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topo morto

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Everything posted by topo morto

  1. From another thread, in which this question was asked of someone else : [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1347728042' post='1804412'] How would you describe the differences and similarities between the [BB and SFT] as they're both on my 'try list'? [/quote] BB: nice, but non-commital style of distortion - a bit plummy and with a bit of grind in there too. has post gain tone controls so you can brighten or warm your sound. Has quite an open, 'hi-fi' sound, but can sound a little brittle used straight into a recording / PA. SFT: has a bit of an inherant snorty, throaty sound, perhaps like a speaker sim. pre-gain bandaxall tone stack - so the tone controls alter the gain / qualty of distortion, rather than simply change the tonal balance. I like to push the treble much more than the bass, or you just get plummy bloom and no grit. You won't get much added bass out of the SFT. Quite touch-sensitive and responsive. Can be driven at 18v and some reckon it's better there. Both have similar gain ranges. I'll venture that the BB is probably better if you want to add a bit of dirt to an amp you already like, while the SFT sounds more 'like a record' and is great fun to play through a PA or clean amp/cab due to its touch sensitivity and 'ampiness' (and I say this despite having found its basic sound a bit thin and middy)
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  6. Just got a pedalboard/bag from bennys. Not only was it delivered next day, but if I ever need to upgrade to a larger board, I can just use the very substantial box that it itself came in. Super easy deal, many thanks!
  7. Could be after something like this... does it work with active / line level as well as passive / instrument level?
  8. woolly mammoths, as 'hand painted' zvex pedals, should have a lifetime guarantee.... you'd save on the post sending two back at a time! many effects pedals are no more robust than any other electronic gear. They should take a good stomp to the footswitches - apart from that, it pays to be careful with them.
  9. Does it have a shoulder strap? I am pedal powered when it comes to transport as well as bass...
  10. Purchasing a couple of pedals from this kind gentleman currently appears to have been a prudent move....
  11. Woolly mammoth clone + a debenhams voucher? Could well be interested if you decided to sell but might not be the only one!
  12. Gratefully took delivery of a very welcome freebee. Many thanks!
  13. Is this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&item=130718536258&nma=true&rt=nc&si=OJWFUiUAH8zE28%252BImMA67Om%252Bd8A%253D&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]this one[/url]? If so, what was the repair that needed doing?
  14. Obviously the target market of this may be atypical, but still - Funny to see production of a product moving [i]to [/i]the US to cut production costs!
  15. Q: is the original "made by suicidal reindeer in Finland" version now worth more? A: YES
  16. Sent a pedal East - fast payment, and you can get extra insurance with international 'signed for' delivery for just a couple of quid extra so the posting bit isn't a problem either. Great guy, would deal again no problem. Thanks!
  17. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1339175258' post='1684984'] Oh yes. I've run rigs with a 4 way split signal and used band splits. [/quote] One more than bootsy..... [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/bootsys-rig-1979-a-514029/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/bootsys-rig-1979-a-514029/[/url] If there was a pedal costing £120-£150 that could do all that, I'd consider it. IMO the basic theme with bass drives is that you want to be able to leave the bass and lower mids firm and clean - and maybe fill them out a bit... while dirtying up the top end.
  18. [quote name='Mark_Andertons' timestamp='1339104259' post='1683891'] Jason their famously British marketing guy's answer was this: [Quote] when we ask what they want, they come up with really helpful things like "A diatonic Harmonizer, that has a silicon fuzz, optical compressor that works dependent on what string you play and if I've been to the chippy". [/Quote] [/quote] Judging by the replies so far, sounds like they knew all along then! Peeps who are suggesting clean blend - would you really prefer that to split band?
  19. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1339108000' post='1683998'] crossover [/quote] I'm also thinking that split band processing is the future for bass. Clean blend might just be the poor relation of being able to process the low and and high ends of your signal separately.
  20. The man's a legend. I highly recommend buying his gear if you want some nice gear, OR if you are hungry. Thanks mcnach, also "Thanks Ken"
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