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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1499850939' post='3334012'] It may not happen but, looking at the latest news, now would be a good time to check that anything you have on Soundcloud you also have somewhere else. Seems obvious but I've checked and found that one of my pieces was uploaded from an earlier machine and didn't exist on this one. It does now. [url="https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2017/07/06/soundcloud-layoffs-offices-closed/"]https://www.digitalm...offices-closed/[/url] [/quote] Thanks. I was wondering why our's wouldn't stream today
  2. [quote name='PJS' timestamp='1499196451' post='3329917'] Thanks!! I love this bass. I've had it for nearly a year and I'm still discovering new things. It seems to be impossible to get a bad or unusable sound from it. The electronics are fantastic. Edited to add that I waited almost exactly 20 months. Not too bad! It precisely matched Paul's time estimate. Ask and you shall receive; here are a couple of tunes I've done with it: [url="https://youtu.be/9RsAnhr3vsI"]https://youtu.be/9RsAnhr3vsI[/url] [url="https://youtu.be/t731zTXyHvo"]https://youtu.be/t731zTXyHvo[/url] [/quote] Thanks it looks and sounds sublime.
  3. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1499167064' post='3329618'] Agree. My rule of thumb.... will the drunk at the bar notice? [/quote] I guess if those are the only kinds of audience you ever play to, you might be right
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1499164083' post='3329585'] Why on earth would you touch the controls on a bass? Set and forget, guys, set and forget. [/quote] I think that depends on the tone you are after for the song. I go some reggae, blues, rock, funk, so for me I sometimes like a different sound for each
  5. [quote name='PJS' timestamp='1499105780' post='3329228'] Haha!! Thanks for showing that, Kulit! The fact is that I have intended to take better pictures of it before sharing it here, but that just hasn't happened since I've been too busy playing it. Thanks for keeping me honest! So without further delay, here we go...] [/quote] That is a beauty, fantastic! If mine looks anywhere close to as nice as that I will be very happy. How does it sound, I'd love a sound clip? and how long were you in waiting lol
  6. That was nice, good playing, they all sounded good depending on what you're after. Think I need that pre-amp now lol!
  7. [quote name='mark76' timestamp='1499005191' post='3328502'] Man, Wal basses are spendy. Have they any intention of ever bringing out a budget line in the £2,000 range? Also. How much is the fish? [/quote] They used to do a budget line, I know because I had one, Pro 1. I paid about 300 quid for a used one in about 84. Those seem to retail now for about 2k.
  8. [quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1498802661' post='3327081'] My Jazz bass doesn't move inside my Hiscox? [/quote] +1
  9. Looking good and decent prices. I need to try one first.
  10. [quote name='kulit17' timestamp='1498761479' post='3326919'] @Highfox nothing boring about this *not mine* [attachment=248065:13606973_10206565519162191_2198573677741740792_n.jpg] [/quote] Thanks, that looks the biz to me.
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1498738863' post='3326718'] It's such a hard choice! I spent hours looking at slightly different bits of wood agonising over a decision. Of course any of them would have done fine! I think in the event of any future builds I'll just get Paul to decide for me [/quote] Maybe a little boring but I'd had my mind set on some paduk with a matching headstock, fairly understated.
  12. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1498738236' post='3326705'] What wood is that? [/quote] Loverly looking bass Rob, congrats. I'm stoked I just today got an email off Philip showing me a selection of woods I could choose for mine
  13. Fantastic have a great night. I was also lucky enough to support them on one of their giging trips to Finland. Was one of the best playing nights I ever had.
  14. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1498665580' post='3326221'] just, why? [/quote] I'm not sure, but he has had nearly 23 thousand likes on this and goodness knows how many views.. Good advertising I guess? Edit to say looks like he is getting some donations as well.. only 200 bucks 4 hours in,.
  15. I can only think this is going to cause some injury to his neck shoulders and that pulling finger at least. His posture dosen't look that comfy Good for Sire if the bass can stay in tune for the whole 5 hours.
  16. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1498652791' post='3326125'] AKA 'The London Bass Guitar Show' [/quote] I can only imagine
  17. Sounds like a nightmare, yep it does to me. Davie is going to try do it live on youtube, I don't know why?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRzyceprYYQ
  18. Notting Hill Carnival (street festival) 1978, still decidely dodgy after the riots the years before.
  19. I use one nearly all the time. Subtle and just clips when I'm too heavy fisted. I guess if I was a litte more even with my playing I wouldn't feel the need. Depends what you are wanting it to do I guess. Too add punch? I don't know maybe if you slap a lot. Try borrow one if you can first.
  20. Tell you what, bit off topic but anyways. Hadn't used my jazz in ages with a band always one of the P's or Lionheart that gets the nod, Been thinking about moving it on as it has just sat there, Had stuck some flats back on the Jazz a while ago and decide to take it along to practice yesterday, low and behold it did everything I wanted, bit of pick, fingers some reggae, funk and rocking blues Gigging it again next week, It's easy to fall in and out of favor with different styles of basses when you have a few, but most of them will get the job done if you give them a chance.
  21. I have a 4 string MKI on order. Never tried a MK2, maybe I should of first
  22. Sure the Demo in question is here, (2nd track) [url="https://soundcloud.com/everyday-people-band/sets/edp-demo-may2017"]https://soundcloud.c...dp-demo-may2017[/url] The pre-master here, https://soundcloud.com/everyday-people-band/weather-with-you-test-demo/s-Qq7mz except the acoustic guitar is missing on here. Nothing that special
  23. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1497868239' post='3320914'] Mastering is a tough one.. I agree that you could blitz a track in 15 minutes but the chances of it coming out to potential seems unlikely - like a mix, if you rush it, it'll show in the end product.. I usually (although not always) use a two stage process one with hardware (TC Finalizer in the 02R) and the second with software (Ozone Izotope) and I'm usuallly happy with the result - as are the clients - but it can be really easy to over or indeed under-do the processing.. Starting with a proper mix does make the whole process a far more pleasant one but even then, it's not something to be rushed or forced - it's easy to ruin something that was great before you started.. Just my opinion, of course.. Sorry to the O/P, I don't reallly have time to have a pop at your track but hope the other offers here yeild a top result. [/quote] Thanks everyone. Roman from here did a great job on the track with the mix I gave him. He brought some life and air to the track and has promised to help some more in the future It's always nice to get a set of extra ears from outside the band that can give an extra opinion and thoughts especially when you are trying to do it all in house and on a budget.
  24. I don't think it's safe to write what mine is .
  25. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1497708754' post='3320176'] Yuck, they might as well have just played it on a Jazzmaster! [/quote] lol, I think it was a danelectro 6 string bass
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