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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. Great looking bass. I've got a California TT4 ( a straight passive jazz bass basically) and its a thing of wonder. the plek'd fret thing means mine also has the lowest action of any bass i've played, with no buzzing and spot-on intonation throughout. Surprised to hear about the bridge being wrongly placed - quite a major mistake really, and not what I'd expect from Sandberg, who seem all about German efficient engineering. good luck - hope you get to sorted.
  2. Trying to think of something witty and Black Friday related to bump this, but alas I cannot. So just a normal ready salted bump then. I can be a bit flexible on price but it's already a lot of good MIJ bass for the money...
  3. USA P Bass, Markbass LM3 and Aguilar GS410. that'd keep me happy
  4. I approve of the view taken by singer songwriter David Ford. He completely opposes encores because of the whole contrivance that goes with them - i.e. pretending you've finished the set, waiting till the audience has cheered for the regulation amount, and then re-appearing to play the two or three biggest hits that have been suspiciously missing from the set. A genuine encore is fine, on those marvellous nights when you really won't get away without playing more. But not the in-built one that you deliver regardless of whether anyone wanted it.
  5. I was also in a position about 12 or 13 years ago when i didn't play bass at all for two years, following quite a bitter break-up of my band which left wanting to get away from music for a bit. I considered selling various bits of my gear, but I ended up moving away and joining another band, which I'm still with happily. It's not nice to get rid of gear you like unless you need the money or are sure you're never going to need it again. Sorry to hear about your health problems, and hope you get something fun sorted soon.
  6. Taped it. Will watch asap this week. I do like wilko.
  7. Coldplay, at the Afan Lido Leisure Centre, in Aberavon, Port Talbot, South Wales in 2002 (it was just at the release of their second album). The venue was a small seaside sports centre, where basically they'd taken down the badminton net and put a stage up. I've no idea hope they ended up being booked to play there. The whole place stank of weed, and had a few hundred people wedged into it. My missus and I went to review it for the local paper, but didn't know much about the band or their material (and are still not exactly massive fans really). It was amazing tho - so much energy, great light show, proper 'swaying euphorically' stuff. Tickets cost just £18 apparently!
  8. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1447836766' post='2910732'] Nice! Good timing too, as apparently the SE model is being discontinued in favour of a US-made version! [/quote] Really? Wow i bet that will be a bit of a monster! I saw an interview in which Bernie mentioned the possibility of a USA version but didn't realise it was on the cards. better get saving then ha ha. I gigged this for the first time last weekend and it sounded great - even the rest of the band noticed, which is high praise indeed...! I really like the size, shape and in this particular instance, light weight of it too. Makes it a very comfortable guitar for playing and singing, as it hangs just right and has plenty of poke.
  9. Amy Winehouse in about 2009. Her band was amazing, but when she finally stumbled onstage about 10 mins into the set, she was absolutely dreadful. Actually Ryan Adams earlier this year was pretty poor too. His entire set was the downest of downbeat, slow-paced stoner country, with him occasionally mumbling incomprehensibly between songs. He cracked a few jokes which no-one got, and then shuffled into the next identically-paced, misery-fest of a tune. Found it really boring.
  10. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1439828877' post='2846082'] Great to see the vintage getting some gig time. I always think if you're going to have it, might as well use it! How about a picture? [/quote] Here's the old girl. Definitely a time and a place for a good vintage bass in my life. Apologies for the sideways pictures - everything I post at the moment seems to be on the wonk...
  11. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1447838858' post='2910756'] Ear Peace. Sounds like a John Lennon protest, or a CSNY song. [/quote] Give ears a chance!
  12. Nice basses - I had two natural wood coloured ones back in the late 80s/early 90s and they were pretty decent.
  13. Hi all, Unusual one this and I wasn't sure how best to price it. It's a Japanese SGC Nanyo SB301 passive unlined fretless bass from 1988. Anyone who is familiar with these will already know them as being very lightweight, comfortable basses with very playable jazz bass-ish necks. I've owned it since 2009 and I've had a couple of mods carried out to bring it up to its current condition. I'll explain... When I got it, it had the original SGC P pickup, but the J pickup had been replaced with a Bartoloni, which had gone a bit microphonic. The original passive controls also included a blend pot, but it made the 'both pickups on' setting quieter than either individually. Hmm. So I got both pickups replaced with a new Wizard PJ set, which sounds great, and at the same time got the controls changes to vol/vol/tone/tone (as on a Les Paul). I should say all this work was carried out professionally by the techies at Sheehans Music in Leicester. I have all the original wiring and the pickups it came with. The eagle eyed among you might notice that the pole pieces on the Wizard set are slightly wider than the string spacing on the bass, which is slightly narrower than a P bass. But the sound is absolutely fine with no difference in volume (presumably the magnetic field is big enough for it not to matter? I don't know). The fingerboard is a lovely slab of rosewood, which I've lemon oiled regularly, and it has always worn flatwounds to my knowledge. There are the tiniest string marks on the board, but nothing that affects the feel or playability in any way. Currently strung with a set of Rotosound 40-100 flats with plenty of life in them. Cosmetically it does have a few marks on it. The front of the body beneath the forearm has a few scuffs, and elsewhere there are superficial dings and scratches as expected from a 27-year-old bass. Overall it plays well, with comfortable medium/low action and all the important bits working well. It's pretty loud and lively when unplugged and good fun to play, even tho I'm not a particularly great fretless player! I've used it for perhaps a dozen gigs since 2009, plus a bit of recording on a friend's country / bluegrass album, but it hasn't come out of its bag for over a year now so that's not enough for me to hang on to it really. I checked the previous sales on Basschat to get an idea of the price, so £145 plus postage was a sort of guess based in that. It comes with a tatty but clean Ritter gigbag too. NOW SOLD
  14. Mine's a Hot Rod Deluxe for a few years back which is a special edition with a Jensen P12n speaker. I had an older blues deluxe which was never the same after a repair so this was a welcome replacement. Sounds great. Just swapped the whole set of oldish valves for a set of JJ valves and it sounded the dogs danglies when I gigged it last weekend. I run it on clean channel with a Mooer hustle drive and pure boost providing varying degrees of gain, then hit lead channel for lead boost. Paired with a HSS strat it sounds great. Happy days!
  15. My Fender Hot Rod Deluxe was playing up with some cutting out/cracking noises when i was playing. Turned out to be some dry solder joints, which my local repair guy fixed. But in the process of elimination getting there, and while the amp was opened up anyway, we agreed to pop in the whole set of new JJ valves I'd got for good measure, as the old ones had been in for at least 10 years. Gigged it on Saturday night and whoa! It sounded brilliant - much clearer and open sounding. Chuffed. I'm reasonably inexperienced in the ways of guitar valve amps, being mainly a bassist and only more recently gigging regularly on guitar as well. So apologies if my post is stating the blindly obvious - I expected it to sound better, but it really has just woken it up.
  16. Sure the timing isn't great, even tho it was unavoidable. But in fairness using that image would be pretty unwise at any time I'd say.
  17. I had two Thunder 1A basses, and a Spectrum ST. I remember them as being decent basses, though not outstanding and I sold them all in the name of upgrading. I briefly had both a Thunder 1A and a Charvel, but the Charvel was way better than the Westone (despite it's none more 80s pointy headstock, which is why i eventually sold that too). I seem to remember that the Thunder 1A weighed an absolute ton as well. I think i paid £80 at the time for it, so I was very grateful, but I don't think I'd use one much now, certainly not over a decent Fender P bass.
  18. Had a great one on Saturday, for a wedding anniversary party. Had to learn a couple of cheesy tunes which the hosts had requested, but they went down really well in fairness. I wasn't on bass for this one tho - was covering lead guitar and vocals instead, which meant a chance to gig my newish PRS Bernie Marsden, plus my recently acquired Dunlop mini wah etc. All good. My well travelled drummer even complimented me on my guitar sound and solos. Yay not bad for a bassist then... In response to the ear plugs point, I always wear them too. Ive got a set called Ear Peace that come in a red steel tube. They are soft rubber with different strength inserts, and come in different skin tones. Work well for me.
  19. Fairly sure Fender didn't make an unlined fretless in 1961....maybe that's one of the bits that ain't genuine. Hmm
  20. Price drop bump - now £360 + postage This needs to shift to pay for other gear, so drop me a line if it interests you!
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