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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. Yeah, she properly gives me what for if I turn up to an 80's gig without the Modulus. If I move up next to her while she's singing, in the right light, the sparkle can make her forget lyrics. Complete glitter junkie 😂
  2. Well that didn’t take long. She said “Oh..... my.......god...... me want it 😍😍😍xx”
  3. Ha ha. No I spent that on the Darkglass 900 V2 ‘Euryale‘. If I was going to spend £2750 on a Stingray (I’m not. I’m really not. Well not today anyway 😂), I would take that Dargie over the Pink Champagne. There’s something about those plain ebony fretboards that I really like. The singer in my 80’s band would go ape over that Champagne finish. I might send her the pic and report back with her reaction.
  4. Yes, I think @Chiliwailer has described similar occurrences when he worked in the trade. At least he got what he was after 😂
  5. This rings a bell. I wanted to order a Stingray some time back in a colour and hardware combination that they didn’t have a build number for. They did the finish and all the other bits, just not all together. Oh, it had an SLO neck on it too, which they still did then. I did get a reply, very much in the ‘oh no, we don’t do that kind of thing’ tone. I pointed out that they would have everything they needed to put it together and I was prepared to wait and pay extra if required. The next reply may as well of been ‘off you f**k’. So I did.
  6. I've been there a few times. I think that claim is in respect of it's physical size, which is quite impressive, but I didn't find much there to pique my interest to be honest. I usually pop in there after I've been to Status HQ, so it does have a lot to live up to 😂.
  7. Phil Jones Big Head. I have the Bass Buddy, which I don't think they do any more. The Big Head replaced it. Good kit.
  8. OOF. Love the finish and the gold hardware. Not so keen on the black position markers and the white plate. In fact, I think I could wear the black dots if it weren't for the colour of the plate.
  9. A search of eBay sold items indicates they do sell. You’re never going to ship it, so why not list it on a cheap listing day?
  10. I think some are jumping to conclusions around the limited information the OP has given which was ‘No truss rod’ (I’m assuming that’s truss rod adjustment tool - I hope 😂), ‘no cleaning cloth’ and ‘no strap’. Unless I’m missing something, it doesn’t say it didn’t come in a case. We also don’t know how much the OP paid for it. Did the seller give the OP the heads up it was missing these items and sell it for less than the RRP? I for one love the look of the bass. I can’t really justify another bass right now, but it’s tempting. I would definitely wear not having the items stated for a discount. They are all replaceable after all.
  11. The one with the graphite is a 20th Anniversary isn’t it? What neck did it have on it originally?
  12. I have the 4 string version of this in the same finish and it’s lush. If I were in the market for another 5’er, I would be sending you my money now. Good luck with the sale 🤞
  13. I think I’ve had less interest in all of my basses from my wife over the last 25 years. Mrs.NJ sounds like a keeper 😀
  14. Bdonkey Acquisition Mode hits you - like BAM! It's the new GAS. If I were a left hooker, I would buy it!
  15. Be careful not to confuse ‘interest’ with ‘mild curiosity over what nonsense will appear here next’.
  16. Both FSO’s. Fodera Shaped Objects.
  17. I’m not used to seeing cabs on that sofa 😂. GLWTS 👍
  18. At the risk of inciting a wave of silly comments, in my experience (it may not be fact 😀), I can make my Wal sound ordinary and quite un-Wal like. What I’ve been unable to do is make any of my other basses sound like my Wal when it’s got ‘that’ sound dialled in. Plus, it’s just a work of art to look at and feels fabulous too.
  19. I really didn’t like any of the neck profiles on the Mk1’s I played before I bought my Mk3. They were all very V shaped. I guess if you’re ordering a new one you can spec the neck to your preference.
  20. Is there any particular reason you have chosen the Mk1? I’m assuming you’ve played a few to know the difference and that you know what the neck profiles can be like?
  21. Ah, apologies. Well, if you want one, I would order now. At least you have three years to save up for the final payment 👍
  22. The price and the wait time do seem a little excessive. Have you spoken with a Electric Wood to enquire why the wait time has gone up? The prices, well, they’re going to go up, but I would expect it to stay at the price point you ordered it at. I can’t see why that would be otherwise. I’m glad I bought mine when I did.
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