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Everything posted by rubis

  1. Great album, loved listening to this stuff again, thanks for reminding me of them
  2. I get it all the time, this is my latest affliction [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFd3U-xDGZc[/media]
  3. Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about! Honest!
  4. Should have gone to Specsavers........I thought this thread was titled "Just played with a prick for the first time"
  5. If you mean Buckeye Burl, the distinctive marks are caused by spalting, as you can find in other kinds of wood. As I understand it, spalting is a kind of moulding or rotting process, so, yes you could say the wood is dead, but so is any wood used on a guitar. Whether this means it has any affect on the tone is a whole other can of worms, but it certainly looks good
  6. I agree with Mart, spend a little bit of time on the Internet researching how to get a good finish with rattle cans ( warm the can and the body etc ) don't cut corners and don't skimp on preparation and you could get a far better finish than you thought possible with cans at a relatively small outlay. Added to that will be the personal pride and knowledge that its still all your original bass I have a compressor etc in my garage but I'm ( slowly with my one good arm! ) refinishing a body with pearlescent black from Halfords, easily a good enough finish........it does take a while to harden properly though! Go for it......don't be embarrassed to ask for advice, we're all learning and keep us all updated Best of luck Harry
  7. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ERNIE-BALL-MUSIC-MAN-stingray-BASS-GUITAR-1996-barely-played-needs-love-/251315949790?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a839910de"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a839910de[/url] Those boys from "The View" know how to party hard...........................I hope they got a short, sharp visit from Mr Smack
  8. Active electronics seemed more common or fashionable in the 80's too, which I think played a part in the evolving sound of the bass. I was lucky enough to have a Wal, but there were JD's, Aria SB's etc There seemed to have been a particular type of bass sound (along with the hideous heavily gated 80's drum sound) which players aspired to
  9. That looks absolutely incredible, how does that Delano sound?, I have a 5 string project with one of their alnico MM pickups and it's very impressive
  10. I remember that one, very tidy bass, as all of Chris's seem to be. I quite like the blue flower ones too
  11. Any Zon experts able to comment on this one ? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Zon-Bass-Guitar-Wood-Body-Imported-from-the-USA-Classic-Shape-/221254034207"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Zon-Bass-Guitar-Wood-Body-Imported-from-the-USA-Classic-Shape-/221254034207[/url]
  12. There was a bloke on the TDPRI site did a paisley tele on a laser etching machine then did a sunburst finish over the top. It looked amazing. They have one of these machines ( broken at the moment ) at the school where I work but unfortunately it's too small to fit a guitar or bass body into, otherwise I would be doing one myself
  13. In my youth, back in the Promised Land, Jarrrow Elvis and Hebburn Cliff were minor legends and can be found on Google ( made me laugh again!)
  14. I wonder if they could do you a chambered mahogany body? ..........I made a tele body from sapele (mahogany) with a maple top and copied their chambering slots from their website. I was just perusing their stock of Geko bodies and they have some nice ones in black Limba [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseItem.aspx?Bass=1&Body=2&Shape=29&Path=Gecko&i=GB32"]http://www.warmoth.com/Showcase/ShowcaseItem.aspx?Bass=1&Body=2&Shape=29&Path=Gecko&i=GB32[/url]
  15. Hi Dolando, I built a fretless from walnut, it's a *****ray style but with the construction in the style of a Wal....... a one piece black Walnut core, Cherry veneers then Claro Walnut facings front and rear. I read somewhere on the Wal site that walnut is their preferred wood for a fretless (they ought to know!) and my favourite alltime sound was the fretless custom I had in the 80's so I went for it. Walnut looks lush, it's not too heavy and accepts finish very well, especially gunstock oil ( I think most are made from walnut) which I see you have opted for on your other build, it's also nice to work...........although the dust tastes interesting! I used Maccassar Ebony (the stripey brown variety) for the fingerboard, and some have commented that there's not much contrast in colours, now this doesn't bother me but if you are using Wenge for a neck it could all get a bit too brown! If you take a look at some of the gorgeous basses on the ACG site he quite often uses Ash with Wenge which looks awesome and I should think that as far as the influence of tonewood is concerned will be as good as anything for getting your desired sound. Are you going to be using Warmoth parts or making it all yourself? Either way it sounds a great build, I'm part way through a build with a Wenge neck and top, it's a bugger to work on but very pretty and apparently very effective! Good luck and keep us all posted
  16. bought a cover for my rs212 cab, very pleased with it, and a pleasure corresponding with theunconditional. Highly recommended member.............................thanks again Graham
  17. Why not have a fretless neck made for the dark one?
  18. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Paisley-P-Bass-Body-/300930380241?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4610d931d1"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Paisley-P-Bass-Body-/300930380241?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4610d931d1[/url] someone needs to get in there quick
  19. this is cool [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-Dan-Armstrong-Plexi-Bass-MINT/370849869522?_trksid=p2045573.m2102&_trkparms=aid%3D555003%26algo%3DPW.CAT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D33%26meid%3D9024688179411781747%26pid%3D100034%26prg%3D1031%26rk%3D2%26"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-Dan-Armstrong-Plexi-Bass-MINT/370849869522?_trksid=p2045573.m2102&_trkparms=aid%3D555003%26algo%3DPW.CAT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D33%26meid%3D9024688179411781747%26pid%3D100034%26prg%3D1031%26rk%3D2%26[/url]
  20. Very pretty Still think it would look and sound great with a piezo bridge and no magnetic pickups Best of luck with the rest of your project Harry
  21. Motörhead-Motörhead Dancing in the moonlight-Thin Lizzy Live Wire-AC/DC Dazed and Confused ? - Led Zeppelin School Days-Stanley Clarke
  22. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NLDYEsppws[/media]
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