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Everything posted by cheddatom

  1. I don't think Vulfpeck are anything like any classic 70s funk I've heard.
  2. We did two support slots. Friday at The Underground in Hanley which is very local for me. It could be such a great venue if only they'd clean it. Anyway, it went well and we won some new fans I think. Saturday was Albert's in Nottingham. This used to be a Spanky Van Dykes which I gather is some sort of student chain. I'd been in for a drink before but never been upstairs. The room up there is awesome! Great shape and brilliant sound. Unfortunately the venue had told the promoter that there was a 10pm curfew for a club night afterwards so everything was scheduled to be super early. It was only at 6:30 when he was asking about the load out that the venue staff told him the club night had been cancelled, and we could go as late as we liked. It was too late to change much by then, I'm sure more people would have come out if they'd known. To top that off, the venue didn't open the bar upstairs so people had to go down two flights of stairs to get a drink, and the service down there was the slowest I've ever seen. It took me 15 minutes to get a beer after we'd played. Another venue that could be awesome if they get their act together. Still it was a good night. Our bassist has been very complimentary of my playing the last few gigs. Either I've gotten better recently or he's been playing with a crap drummer in one of his other bands
  3. Tina from Rock Shotz went a bit wild with the HDR effects on this one so I had to share...
  4. I thought it was Jack Stratton's
  5. To be fair this was probably recorded before the signature model came out
  6. I'm not that familiar with the amp but if I was trying to get this tone I'd start by turning down the bass and treble knobs on the EQ, then see where to go from there. Probably a bit of drive and possibly boost the low mids a bit
  7. It doesn't sound that dark to me. I'd have thought the P pickup would do it. What's your amp?
  8. My band sells loads of merch at gigs all over. One day at my day job a customer walked into the showroom wearing one of my band's shirts so I (assuming she'd recognise me) said "Nice shirt!". She looked a bit freaked out and just said "thanks". I said "did you buy that at a gig?" and she said "Oh yeh we've seen them loads of times at festivals". I was going to explain that I play drums for them but figured it'd come across a bit needy We sign loads of CDs, vinyl, set lists etc. I did have someone climb up on stage after a gig once and demand some drum sticks. I'd actually broken one during the set so passed it to her but she said "No, I need a pair, I always get pairs". I explained that I don't have a lot of money and my sticks are expensive and she got really sh*tty with me, like I owed her a pair of sticks. I just packed them all away and ignored her until she walked off
  9. I've been in bands where it didn't really matter if the stage sound was crap. We were so tight and well rehearsed we couldn't go wrong. My current main band likes to play loose with the arrangements somewhat, so it's really important that we can all hear each other.
  10. Input gain turned down on the amp sorts it, so can't you adjust the output of the pedal to try and match the level with it off?
  11. It sounds like at home you have a studio monitor type setup? Which will be very different from running into your two amp setup. You could try "ringing it out" with a parametric EQ but to be honest it sounds like there's just too much gain and/or volume. What does the feedback sound like? I quite like a bit of feedback but you do have to get used to controlling it. If it's a horrible squeal when you want silence then you could use a gate
  12. hah, thanks, the Boss slicer is a techno night in itself!
  13. I was just messing about the other day. I often keep my kit mic'd up so I sent all of the mics through to one of the auxiliary channels and on through some effects pedals. I put that in my headphones so I could play along, recorded the lot, and mixed it
  14. Surely you're playing a lot quieter at home? Which would obviously reduce feedback
  15. I played a festival yesterday and found the whole thing baffling. They'd set up two stages on each half of a double lorry type outdoor stage. There was a drum kit and monitors on each side, but only one set of mics. They asked each band to set up as the other was playing, but then spent 20 minutes micing the drum kit. They looked to have a digital desk (which can save settings etc) but they checked each individual drum, even though they'd not changed. Then once the band started the sound man left his position at the desk to go and hang out back stage, meaning that if someone turned up or down on stage, the mix out front was wrong. To be fair to them it sounded brilliant so maybe there was method to this madness?
  16. too much gain on the pedal? Or yeh maybe your pickups are going, are they microphonic at all?
  17. That's a hell of a trip! We just went 1.5hrs up the road to Doncaster for a festival yesterday. It's only a small affair but great fun
  18. Saturday was Bearded Theory. It's a big one and a load of my friends and family had got me over excited and pretty nervous about it. I woke up at 5AM and couldn't get back to sleep. I only had to go to the studio, pack up my drums, bring them home, and wait for the van to arrive at 11:30, but it seemed like such a big task. So after lying there for an hour I decided to forget trying to sleep and get my sh*t together. They picked me up at 11:30 and we got to the Woodland Stage an hour later. A couple of hours nervously hanging around and soaking in the atmosphere (and passively smoking some very pungent skunk!) and we were on. The adrenaline kicked in and all my fatigue was washed away by the hundreds (maybe more than 1000?) people singing our songs back at us and cheering us on. 45 minutes later, soaked with sweat, I couldn't stop grinning as I packed away my drums. Best gig for ages!!! A bit of a crap photo bit I don't have a lot of time between songs to have a drink of water, grab a photo, and count in the next one After that we had to hang around until we played a small tent at 10PM. I crashed pretty hard in between so went for a lie down in the van for an hour or two and that seemed to sort me out. The tent was absolutely packed with people. We were parked right next to a side door in the tent, but the staff wouldn't let us load through that door. We had to go right around, through a fence, and then fight our way through 200 people to the stage. They seemed really anal about the rules for a bunch of crusty types smoking massive joints. Maybe the hi-vis vests gave them a power trip? Or maybe there was a real safety concern. Anyway the gig was OK. Their bass drum was seriously lacking in volume, and although I could see a mic in it, I couldn't hear it, so to get the mix right I was kicking at full power. Unfortunately this meant the beater went right through the head during the penultimate song. Ooooops! Still, the reception was great Early Sunday morning I got a call - "Are you OK to play Nice 'n' Sleazy Festival in Morcambe tonight? It's good money". We'd already got a slot at Strummercamp in Oldham that afternoon so it'd be another 2 gig day, but I was still buzzing from Bearded Theory so I agreed, as did the others. Strummercamp was good but I don't think we impressed the crowd. There were a lot more in the main tent for the ska band (very good btw) on before us. I guess we weren't their cup of tea? Nice 'n' Sleazy was another belter though. Packed room, great reception, and some great banter with some well oiled punks.
  19. I like it! Some great playing on that
  20. I'd never heard of it and I live in Staffs! I'm just having a look online. Is it all reggae?
  21. I sent a message to a seller asking if his marching snare drum was still for sale. He replied instantly with a yes. I asked if he could arrange postage and how much that might be? He didn't respond and it's still listed for sale
  22. A friend of mine used to refer to his "equipment" as his "Hefty Langer"
  23. So when you get home late at night after a gig, what's your routine? Do you wind down with a drink and then wash the pants? Or do you wash the pants and then wind down pantless? [It's OK we don't need the answer]
  24. I hope you don't gig on consecutive days! I play drums and I've played 4 gigs over 3 days loads of times. I'd hate to imagine what my lucky pants would be like after that lot (if I had them)
  25. another funk jam I had with myself. I added a loop of my cats fighting because obviously no-one's going to stick around for the music
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