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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Totally works for me. The rubber sticks to the surface of both bass and desk. I even used it on a snare drum the other day. Perfect.
  2. My first ever 'proper' gig. Colston Hall. Scott Gorham, Brian Robertson. Hairs on my neck still stand up when I remember it. Brian Downey was awesome too.
  3. Nope. Cheeper and more cheerful is this ugly little bastard Which I bought to replace the overpriced flimsy Vox. It's excellent.
  4. If you don't have a capo a pen and elastic band can be pressed into service.
  5. I mostly avoid the off topic forum. That's because I know I don't cope well with opinions which differ from my own. This is a character defect of mine and not a fault of BC or other posters. The handful of times I've been bewildered by people getting overheated about amplifier ratings or the shape of a headstock is hugely outweighed by the amount of helpful, informative posts I've read. I've also download free transcriptions, received invaluable technical advice, found a fantastic tutor, discovered lightweight cabs and instruments which have prolonged my career, met some truly remarkable, kind, selfless people, been introduced to stunning bands and bass players, received and given practical help to and from fellow Basschaters, and been relieved of a staggering amount of money I could ill afford to lose in the market place. The good outweighs the bad. Sadly, for some, confrontation and dispute are entertaining and simple to ignite. These people seldom care about those they hurt.
  6. I've had some great experiences and some worryingly poor. Luckily enough being a recovering alcoholic I've learned the value of acceptance. Accept the things I cannot change, is the motto by which I have to live. I can't change a sound engineer or how they do their job any more than they can change how I play the bass. Of course it sucks if they get a crappy bass sound, but I have to accept it so I do. The one rule I've always maintained is to shake them by the hand and thank them for what they've done for me. I never know when they will next be in charge of making my band sound as good as they can so I try to keep them on side as much as possible. None of this in any way belittles the OP nor his disappointment which I entirely understand. I can only speak to my own experience.
  7. Black tie 'do' at a golf club for me last night. Good food, a lift up to the function room, nice space to relax and get changed, lovely band to dep for. In bed happy by 3.30am. Perfect start to the new year.
  8. Oh God I hadn't thought of the bass free opportunities. Might have to start carrying drum sticks.
  9. Thanks folks, much appreciated.
  10. You're starting to cost me money now...
  11. Yep, making hay while the set slowly sets! I actually came here a couple of years back to say it was impossible to get a gig as I was too old. Bunkum! I just wasn't trying hard enough, was way too fussy (snobby) about the music I would and wouldn't play and didn't trust my ability. I'm working harder now than ever before.
  12. My rather splendid bass tutor put me on to iReal Pro and it has been an amazing resource for dep gigs, and open mics, and saving chord patterns, and organising setlists - it's a lovely app well worth the money. There are many similar apps for sheet music, can anyone recommend one? The only feature I think I might want is for it to be compatible with a bluetooth foot pedal but that's not a deal breaker. Oh and loading my own scribbled sheets to be simple i.e using the camera on my tablet. Thanks
  13. Well, bass o'clock will come early today. Recording with three different bands first two weeks of January and depping New Year's Eve. So lots of stuff to get through. To think that a year ago I was bemoaning the lack of opportunities for a 50 something bass player and wondering if it was time to give up.
  14. Keep going. The more complex and precise the search the less chance I have of finding one!
  15. Thanks guys. My friend gets a little excited by the 'sounds' of instruments, enjoys delving into various effects and settings to achieve similar sounds. With bass as PJ mentions above, so much is in our fingertips...
  16. Damn. Guess what I'm doing right now. I swear if we ever meet Paddy *shakes fist*
  17. Thanks Paddy - but please no more bass GAS! I need to sell not buy.
  18. Friend of mine recently picked up the bass having toiled away for decades on that funny toy with the thin strings. I of course am steering him as he takes these first steps on the road to righteousness. Today he asked me a penetrating question and I mumbled something about Markbass and fingers but thought I'd ask if anyone here has anything more penetrating to say on the subject. He asked me "How does he get that sound?". The he in question is Joe Dart. The sound is that of a master technician at work and while I know we all have our own distinct sound as much to do with how we strike the strings as anything else, can I at least throw the guy a bone? Anyone know if Joe uses any effects? What strings he prefers etc. It was this video by the way.
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