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Everything posted by bassbloke

  1. If you take a look at his career to date and philanthropic work, you realise the world would be a better place with more Blunts. And fewer Nugents.
  2. Fuzz and overdrive do very different things to your sound and even two fuzz pedals will not only sound different, but will change the way other effects behave. I have an mxr bass deluxe fuzz and earthquaker devices cloven hoof. Both completely different. Also, where do you intend to use overdrive, distortion or fuzz? If you intend to use it a lot, you might consider a bass fuzz that allows you to blend wet and dry signals.
  3. Seeing as we've strayed into Black Sabbath influenced acts, it's only right I include the mighty Brown Sabbath
  4. Getting quite rare now. Still a great piece of kit. Korg lost something of the charm of these in later versions. I still use mine quite a lot. GLWTS.
  5. Low starting price and no reserve. This could be quite a bargain for someone. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-Pro-II-CTB-Series-Fretless-5-String-Bass-Guitar-/125083883386?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  6. If only this was posted 4 months ago. I was staying with a friend near Borth and we went to Portmerion for the day. I'm sure the family would have understood.
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Boss-SP-1-Spectrum-Equalizer-FREE-NEXT-DAY-DELIVERY-IN-THE-UK-/203639042513?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Are these really that desirable? Boss have reissued the first 3 compact pedals, including sp-1, in a fancy box for around £750.
  8. Can I just start jogging or something instead?
  9. No one has mentioned for the love of money by the o jays. Classic bassline played by Anthony Jackson. Pick and phaser pedal.
  10. My son's VM maple neck jazz is an excellent bass. I've ABed it against my maple neck MIJ jazz with overwound Lindy Fralins, my maple US Deluxe Jazz V with Noiseless pickups and 3 band Audere preamp and rosewood US Deluxe Jazz V with 2 band Audere and it really holds its own. My only observation is that the pickups sound a little weedy soloed, but I am nit picking here. If that £150 is really burning a hole in your pocket, then look out for some 2nd hand pickups. That said, a quick browse on ebay and basschat shows that 1) there isn't much for sale and 2) prices are a bit silly atm.
  11. Another vote for the Audere. I have a 1997 and 2000 us deluxe jazz and swapped out the preamps about 10 years ago. I have v/v 2 band in one bass and v/b 3 band in another. Very useable frequency range on the eq, the bass adds a real thump to the sound, treble adds brightness, but not harshness and the mid pushes preamp nicely to add some grit. The passive tone is probably what I use most. The 3 way z switch is also useful. Solder free. Took me <15 minutes to fit
  12. This bass certainly has some vintage mojo. It's probably also carrying the bubonic plague.
  13. I'll just post this. Genuine Gibson too.
  14. Best thing about that video is John's comment.
  15. The perfect bass for a Venom, Bathory, Possessed, Sodom tribute band. Seriously tempted
  16. I nearly bought one, but opted for an MB Fusion 800 as GAK has a couple of B stock items. The Legacy looks a little cheap IMHO and I didn't like the overdrive. You can get plenty of drive out of thr MB800 Fusion with the added flexibility of the second channel.
  17. I can pretty much guarantee that no parent is going to buy one of those when you can pick u a short scale Ibanez for half the price
  18. They're great instruments. My son has a VM jazz that i bought him 2nd hand a few years and a classic vibe p that's the first bass he bought with his own money. A spare SD 1/4 pounder and new wiring loom in the P has transformed it. I A/Bed it against my mate's US precision and there honestly isn't much in it. Cheapest and easiest upgrade would be a set of pickups from the forum - there's a fair few on offer for a great price including a Fender vintage set - and a wiring loom from KioGon on the forum.
  19. Give them a call, say you want to return it and try and negotiate either a 30 quid partial refund or couple of sets of strings Then, pop a matchstick in the hole and break off the end. That will give the strap button extra purchase.
  20. I have 10% overwound fralins on my mij 70s jazz. Ash body, bound maple fingerboard and I keep a fairly fresh set of dadarrio roundwounds on it. Unamplified it is a loud and bright sounding bass. The overwound pickups have really tamed the top end and pushed the bottom end and low mids. It is a really easy bass to EQ. It isn't for every instrument. My fretless has standard wound fralins.
  21. Plenty of responses to my original post, so here's my take. We've played with them before and they're local and the bassist is a good sort. I handed him bass with my strap fitted, with straplocks. He was reasonably gentle with it, not that he had much choice; i play with a pretty low action. Actually, I think possibly learnt something, which is play more gently and let the amp and PA do the work. More dynamics and it just sounds better. We also got lots of thanks from the stage, a good turn out and credit for being decent chaps. If he'd been a bit of a pink torpedo I wouldn't have helped him
  22. Heavy pick player and, to be fair, they hadn't been changed in a while.
  23. Last Saturday's gig, bassist in opening band broke 2 strings 😮 Plea went out for assistance and as my bass was already onstage tucked away in a gig bag and tuned down a step fished it out for him. Totally changed their sound (passive ash jazz with overwound pickups vs active yamaha) and was clearly setup very differently, but it was an interesting experience. I guess he was lucky it was our first gig in a while and I didn't fancy using the fretless.
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