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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. yep there does seem to be less fun comments made or maybe i'm just missing them. ? Dave
  2. i'm not on BC as often as i used to be but that's down to being a bit busy elsewhere. i do find that when i need to post something i have to spend too much time working out what section it fits into otherwise you get the aggresive comments about it being in the wrong section. That's more of a minor niggle that comes with age. A "Meldrew" moment Too many sub-sections when one major heading would cover more subjects. Many items now get missed because people can't be bothered searching thru the many sub-sections for new items. When i first joined there were a handful of headings and you just went thru the topics that interested you. There is an element of "Big Brother" now where Moderators seem to intervene on occasion for no real reason IMO altho it is rare but more than they used to. i still find a lot of helpful and genuine people replying to most posts tho. There's a lot to gain from the BC'ers knowledge and advice. All in all its a great forum and very much worthwhile. Just think it needs to be simplified. Seems that every time new people come on board they want to make more and more complicated changes just to make their mark on the system. Its like that in every walk of life tho and could be classed as progress. That's my wee greetin completed. Back to enjoying the forum Dave
  3. Iain @ Glasgow Studio Electronics changed my 110V Ampeg SVT4 PRO to 230V. This was one of the older models without seperate transformer tappings. Newer models just need a bit of soldering. This one needed the full Tx replaced. At £265 quoted up front i thought wasn't too bad. Did an excellent neat job inside with no fuss and was happy to work round my time schedules getting into Glasgow. All in all i would recommend for any electronic repairs or mods. Dave
  4. used Berkeley studios in Glasgow which had pretty good quality PA. The guys would come round start of your hire period and set up or adjust PA to suit you and what you needed. Ampeg bass gear with some Ashdown, Aguilar amps with Marshall gtr amps and Pearl drum kits. All pretty good i have to admit for £30 / 3hrs. Now using FM Studios in Cumbernauld. Similar feel to these guys too altho the PA is good it's not good enough to take keyboards but they do supply Roland KYS amps which seem pretty good. Big rooms, plenty of space and all very clean and tidy. Recommended. Have been in others charging same amount but gear sh*t and stuck in a basement room you couldn't swing a cat in. If its not don't go back but get the studio eng to sort problems. Its you that's paying for the kit not to sort it for them. Dave
  5. Alan, this is the only bass show i've attended because its more personal, maybe because its a smaller more dedicated audience that attends. Without your efforts i would have missed so much like Steve Lawson, Steve Williams and of course the one thing i missed this year the Jam session. All in all its a really great, worthwhile cheap day out. If i can help in any way next year i'd be honoured to do it. I do of course need to try one of your basses first LOL Many thanks once again. Dave
  6. its taken me 18 yrs in this house to plan and build up a stock of nice basses. Part of that was laziness tho its a small box room but it gives me a lot more floor space as it was getting pretty cramped. Our guitarist has same and just made sense when i saw his. Dave
  7. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1426538756' post='2719154'] I like 2mm G & 2.5mm E at the last fret following the boards radius. I know most people don't bother measuring but I'm a bit sad like that :-) [/quote] +1 on this setting. Its the recommended starting point for Fender set up instruction and i think Warwick also set same. This is a working bassists setting but will depend on how hard or light you play. Fingers or pick etc. Fretless is a bit lower but it depends on what you're doing with the bass ie finger tapping or slapping. Dave
  8. New wall hangers finally fitted and all basses now off the floor and showing in all their glory. Hercules hangers are pretty impressive. Have to admit to some aching hands after it tho ..... but worth it. Now the floor is just for pedals Dave
  9. Sad news, RIP Mike. Huge loss to music.
  10. https://youtu.be/AWbGNbvg9bQ hope this works. ? Steve Lawson from Moffat Bass Bash today. Dave
  11. Thoroughly enjoyed the day. Steve Lawson was an excellent choice. Fantastic player and a genuinely nice guy to meet. Quite a distinguished past as well. I'm uploading a VID at moment to Youtube and will copy over to BC once loaded. HD and seems to be taking ages for some reason. 4 hrs ?? Great day out and great raffle prizes too. Many thanks to Alan and Dave for all the effort. Looking forward to next year. Hope the jam session is revived for next year. Kinda missed that bit. Dave
  12. Haven't read thru all posts because i'm at work and apologies if already stated :- Work Stress relief - i found playing in bands focused my mind and stopped me constantly worrying about work issues. Dave
  13. Well i certainly enjoyed it. Nice to hear the bass stand out a little more in these tracks. Nice tone, nice relaxed playing. Listened to a few others doing this and yep they were generally good too. I simply just liked it. Dave
  14. just been looking at Fishman Fission pedal this morning. Check it out on Youtube. Expensive but could add a lot to a trio IMO
  15. Geddy's tone on this has always been an influence. http://youtu.be/ZXH-DyjsBd0 Jack Bruce from Over The Top era http://youtu.be/yD8PxxfZMYI Dave
  16. I quite like playing it and would simulate the chord sequences without volume and it then looks as though you are doing something. Occasionally i have played a root note here and there but think best left as the original. When younger i really enjoyed the vibe from this song so was never an issue doing it. Dave
  17. jazz bass into Roland pre-amp bi-amped into 2off Matamp tube power amps into 1x15" & 1x12" custom cabinet. nowadays its my jazz into Ampeg SVT4 PRO with Bergantino HT322. Dave
  18. rack light for doodling on a dark stage or a neon or UV striplight maybe an LE version if available
  19. I've had 6 fretless basses on/off over the years. Currently have 2. My Overwater 6 and Jaydee 4. Don't use them a lot but i like having them and find they improve my technique as you need to be more accurate. Don't think i would use it in a rock band as i find they don't have enough attack or edge to cut thru mix. Dave
  20. yep they have been around since 80's mainly in the Glasgow area. Saw them last year supporting Pallas at Glasgow Classic Grand and thought they had come a long way since 80's music. Going again in Feb same gig, same venue.
  21. I'm a fan of Thomann but always remember if paying by card you will get hit for the exchange rate each way. Still worth it because of the savings on the goods tho. Dave
  22. I bought an oil filled heater from Argos few yrs back for conservatory and it has a digital controlled thermostat which basically means it has a tighter control without the usual 2 degree change in temp when it switches off to back on. Normally you wouldn't notice that if walking into a room and moving around but if sitting quietly reading a book you do start to feel the cooling period. With this heater the change in temp is max 1 degree and you don't notice any significant change. Appreciate that's getting a bit to fine control but if you are buying its worth considering. Oil-filled by far the better elec option. Assuming the house is all electric ? If you already have gas heating consider putting an additional radiator in altho gonna cost you a bit more to install if using plumber. In long run it will be cheaper. Another option is buy a huge valve power amp and just leave it switched on all the time. Enough heat from one of them All the best Dave
  23. Tickets bought for myself and better half who has bought me most of my basses so cant complain in that dept. Maybe she'll buy me another after the Bass Bash Looking forward to it again as missed it last year. Dave
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