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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. Nice selection, very neat. How are you finding your mxr compressor? I love my multicomp but if i was going to swap for anything else, that could tempt me.
  2. Stumbled across this yesterday, very funny...and true.
  3. I've got a proton in the post, I can't wait to see what all the fuss has been about it. I would perhaps consider one of the soundblox pedals, but the simplicity and size of the proton were big winners.
  4. It really frustrates me how something which starts off realy interesting and exciting can devolve so quickly on talkbass. Yes it is a much larger community than BassChat, but this place seems pretty fair, open and self governing whereas more and more TB seems to be becoming more closed and heavily moderated, not to mention more heavily infested with unhelpful contributors. I use it as a database as it is full of some great reviews and insights, but I try to keep away from all the speculation and what not, lest I suffer the banhammer for expressing my own opinion!
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  6. I don't really keep anything on my board unless I know that I'll use it live - I was able to downsize from a tourman to a PT jnr using this logic. No matter what the gig is, I've always got my tuner, compressor and pre/DI with me and on top of that I have my octaver, gain, envelope, modulation and delay effects which I include to taste.
  7. Sorry to read about this, hope you're alright. I'm sure another good gig will come around for you when you want it.
  8. You've really got the volume on your fuzz maxed out haven't you bottomfeed?!
  9. For me, no matter what the gig is that I'm playing, I've got to have my Tuner, Compressor, Pre/DI, Octaver, Overdrive and my Fuzz.
  10. I was in this position myself and over the last 6years with the band I have gone from using no effects at all, to eventually using a full Diago Tourman crammed and now I'm down to 7/8 which I just about fit on a PT-jnr. All my crazy synth/filter/fuzzy madness stuff has gone, because despite wanting to create weird/incredible soundscapes for so long I eventually realised that it was better for all of us to just play to what the music requires. You can still use a variety of pedals, but as soon as it becomes obtrusive it will ruin the sound of the song. I mean different songs have different sounds, right? So you could bring your pedal induced [s]madness[/s] creativity to the band and write something off the back of that, but as far as bringing total originality to already written material goes, you're walking a fine line.
  11. Any thoughts on the new MXR compressor? The LED set up seems pretty good and it seems pretty controllable too.
  12. I once had this problem, being bought a pedal as a present but then flipping it for something better soon after. I went down the route of "it broke/was replaced by manufacturer for different product", could be the same get out of jail card you need. Also, the 3rd hand doesn't seem so readily available in the UK. I'd swap for the BEF pro if I were in your shoes.
  13. Evenin', So it looks like I've bagged myself an Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe and understandably I'm very excited to have a play with it when it comes in the post. Clearly, the way to get the most out of it is to use it in conjucntion with an expression pedal. The Moog EP-2 seems to be the weapon of choice! Any got any tips for where I can best pick one up? They don't come up very often in the classifieds on here unfortunately. Absolute Music looks the cheapest at £40.99 delivered ([url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/index.php/moomgmfep2/p_2926.html?utm_nooverride=1/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google%2BShopping"]http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/index.php/moomgmfep2/p_2926.html?utm_nooverride=1/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google%2BShopping[/url]). Anyone know of anywhere cheaper? Or alternatively can any of you effects denzions be tempted into selling me one on the cheap . Cheers, Rich
  14. Just read through all this, best of luck finding a bass. I'm sure I'll have a go at something like this myself at some point, sounds like good fun.
  15. 2 M9s live, what is this madness?!
  16. I keep coming back to this stuff, very impressive. More than anything though, I'm so surprised that you can get such a good live sound out of the M9, especially on the gain, filter and octave sides of it.
  17. Shouldn't see why that would be a problem, every scene can be configured to have whatever you want. So create the patch which you like, save it and then set it up again with the same settings but the parameter in question changed as a seperate scene.
  18. I want to say yes and be almost romantic about it, but hell no...not one bit. It was a terribly set up Stagg BC-300 in a godawful matt-black finish. I passed it on for about £80 and I almost felt bad taking so much for it. Funnily enough, the one I'm wrestling with inside is my second Bass, an Epiphone Thunderbird, which I've played on and off for about 5 years now, still in near mint condition, despite being gigged and travelled with a lot. I want to shift it to put some money towards a nice fretless, but it's nice to have a cheaper 4 string with me at uni, and despite all its' shortcomings I've become very attached to it. Seeing them go on the forum for around £150 makes me tempted though, I just don't want to be in the lurch without a Bass while I find its' replacement.
  19. Not my bag, but I get why some like them.
  20. Wow you really got that one on Gumtree for a steal of a price.
  21. I use a set of the Fender Roundwound strings, with TW E and B strings. Great sound and a good price.
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