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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Yes, I’m ok with most things, but getting into removing fretboards is beyond my abilities. The main goal is to get it to function at this point …… although, predictably, once you start, you open a can of worms!! Right now there are worms everywhere!
  2. Interesting truss rod alterations A new “bullet” truss rod nut ordered. Which will mean the neck will have to be removed to alter it, but…. finding the correct one for a sensible price isn’t easy.
  3. So, I bought this, for not much money as my next project. I’m told it’s around 1970, but could be a year either way, no idea of the model, as there were so many. Badly re sprayed over Sunburst I would guess. I could strip it, but it’s plywood (I expect) and I can’t be bothered. I think the red looks ok from a distance. The pickups work, and the replacement string retainer on the headstock, that I ordered in advance, fits perfectly as you can see. I have the bushes for the tuners too. Some clown has battered the fretboard with varnish, so stripping that out is the first job. This could take a while. Any input from Teisco experts welcomed.
  4. It’s a discussion mate, don’t get on your high horse. It’s irrelevant when the act can’t do it any more?? Ha Ha, that’s laughable. That’s the exact point! That they can still do it. That’s why they become popular in the first place, because they could do something people liked. If they can’t do it anymore, they shouldn’t be doing it?? ****
  5. You should see me trying to eat peas on a fork, most of them end up on the floor…. I can still pound the hell out of a Thunderbird though
  6. Almost always one, but I throw in ghost notes with my second finger quite a bit.
  7. I’m 58, still gigging, still proud of our music and still deafeningly loud 😆 We have no plans to stop anytime soon, I guess until I just can’t sing the stuff anymore. I’ll be honest, there’s a couple of our songs from the 80s that I’m finding physically hard to sing, songs that when I was 18, were easy, but not any more. when the time comes, I’ll be too proud to struggle on through them, but again, I don’t rely on it to pay my bills, so I don’t have to.
  8. This ^^ was exactly my original point. Its not about age, I’m 58 and still singing our original stuff. When my voice goes, I’ll have to stop. I understand that music isn’t my sole income, unlike someone “famous” who rely on the income. So I accept that it’s a difficult decision, but nevertheless, if you’re a singer who can’t sing anymore……. Maybe it’s more about genre? Maybe, as a rock guy, I see singers fronting metal bands who literally cannot hit the notes anymore. Maybe in other genres of music it’s less noticeable?
  9. I think my point has been missed here If a band can still do it, then absolutely they should. If they can’t….. they should stop? An athlete gets to an age when their ability compromises their performance, so they have to retire? Is it not the same for a singer who’s voice has deteriorated with age? Or do the paying punters just overlook the fact with rose tinted spectacles firmly in place. I think a lot of paying audiences still go to see these bands because they are clinging on to their youth, much like the band they just paid to see. And yes, I guess primarily I’m talking about vocalists.
  10. Some interesting responses there. So the examples I gave in the OP, Jon Bon Jovi clearly cannot sing the songs anymore , neither can Rob Halford, neither can David Coverdale …… etc David Coverdale has said publicly, that he really needs to think about whether live work is still an option (certainly with regards to Whitesnake). There are probably plenty of bands and artists in their twilight years who can still pull it off, great, keep doing it. However when the live performance is massively undermined by the limitations of an aging throat, surely that performer should consider some pride in their work and call it a day? Or do they just plough on regardless and cash in for as long as possible?
  11. I appreciate that the only way for bands to make money these days, is to play live…. but really….. when should these old bands just call it a day?? It’s embarrassing when the singer can’t hit those notes anymore….. Bon Jovi… Judas Priest….. Whitesnake…… Please…. You had your time…… enough is enough. No?
  12. The original specs…. obviously now, the bass has the Aguilar OBP-1 preamp in it now. Volume, Pan, Bass boost & Treble boost. Highly likely I’ll just keep it to be honest, I do love my Warwicks, but if something else came along that suited the band better, I could be interested.
  13. Sorry, but I echo the above. A good teacher should have the facilities at his/her place of learning to provide everything the student needs, including an amp. The only reason you would bring a bass, would be because it was comfortable and familiar to you. Most teachers would have more than one bass, amps etc. I bet most of us have, I’ve got 4 amps here including a couple of decent practice amps. I would already be looking elsewhere.
  14. I echo the previous comments, I’m sorry to hear about your loss. You have to give it time my friend. It will come back, the desire to play again, when you’re ready. I’m not comparing my experience of course, but the end of my marriage was as low as I personally have ever been. I didn’t touch a bass, or even listen to any music at all, for 3 years. The trauma sucked the enthusiasm out of me. However, time allows you to learn to live with the loss, and slowly, your mojo comes back. I assure you it will, don’t rush it, and all the best to you for your future.
  15. Awesome….. I had one many years ago, really fantastic basses.
  16. This thing is absolutely fabulous, but just not what I need for the band right now. I’m saving for a Gibson Thunderbird or a US P bass ideally. If you have either, and want a trade, let me know. This is a classic era, ‘94 Fortress, absolute quality instrument, with a brand new, professionally fitted Aguilar OBP-1 preamp. Plays beautifully, and currently has brand new TI flats on it. With all the extras, it owes me well over 1K. I travel all over the country with work, so meeting you somewhere would be ideal. Thanks for having a look.
  17. Not going to lie…… We kicked donkey last night. It’s our 40yr anniversary, and a bunch of gigs are coming. I’ve been through a bunch of basses during this reunion, but it’s all about the Thunderbird and the Ashdown ABM 500. Such an amazing tone. Anyone into original heavy rock….. not being funny….. we’re still ace for a bunch of old men. 😆
  18. NICE……. I’ve not had a Lakland for years. That’s a sexy setup right there.
  19. https://www.bandtmusic.co.uk/emg-35hz-4-string-passive-bass-soapbar-p-up.html?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=advertising&utm_campaign=googleshopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnOipBhBQEiwACyGLunKMtsQO6bOfRc1-WpTKx-9D8qjau5ln1v0uzrjJWgpRbbc4Fw_1eBoCImwQAvD_BwE
  20. I would imagine something like the EMG HZ would work well in there, if the dimensions are the same?
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