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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. This is now ridiculously cheap!
  2. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1332493352' post='1588971'] Thanks, I was hoping it just acted on the distortion. Back to plan A. [/quote] You could always run it in a parallel loop and blend in your unaffected dry.
  3. There have been a lot of nice tuners coming out recently, but even so I don't see why I should swap from my trusty TU-2.
  4. I'm completely torn between my Iron Ether Xero Deluxe and my Proton - the Xero can go mental, is great just as a lowpass filter and is very versatile with the expression input, but the Proton just sounds so nice! It's so simple but oh so very groovy. I may end up with both on my board, though I know that's probably overkill. The Xero can basically do everything the Proton can, but there's something about the Proton which I love and will miss dearly if I shift it.
  5. Shame not to see the full thing with TC corner . Just having a nosey through your FB band page and I stumbled across something very disturbing...someone slopped a pint over your pedalboard?!??!! What the hell did you do?! I trust everything still works fine? I've been so scared on that happening to my gear, how would you go about preventing damage and salvaging your gear?
  6. If it's up for sale you've got to state a price. Otherwise if you wouldn't mind trading it, maybe put up a few ideas what you'd be interested parting with it for.
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  8. Quite a lot of amp for the money I think, not sure about having in built effects (especially only being able to control one parameter on the amp) but perhaps if I had an Android/Apple phone I might think differently. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1332408222' post='1587747'] I'm just a little perturbed, as I think, yet again, TC are missing a trick here. If they made a pro level lightweight powerful combo, based around their RS112 cab and high end heads, but with the ability to tilt it back, with all the aux in - headphone out and a speaker out stuff, I think they would sell a hell of a lot of them, I for one would be very interested... Eude [/quote] +1
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  11. EskimoBassist


    Got to say that their DI-100's are brilliant though. Really clean (and cheap) DI, built like the proverbial too.
  12. I am so tempted, there's so much buzz around this pedal. AHHHHHHHH my head hurts. Free bump.
  13. The finish on that Bacchus is lovely, such a nice bass.
  14. Now I would love that bass (minus the teeth marks of course). I think if I ever were to shift my Jazz, that's the kind of thing I'd be looking for.
  15. You MIGHT be able to get a G&L Tribute L-2500 for that kind of money. I absolutely love mine, such a great instrument.
  16. Massive plus one on this. One of the reasons I stopped scouring fleabay for bass gear.
  17. Have a bump on me, I've got an L-2500 Tribute and I love it to death. Seriously large amount of bass for the money here.
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1331915520' post='1580909'] I know it's arrogant but I love my tone at the end of this song [url="http://soundcloud.com/kilta/the-optimist"]http://soundcloud.co...ta/the-optimist[/url] [/quote] Sounds massive, nice sound! I bet it's fun playing with your band, that's exactly the kind of riffage I know I would indulge in if I wasn't in my current band.
  19. For one second I genuinely thought this was the For Sale section and I was touching cloth in excitement...
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1331590077' post='1575601'] I've been scuba diving with a guy who puked through his regulator, something they are designed to cope with apparently. Anyway, he was OK and it certainly attracted all the reef fish! [/quote] Uggghhh I've been so scared of doing this myself, especially after a nasty long boat ride out on a small little rig - I'm no seadog, it's fair to say. Reassuring to know that they can handle puke though...
  21. Free bump, nice pedal. You might get a little more attention if you label it as Bass Big Muff, which is what I assume it is, considering that is what the link goes to .
  22. If I hadn't just bought a Proton I would've had your arm off for this!
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