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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. So gutted I missed this today, it looks like you've all had a marvellous time. Sooooooo….next year then?
  2. Ooh, bugger, sorry to hear that mate Was a cracking show, shame you missed it. Next time bud
  3. Well, they look a good idea. Not sure how much of an advantage they'd be over a standard bridge, but an interesting concept
  4. Weird coincidence, I've also put all of my basses ( except my gig setup) into storage today as I'm moving house soon too. And, I have two of these Standard series PJ's myself, one of which was my main gig bass for five years, love them, the necks are superb. It took a Fender American Performer to replace it, and only then because that can also replace the jazz that was also in my gig setup, so I had a bass less to carry, else Id still be gigging it. Best of luck with everything fella
  5. Canglewood is awesome Didn't they collaborate with Overwafer once?
  6. Been on the lookout for a Goth Thunderbird for a while, just for a larf like. Now that Woodinblack has stated they are a bit if a singer killer, I shall look a bit more
  7. I'm hoping to get along to this but cant confirm yet, if I do ill bring a NS designs EUB and a bow. Shall also pack a GK combo in the car so people can hear it
  8. Sometimes Id like to be hiding in the corner, but generally im on the front line. I think I like it there. Couple weeks ago I played a gig with a raging toothache, was literally clawing at my face during soundcheck, and eyed the pliers in my little toolbag more than once. On that occasion I wanted to be offstage completely. The show must go on though, no-one commented so I guess they thought my grimaces were bass faces
  9. Cool, best of luck with that fella 👍
  10. Bit of a quote mixing thing going on there, @Gunsfreddy2003, is it you have started with a KB trib? Which ones that then?
  11. OMG! That's literally less than 20 miles from my home! And on Sunday 7th April Im bloody miles away from both those places! I don't f%&k£ng believe it!!!
  12. Loving these (as usual for your stuff) @Jabba_the_gut When and where is this SW bass bash you allude to?
  13. Im a fan of black hardware so Id say yes I tried an OLP couple years back and found the neck way to chunky too, I eventually found Stingray happiness in my price bracket with a Sub, nice slim neck, very playable
  14. Band dates for this year up to October. Could happily bring this along if someone would like to meet up. The Canterbury date is now 26th April btw
  15. Band dates for this year up to October. Could happily bring this along if someone would like to meet up. The Canterbury date is now 26th April btw
  16. Well, therein lies a thing Soledad. I do travel around the UK a fair bit with my band, could bring it along to a gig and do 'the deal' there, if anyone is interested. Heres a list of dates for the forthcoming future - (theres many more planned for the second half of the year too) - http://www.cloudbustingkatebushtribute.com/dates.html
  17. I used to find that with records. The time spent searching in record shops ( no interweb back then) and tracking down pieces of obscura was equally as pleasurable as finally placing the needle on the vinyl in question, sometimes more so
  18. Did you have a contract for your appearance last year? You may find a clause in it stating that they are allowed to use your likeness
  19. I really like that black walnut facing
  20. I guess they wanted to advertise the festival rather than the bands playing
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