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Everything posted by tauzero

  1. I'm not convinced that most people don't like the MK1s. The BH2s don't seem to fare as well but are there really vast numbers of people who don't buy an EHB 100 series because of the pickups, or rush to replace them?
  2. Yes. Don't forget he'll be converting from proper measurements to groats and furlongs, and he might have borrowed the Bass Direct conversion calculator. It's an 864mm scale.
  3. https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-1300w-16ltr-wet-dry-vacuum-220-240v/826kh Use only for the designated purpose. This sucks harder than [redacted] so don't go winding up in A&E in an embarrassing position.
  4. With both Cort and Ibanez bringing out headless models (or ranges in the case of Ibanez), they've presumably seen that there is a good commercial opportunity. I think Mark was shifting a fair few Corts at Bass Direct from what he said. Steinberger has kept going with the Spirit range. Headless instruments are better ecologically, as they use less wood - none wasted on an advertising billboard at the end of the neck.
  5. Is there somewhere on the pickup cover that you can experiment on without it showing up? If so, you could see if acetone harms the cover and if not, try that. It is a powerful solvent though so an initial experiment is needed.
  6. Have you tried any of these out in real life? Or, for that matter, the SRF705?
  7. There's a review of the MS-50G+: https://yoshblog.com/en/review/ms-50gplus/ The chipset is two generations on from the original. Looking at what the MS-70CDR+ has, I may well opt for that rather than the 60B+ - like the difference between the HX Effects and HX Stomp.
  8. AIUI, box section is more resistant to bending than plate. Try this: https://www.omnicalculator.com/construction/bending-stress
  9. They have rather different functions though. The Express is a somewhat limited multieffects, the HX One just does one effect chosen from a large selection.
  10. Effects list for the MS-50G+ - https://zoomcorp.com/media/documents/E_MS-50Gplus_FX-list.pdf It's pretty much a subset of the MS-50G effects. it's not just the original MS-50G effects before they were expanded, I've just compared part of the list and there are one or two later additions to the 50G effects list that are on the 50G+. So expect a revamped MS-60B with a subset of the 130-odd effects currently on it (as I have said before) but presumably using a more recent chipset than the fairly elderly original MS series.
  11. I would guess that not spending very much would mean rather less than £600-700.
  12. As soon as you want a third HX effect, you'll have to buy another HX One. There's a send-return loop on the HX Stomp if you want your set of pedals in the middle of the Stomp stuff.
  13. @adriansmith247, do you want to go for new or used? Used means having to hang around until the object of desire comes up in the second-hand market so how urgent is this? Do you need a cab with a tweeter? How vital is it to have a 2x12 rather than two 1x12s or a 2x10? What's the budget? Do you intend to upgrade the Markbass amp at some point?
  14. £730. Perhaps you didn't read the bit about not wanting to spend a lot.
  15. That D# looks a bit on the heavy side. What does a .100 give you? I'd expect it to pretty much correspond to a 40-60-80-100 set plus a bottom hawser, for which a .150 looks about right.
  16. There's an interesting page on the theme tunes (including the one that Clarkson forbade being used, and you can see why). https://topgear.fandom.com/wiki/Jessica_(instrumental) I remember the original Jessica being supplanted the first time. I thought whoever was playing on the new version must have been the producer's talentless child, it was so dreadful.
  17. I pointed at that thread because it contains a number of similar events to yours.
  18. He eventually got it right, and starts discussing going on tour...
  19. Can't we have a party instead? We haven't had a good one since "Waste of TIM", or maybe "Mods please delete log in error".
  20. You should expand your cultural horizons to include Monty Python.
  21. Perhaps this is the answer: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235469422986
  22. There's also the SRF705 with the Bart MK-1 pickups rather than the Barts in the EHB1005F, plus a piezo bridge.
  23. I would consider how much worse it would have been if the unicorn had got in through the cat flap. I would also wonder why the cat has now got steel claws. As nothing even slightly approaching this has happened in over 40 years of cat ownership, I think it would be unlikely. I do make regular checks of the fence to prevent the caribou getting in and nibbling the croquet hoops.
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