I'll get around to drilling the control plate and fitting and wiring the switch in the next few weeks. I'm looking forward to gigging it in this set up. Frank.
  18. I worked in San Diego a few years ago. San Diego is only about 10 miles from the border with Mexico. The workforce was 95% Mexican and the majority of the components were imported from Mexico. The final product was still regarded as being American. That shaped a lot of my views on the whole marketing around MIM, MIA, MIJ. I've also worked in Japan, Korea and China and all the facilities in those countries were far superior and better managed than their American counterparts. So I judge each instrument as I see it at the price tag and the results are not always what the marketing people would have you believe. Frank
  19. [quote name='TimR' post='975694' date='Oct 3 2010, 08:19 AM']You can't polish a turd.[/quote] Quite true. Although you can roll it in glitter. Frank.
  20. Balls. The tiny speakers in my ipod earphones produce an excellent bass sound. Frank.
  21. I've only read the first page of this thread so it might have already been said but.... if the songwriter leaves an originals band and that band carries on playing the same set, are they then a covers band? After all, they're then covering someone elses song who isn't a member of the band. Frank.
  22. I have a classic 70s jazz and a US vintage 75 reissue. The US costs around 3 times the MIM and in all honesty, it's hard to see or hear why. They are both really great basses. I bought the US because it has the harder to find rosewood board and I love the looks as well as the sound. The quality of the MIM classic 70s is excellent. The neck is slightly deeper than my US 75 (barely noticeable though) but it's still slim and feels natural and easy to play. The sound is deep and rich. Using the volumes gives a deep rocky sound on the neck pup, a sweet sound on both pups full, which I tend to use for ballads and softer stuff. Bridge pup is burpy. All typical jazz. I really don't understand the fixation some seem to have over pick ups and basses being MIM or MIA. It's mainly a marketing tool IMO. I bought mine used and it still has the TI flats it came with so I will be trying rounds soon. I imagine that will give more growl. All in all, highly recommended and given the neck blocks and binding, the general high quality, a total bargain. The usual caveat : always try before you buy. (Although, in this case, I bought without trying) Frank
  23. You're welcome to test any of my gear in Belfast. I don't know of anywhere in N Ireland to try decent bass gear. Frank.
  24. Yep, two 8ohm speakers in parallel will give you 4 ohms. Just make sure they are all connected in the correct and same polarity. Frank.
  25. I have the same rig. I'd be really interested to know what you're replacing the Compact with. Frank.
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