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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Might not be appropriate, but "My bass and other animals" By Guy Pratt is fantastic.
  2. Where did you order it from?
  3. I don't think there's anything wrong with the occasional deep dive vid. BTW and the rest do those every now and again. The Bass Channel's massive pedal preamp demo was great - all using stems recorded at gigs and then reamped into the live mix through each of the selected pedals. But those need to be no more than 2-3 times a year. The other 180 vids a year need to be punchy as hell and (I will keep repeating it) YOU are the USP. Every channel reviews the same kit. The thing that makes the popular channels popular is the host. I like Bass Bonebo Channel as well. No talking, close ups of the amps / settings while playing. They are great and to the point. BUT.... only 11.5K subs. Because there isn't an entertaining front man bringing in the views. YOU are the primary product. The gear is just a prop.
  4. Honestly - if the magazine wants the followers / views then it needs to be doing daily content or at least every other day, like Bass The World does. At the moment your mag seems to be doing about 1 vid per month. That will never ever get any traction. Daily content is the holy grail for gaining followers. And the vids need to be shorter and have faster pacing. Nobody needs EQ stage testing that takes 40 seconds per knob, on it's own, out of context of any actual music. Dan - I like your vids, but I have to say watching something on BTW or The Bass Channel and then coming to yours is like moving from Tigger off his Ritalin to Neil from the Young Ones when he's on Ritalin and feeling tired. You never seem to be actually excited about anything and you deliver every line in a very monotone fashion. You need to be as much of a draw as the gear itself is. Watch the very early BTW vids and Gregor is monotone / wooden and dull to watch, compare those to the new ones. Now he's released his personality and he's got 350K subs. Let your personality out of the box!
  5. I run EMG pickups very close to the strings so I have to set the input on the amp a bit lower than others, but I've never noticed any amp based compression getting in the way.
  6. Hello! I love shorties, jazz, light cabs, and old strings too. We need more of us among the metallers!
  7. All modern amps have an internal HPF. I've got the AG1000 and it's damn loud. But I also have efficient speakers and that makes a lot of difference too.
  8. The distributors will probably have an idea. Could email them.
  9. Can you put up a video? Smart phone will be fine.
  10. Did you get hit by customs?
  11. My adult kids tell me that current pop music is excellent. Seems it might be subjective.
  12. Anyway, I like the OC-5 best. It tracks better than the MXR even though the MXR has a slightly nicer tone to my ears. I always run an HPF after an Octave so I can leave it on even when playing the lowest notes. Everything octaved below a normal B (A string 2nd fret) then cuts off before it goes to the amp. Stops a lot of muddy nonsense.
  13. It took you 12 hours to reply to the previous post. Poor show indeed!
  14. If the pedal bag has a handle on the thin end... then that removes the horizontal alignment of the board in the bag as an issue.
  15. I liked the ray best. That surprised me as I’ve been mainly playing P types for a while. I liked the PJ more than the jazz. The jazz just sounded a bit boring.
  16. Nah! I still want one! But with kids at university I just can’t do it at the moment. I am tempted to mod one of my less used basses to put a passive MM type pickup in it though.
  17. Spare. I’ll soundcheck with both to make sure all is well. If at the check one is sounding a bit better in the room for some reason, then I’ll use that. But I won’t swap during a show unless something goes wrong with my first choice.
  18. It's normal for Boss Pedals. No - you cannot change it.
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