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  3. I strongly suspect it's just the pickup cover that's SD, not the pickup. To my knowledge SD use rod magnets not ceramic bars. Not claiming expert status though. Overall, I don't recall them using adjustable pole pieces in their bass pickups.
  4. Bought this via eBay about 2 weeks ago I think the seller was a little liberal with the condition description, but I picked it up in a rush and didn’t look over it properly. It’s a project. It wasn’t listed as such. I haven’t the time to complete the project side of things. I think it’s had some repairs to the neck - it plays well, but cosmetically…it’s not the best. I’d want to sand the finish off and tidy up or maybe investigate a little further. There’s a separation between the back and side - I genuinely think it’s a glue/clamp job. In the original listing it stated some marks commensurate with age (it’s about 40-45 years old). I really do think it’s worth saving - It sounds really well; it’s loud and the neck is comfortable. I have a bass from the same factory/period which was listed as encore - made in Italy by Eko. So - it’s a handy campfire buddy, I think if I had more time I’d completely strip the finish and sort the issues. But all transparency, this is only if you know how to fix guitars or are willing to pay a luthier to sort. Or you’re comfortable with how it is. It is a great old bass with lots of character though. I will ship - entirely on the understanding that it’s a risky business as there’s no case included
  5. Interesting ... it prompted me to google some and guess what!? This chap has instructions on how to get IS running on an Mk3S+ (using klipper and a Pi) with significant speed improvements! https://github.com/charminULTRA/Klipper-Input-Shaping-MK3S-Upgrade?tab=readme-ov-file#readme Sam x
  6. I have a couple other f boxes and can ship…either bass. might be risky 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. There's one on ebay at the moment... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176427213694?itmmeta=01J0H7XEX1XAXRTR26556T1ZEN&hash=item2913e1a37e:g:rF0AAOSw-ZxmWalq
  8. I've just calculated how much faster the Prusa MK4 using Input Shaping is over a Mk4 without Input Shaping and also against a Prusa MK3S+. I've used six pieces and sliced them each using different printer profiles. All other settings are identical. So if I printed all six pieces on a single Prusa Mk3S+ it would take 88 hours. The same work on a Prusa Mk4 without Input Shaping is much the same, 84 hours. If we throw Input Shaping into the mix, the time take drops to 33.5 hours (ish). Thats a 2.5x speed up which is insane. The Mk4 without Input Shaping and with Input Shaping is the same printer with the same hardware, just driven differently. The quality seems to be identical. If I had a Prusa print farm where time is money, I'd get a lot of Prusa Mk4's. I currently have 2 x MK3S+, one of which is supposed to go for free to local school (but if they don't move their 4r5es, that offer may get pulled). I thought I'd easily use three printers, but the Mk4 is so fast, I'm doing everything on it now. I may even decide not to keep the second MK3S+ at the moment. Rob
  9. I'm in for a pa meet up. Xr18, qsc tops, a full alto system and a full rcf system here, not that I could bring all of it at once.
  10. Japan were around during my art college years, but I never listened to them at all. Just looked like a bunch of pretty boys to me. Likewise I've never knowingly heard Mick Karn. Now I feel like they are a band I should finally listen to, maybe tomorrow at work I usually have music on all day. Best album to start with? Actually I really like live stuff so I may look for an old concert on Youtube
  11. Made in Finland version. Excellent and versatile bass drive/preamp with three band EQ and toggles to adjust clipping. Can do a light drive or get almost fuzzy. Get in touch for more information/photos etc. I can post at cost/meet/deliver.
  12. Here's a demo tape created by a band I currently play with: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/av3w44msyi8c220m1qhfa/speak-no-evil-demo.mp3?rlkey=k5x0fkx1js92746hxyqckoenf&dl=0 This is approx. 10 minutes of samples from a 2 hour rehearsal. Unfortunately, when we recorded it we were all exhausted after work and I think it shows in the slow tempos and lack of energy.
  13. You will struggle to find a better value cab! 4x300W (1200W) 8 Ohms Roughly 25kg Size - 600x410x630mm Loaded with 4x eminence drivers (see pics for details). Marine ply construction. Open to sensible offers. Trade wise, I am interested in a clean boost pedal such as a rodenberg 707b or darkglass harmonic booster, or a line 6 helix stomp / stomp xl (assuming I have cash to add at the time...), but hey, try me. Located in Bedford, MK42 9UR. May be able to meet up somewhere or deliver for fuel money..but let's have that discussion first. Thanks!
  14. Wow - that's a thread from the past. It's entirely optional. A good quality beeswax polish can add some extra 'zip' if the player does a lot of quick movements up and down the fretboard. On some of my own fretboards I've used it, but most of the time I find the standard slurry-and-buff fast enough.
  15. The fretless acoustic situation has become stupid. The non mariachi looking one needs some attention, I bought while leathered because I’m a tit. It needs a bit of attention, looks like it’s had some bits done and not finished. Sounds amazing, but needs a bit of TLC. I’m at a point where I’d love to tackle it. But I haven’t got time or money to throw at another project. It’s wooden backed (mariachi is plastic/bowl) It owes me £150, because I’m a tit. Happy to entertain offers/swaps for a pedal or something. I also still have the Ashdown Pre. So maybe something can be figured out. I think £100 is realistic for what the bass is. It’s old and bonkers, sounds very well - slightly bigger body than the other one. Sounds deeper/louder as a result… Whichever one sells first will close this thread… edit - I’ve made its own thread…for the big dreadnought bass…
  16. I need to add, I am very impressed with the results after just a couple of minutes of giving what are probably quite crap instructions
  17. It would be more accurate to say the AI that you used doesn't. Or didn't. It's algorithms may have since been updated. As @Osiris said different AI bots react in different ways.
  18. Gone over to a J, have you, Mr B?
  19. Today
  20. Selling due to vets bills and being mainly IEM at the mo. I bought in 2020 from Bass Direct pre-owned. Great condition, largely stayed at home under the cover. Probably pick up only, I travel up and down the A1 from St Neots to London a lot so possible drop off. I’m willing to post if I can find a reasonable box at cost. Hot cover and markbass wedge included. I have some packing materials would just need to source a suitable box, so happy to discuss shipping.
  21. Absolute steal here if you're local: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/166824861709 EQ sliders mostly damaged on the head but still a crazy bargain.
  22. It's coming along; the finish isn't as great as it could be but it's pretty good, and the electrics are complete now too. Once the shielding paint is dry I'll align and fit the bridge, fit the pickups and get all the rest of the gubbins fitted. Everything's just mocked-up here, and nothing is permanently attached, but it's starting to look like a bass at last. Cheers, JRK
  23. At least you don’t need to worry about how the couriers treat it.
  24. The band I am in is The Desert Penguins. I used some free app to create the first attached image. I specifically asked for a black scratch plate on the Strat.... I then tried to get some images just for me. AI does not yet fully understand the concept of left handedness, and when it does it doesn't get 1957 black P bass, with black scratch plate and chrome pickup cover.
  25. Maybe he just forgot to take a step with him, I’ve done that.😖
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