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Everything posted by Kev

  1. They look quite nice. Roasted Maple is a funny one, people were paying $$$ extra on high end basses for roasted maple not that long ago, now it seems to be used as standard on the cheapest of instruments.
  2. I have 8 9v in my case at last count, had to throw 3 away as they didn't pass the lick test
  3. A fair point, but its the ease of just pulling another bass out of the case or off the stand, switched and done in less than a minute, that makes it worthwhile. And I wont even dignify no bass for the evening with a response 😂
  4. Interesting, its my experience of watching other musicians panic on stage when something goes wrong that makes me be as careful as I am about ensuring I'm ready for any eventuality I can avoid, however well maintained my equipment is. There's just some things you can't plan for, however unlikely it may seem. Only last year did I watch a band have to cancel their whole performance because one of the guitarists broke presumably a crucial string, and had neither a backup nor a spare set of strings to use. It just looks SO unprofessional, and I've no idea what a band may expect as far as their fee goes.
  5. Thankfully none so far. But what's your plan if it does? String break - would you expect the band to stop whilst you restrung, or would you call it a day? Decharged battery? Sudden intermittent loss of signal due to a faulty jack socket? Strap button pulled out? I've had all these things happen in rehearsal over the years, and all would have derailed a gig if I didn't have a backup with me.
  6. As others have said, if you're gigging, two basses are a must. There's just no way I would go to a gig with one bass, as you just never know what may happen. I can totally get how a bedroom bassist may have one holy grail bass and not care about any others though. A decade or so ago I was in that position, when really the only other basses hanging around were just waiting to be sold after being "replaced". For financial reasons, a combination of expensive taste and lack of disposable income, I now actually only ever have two basses at any time. Conversely, I use a Quad Cortex now for all effects/DI needs, and my only backup for that is plugging into the house amp/DI. I effectively take all of my equipment to every gig as a result!
  7. Amazing. I've never had a Spector and/or a Tonepump preamp, and all I've ever known about it was that its boost only. How bizarre.
  8. Still following with keen interest. In my head, most of what you're looking for is still in the Wal pickup design. The Wal character exists fully in a passive Wal and is enhanced by the pre, so it rules the pre out for me. Perhaps you're right and it is all in the neck build/material?!!
  9. Just to be clear on forum guidance on this subject, we recommend that buyers do not send sellers they do not know payment by F&F, as it gives no protection to the buyer and there is little we can do to intervene if something goes wrong. Instead, sellers should consider offering to increase their price by 4% and accepting goods payment. That way, the seller gets their original asking price, and the buyer gets the protection. That being said, best of luck with your sale
  10. You clearly weren't following the guitar forums in 2020! 😂
  11. As mentioned, the Iron Ether thing started some time before Covid. Bur yeah, theres obviously something in the water as there as so many pedal builders all but disappearing, its a shame
  12. Turns off people like me though, who just get annoyed with that BS. I just can't think of any good reason why the builder of a range of pedals, who has previously distributed to stores across the US as well as a quick moving stock supply on their website (and stopped doing so prior to Covid/parts shortages etc), now needs upfront payment and a 4 month lead time to build one pedal, and one pedal only, in the range.
  13. I don't know what that is, but I'm sure there's more to building that than there is building a fairly simple pedal that must be nearly a decade old by now!
  14. If you've followed Iron Ether over the past two years, any stock builds he puts up disappear. Instantly. Even this preorder was gone in hours. I can't see worrying about sales is the issue. If he can't afford to buy parts in for a few pedals, it's a bit concerning isn't it? 🤷‍♂️
  15. After 4 months? I thought the money back guarantee was shorter than that to be honest? Even so, I don't understand why they need 4 months. No cash flow issue as they have it all from the preorder sales, unless the cash is paying for something else... And thats the worry.
  16. Yeah it's gone now. Much as these guys need support, given how many pedal builders are just disappearing right now, paying up front for a pedal with a 4 month lead is a hell of a risk to take. Yet people are clearly taking it...
  17. Over $300 now and a 4 month wait, 100% payment up front? It's an odd shift in what has been a rather odd business model the company has had in recent years.
  18. Both in stock at GAK , interesting they've dropped the price by ~10% already
  19. Perhaps a typo and a 2008 model? Because that price would be an absolute STEAL for a 2018 'Ray as well!
  20. Lovely, but I thought they were all Specials since 2017?
  21. Unusual one, do you know what it is made of, wood wise? Certainly isn't the standard flamed maple bodywood from the looks of it. Looks like Ash to me? And that neck doesn't look like maple either?
  22. As opposed to settling out of court as he has done with other cases without "letting" it go to court, which is what I was referring to.
  23. I'd be astounded if you could find me a pop progression as simple as that that cannot be matched against another. It's a farce, a pathetic attempt by a failing musician to make money off of the success of another. The fact Sheeran let it get to court, considering previous situations, should tell you all you need to know about whether he "copied" it or not.
  24. For Ed Sheeran, it has been a complete waste of time. He doesn't want these cases. He's said as much, its ruining music and ruining the creative process. He will have a sense of vindication walking away from it, but on reflection was the stress of this case worth not just paying the guy off, as he had done before? Perhaps not. Of course, every court case helps establish case law, but I doubt this has done anything at all to prevent similar cases going forward. Hopefully I am wrong.
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