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Everything posted by cetera

  1. As 'songs' to listen to I'd much rather put on the first 3 albums.... or 'Royal Scam' (which is my fave).... but then I do love the guitar interplay of Skunk and Denny which I think was sorely missing from their later work. I have all their albums but hardly ever listen to the last 3..... too sterile and background/lounge for me....
  2. Thanks SO much Nick! This kind of support means the world to us! The organisers were thrilled with our performance and said that we had the biggest crowd of ANY act over the weekend Here's some pics, for those who may be interested.... Pyro! Rocking out.... and again.... Mean me... 'Bloody' me... Fire!!
  3. Stingray, Jazz or Spector EuroLX.... Win/Win with any of those...
  4. Two rigs for me.... 1) The 'KISS Tribute' rig of doom: Furman Power Conditioner Samson Wireless BBE Sonic Maximiser Bass Pod Pro (used as pre-amp) Ampeg SVT3 Pro (using power stage only) Mesa/Boogie Diesel 2x15 EV Cab ......all running at 4 ohms 2) The 'Function Band', rehearsal... and 'everything else' rig: Korg Tuner Tech21 Landmark 600 Head Genz Benz NeoX-212T (2x12) cab with horn and bass ports) .....again running at 4 ohms.
  5. [quote name='noirpunk' post='649841' date='Nov 9 2009, 05:13 PM']Cheers Gary, was good to meet you. Thanks a lot for the interview, thank Ash on my behalf also. You played superbly, my mate was very very impressed. I shall see you at the Cardiff show [/quote] Cheers matey! It was our pleasure. See you & your mate at Cardiff.... and please bring as many others with you as you can! This show is now an ALL AGES show (under 16's with an adult) and we should have some 'burlesque' dancers joining us onstage for a song or two... and maybe providing some entertainment before the show.
  6. VERY nice! - BOTH of them!
  7. Great to meet Noirpunk at our 'Music Live' performance on Sunday... and I've since heard from Doctor Of The Bass who was also there... Thanks for your support chaps!
  8. Beautiful.... if only I had the spare cash....
  9. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='642418' date='Nov 1 2009, 11:35 AM']BGM's got a lot better looking recently but it's still an un-inspiring read and lacking a bit, editorially. They need to get away from doing long drawn out Q+As with players people have never heard of/care about and work up some better editorial features. It needs a bit of attitude in the writing too; a sense of humour, a sense of fun. It still feels a bit cut and paste - esp the news section. The reviews also need a bit of edge to them, it's boring to read 10 paragraphs listing the features on a bass, when I can see what it does by looking at the picture. Tell me if it's any good, if you took it to a gig and got laughed at or got compliments on it, show me how it fits in the back of a hatchback (or doesn't) etc etc. Take a look at What Car - it's a good example of how to make something samey (new car reviews) sound interesting every month.[/quote] Have to agree with all of this.... though I'd like to support a good Bass magazine I just don't find BGM inspiring enough to purchase (for all the above reaons...)
  10. To 'follow through' with another toilet story.... The first time I visited my friend (and original Doobie Brothers bassist) Tiran Porter's house I had been there a few hours when I felt nature calling and retreated to his toilet. As I took my seat I looked up at the wall in front of me and there on the wall was a 'Rolling Stone Award' for 'Best Band of 1977' or such-like.... When I asked him why it was relegated to the little boys room he said it was because "they're a pretentious and sh*t magazine - so what better room for the award to hang"?! lol!
  11. [quote name='onehappybunny' post='646498' date='Nov 5 2009, 05:50 PM']My back is safe! New lightweight rig (15kg total !!!) ShuttleMax 12.0 plus Barefaced Compact (pimped in 'salt & pepper' - "push it real good" ) Apols for the light moire effect on the photo - decided not to take up a whole page with the image [/quote] Seriously nice rig! Congrats!
  12. [quote name='ahpook' post='646745' date='Nov 5 2009, 09:57 PM']there's that whole 'schoolgirl on stage at darlington arts centre' thing... but that was a long time ago, and i don't do that kind of thing any more.[/quote] Respect!
  13. Crikey Nick! I'm trying my best, mate - but how am I [i]possibly[/i] gonna catch up with you in the 'bass ownership' stakes if you buy two at a time?!?!! Nice bass porn tho' fella! Gary (comfortable in the knowledge that I have a Wal Mk1 Custom fretless.... the very thing Nick covets....)
  14. Lovely stuff! Guy's a nice bloke isn't he? Check out his bass work with a band called 'Toy Matinee' - superb stuff!
  15. [quote name='gafbass02' post='645554' date='Nov 4 2009, 06:26 PM']For a long time it was replacing Reef on the bill of the 1996 run to the sun festival which was cool, and then playing supporting Dokken on the UK leg of their tour in 2005, but i reckon probably the greatest was subsequently supporting Styx on the UK leg of their tour a few months later and getting to play Glasgow SECC, and Birmingham symphony hall, Manchester Apollo, Rock city, Colston Hall and the Hammersmith Odeon/Apollo all in a week with our own crew and truck etc etc, very cool![/quote] Ah yes, I was there down the front watching you mate! Being a big Styx fan I was at Nottingham, Birmingham AND Hammersmith Great shows!
  16. Playing the Astoria on only my second ever professional gig. Playing to 10,000+ people at the Ariake Colisseum in Tokyo (with members of Def Leppard in the audience) then the next day getting on the bullet train and finding that I'm sitting behind Stuart Hamm, Joe Satriani & Jonathan Mover Playing to 20,000 people in Dynamo Bucharest football stadium with my 'originals' band just before Saxon & Jethro Tull. Going onstage at Vienna Stadthalle (in full 'Gene Simmons' garb) with my friends in the opening local band (on a 3 band bill with Motorhead & Dio) and having the whole arena believe I really was Gene....lol!.... then going backstage and being *ahem* 'noshed off' by a beautiful lady in my dressing room
  17. Lots of love.... no money (at least nowhere near THAT much)
  18. Bumping for our appearance on the Live Stage at 'Music Live' at the NEC this coming Sunday 8th November. We'll be onstage at 2.40 for 45 mins
  19. Wow! Beautiful bass.... good luck with your trade!
  20. [quote name='steve-soar' post='638106' date='Oct 27 2009, 04:18 PM']Welcome back to music.[/quote] Oh yes indeedy.....
  21. Just ask yourself "What is hip?!?" I think you'll find that the answer is 'Tower Of Power'!
  22. Crikey! Great price for a great bass!
  23. [quote name='Toasted' post='633387' date='Oct 22 2009, 01:10 PM']It's all about little people not reading T&Cs.[/quote] Well this litlle person is taking his current account elsewhere now
  24. ...tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....
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