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Vintage MIJ (formerly J@pCr@p) Spotting


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It's gone a bit quiet again in JapCrap land, after the post-Christmas surge of activity. But there's this:


Antoria P bass, he reckons, but I'd say a hybrid, Antoria Jazz neck on a P body, with nice parts box hardware. I do think this would scrub up nice.

A bargain Hohner Jack, for anyone in Surrey. Poor listing & no post means this has as yet gone unnoticed:


A Matsumoku - or, at least, Aria-like EB-0, if it stays cheap, I might have a pop at this... :)


And while I don't usually post US-listed stuff, I'll make an exception for this - a Kawai Sleekline, basically a farked-up Jazz, only the second time I've seen one. The first was a few years ago, it went through UK Ebay twice without selling, with a stupid start price - at a time when I had no money. Unfortunately third time unlucky, & someone snagged it. Ebay being Ebay, there's always another one coming along - and here it is:


Don't know what the customs sting on that would be, but if it doesn't get any bids... :huh:


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Our friend in Germany has a nice Ibanez jazz going. as ever is asking price is a bit optomistic i think. nice looking thing though.


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[quote name='beerdragon' post='113417' date='Jan 4 2008, 10:52 AM']Our friend in Germany has a nice Ibanez jazz going. as ever is asking price is a bit optomistic i think. nice looking thing though.


One of the many he repeatedly lists & unsurprisingly never seems to sell. He has a black one the same, too.

That Antoria Jazz I posted up earlier, identical apart from the name & colour, went for £175 yesterday. :)


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[quote name='Bassassin' post='113422' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:09 AM']One of the many he repeatedly lists & unsurprisingly never seems to sell. He has a black one the same, too.

That Antoria Jazz I posted up earlier, identical apart from the name & colour, went for £175 yesterday. :)


This Jazz looks like it has the very neck that has been grafted onto the Antoria Precision-style bass currently on t'Bay, and posted earlier ^^.

Very strange outfit that music-outlet-shop. He always seems to post pics of his comically-priced equipment without strings. Why is that? Also he never bothers with decent pictures and there's usually only ever the one shot. I wonder if he ever sells anything? I suppose must do, he's been at it a while and his prices have always been very high. Strange.


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Here's a few -

Eros Jazz, looks quite early, fitted with mini-humbuckers. No postage, so might be a barg if you're near Pompey.


Nice-looking Roadstar II, white with black binding. Quite sensible start/reasonable BIN, compared with what some folk ask. Again, no post so may not attract many bids.


Another Kay/Dog Bass Precision, silly listing means it might go really cheap.


And the return of the most sought-after Country & Western nightmare in all of JapCrap - the Ibanez Black Eagle. Yeehaw!



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[quote name='paul, the' post='114513' date='Jan 6 2008, 01:59 AM']This thread is turning out to be unexpectedly amusing :)


Thought I'd try again:

Did any of the Japanese makes do a nice looking and sounding (long-scale) EB-3 copy in mahogany?[/quote]

Yep - Ibanez 2354LB - the "L" is the long scale version. These were an early Fujigen factory design, so will be out under different brands too, likely Greco & Antoria. I think these had a slotted headstock.

1972 catalogue:

There will be others from other factories too - they were copies, after all.


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[quote name='Bassassin' post='103035' date='Dec 12 2007, 02:03 AM']We can now add "bolt-neck Rick copy" to the Fresher KnowledgeBase:


Wonder who made that? The pics aren't giving anything away.


I just stumbled across a rather interesting article on Fresher, and remembered this post. [url="http://www.vintageguitar.com/features/brands/details.asp?AID=1032"]http://www.vintageguitar.com/features/bran...ls.asp?AID=1032[/url]

Made by Kyowa, a member of the Matsumoto Musical Instrument Manufacturers' Association apparently. The Rick copy would have been a FN-384. They did a few other original bass designs a bit later on, and finally wound up in 1985.

So now we know (sort of).

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[quote name='Bassassin' post='114702' date='Jan 6 2008, 02:37 PM']Nice one - great bit of research & a fascinating article. I want a copy of the [i]History Of Electric Guitars[/i] book mentioned there!

You ought to be careful though Musky - you'll end up as sad as me... :huh:



I think there's little hope for me already, Jon!

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[quote name='Bassassin' post='114485' date='Jan 6 2008, 01:03 AM']Nice-looking Roadstar II, white with black binding. Quite sensible start/reasonable BIN, compared with what some folk ask. Again, no post so may not attract many bids.


I have sunburst single pickup version of that Roadstar. They are a lovely bass to play, really nice neck. Great sound too - very punchy. Real quality.
Recommended, especially at that price....
Tempted myself, but not keen on white guitars,for some reason.

Jap, definitely not [i]crap[/i]! :)

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[quote name='nick' post='114878' date='Jan 6 2008, 06:59 PM']I have sunburst single pickup version of that Roadstar. They are a lovely bass to play, really nice neck. Great sound too - very punchy. Real quality.
Recommended, especially at that price....
Tempted myself, but not keen on white guitars,for some reason.

Jap, definitely not [i]crap[/i]! :)[/quote]

Thats my Roadstar. I've been very torn about selling it to be honest, but needs must.

If it helps its more of an offwhite/cream colour after 23 years :huh:



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This shouldn't be crap, but it's not in the best condition

[url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GRECO-86-THUNDERBIRD-BLACK-Japan-Made-Bass_W0QQitemZ350012256684QQihZ022QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Greco Bird[/url]

And a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/60s-JEDSON-Tele-Style-Bass-Made-in-JAPAN-Lovely-Cond_W0QQitemZ170183334080QQihZ007QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Jedson[/url]

And wasn't someone looking for a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SG-EB3-Japanese-Vintage-Copy-Bass-with-Slotted-Peghead_W0QQitemZ250203577391QQihZ015QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]long-scale EB3[/url]?

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[quote name='spinynorman' post='118277' date='Jan 11 2008, 12:16 AM']And wasn't someone looking for a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SG-EB3-Japanese-Vintage-Copy-Bass-with-Slotted-Peghead_W0QQitemZ250203577391"]long-scale EB3[/url]?[/quote]
That's the same as the Ibanez I mentioned when he asked - from Fujigen, April 1976. Looks very tidy.

A few more from the last few days:

Aria Pro Cardinal, pretty blue, £125 BIN:


Washburn Force 40, through-neck, active, built at Matsumoku, made out of sex & I want it:


Aria SB1000:


Westone Thunder 1, x2:



And just to prove it's not all Matsumokus today, a real oddity from Fujigen - an Ibanez Axstar:


And a no name, no packdrill P copy, might be old & Japanese, but is, apparently, [i]fibreglass[/i]. Wuh?



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[quote name='Bassassin' post='118389' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:42 AM']Washburn Force 40, through-neck, active, built at Matsumoku, made out of sex & I want it:


And you could probably walk there to collect ...

[quote name='Bassassin' post='118389' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:42 AM']And just to prove it's not all Matsumokus today, a real oddity from Fujigen - an Ibanez Axstar:


Now that's strangely attractive. If I had (i) £295 and (ii) fewer basses, I might be tempted.

[quote name='Bassassin' post='118389' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:42 AM']And a no name, no packdrill P copy, might be old & Japanese, but is, apparently, [i]fibreglass[/i]. Wuh?



He actually says "old [i]style[/i]", so that may just be a cheap modern Chinese P-bass with a plasticky finish.

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[quote name='Happy Jack' post='118430' date='Jan 11 2008, 11:39 AM']*** PEDANT ALERT ***

He actually says "old [i]style[/i]", so that may just be a cheap modern Chinese P-bass with a plasticky finish.[/quote]
Yep - that's why I said "[i]might[/i] be old & Japanese"! :)


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Anyway, this one is old & Japanese - original-style 1980 Ibanez Blazer, with single humbucker & headstock the same as my Cimar project, high start price, but a 3-day listing might mean it doesn't attract many bids:


Aria Pro Laser Heritage - quite uncommon, looks OK, neck pup not working:


Satellite P copy, back for about the 3rd time, and still far too dear:



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aye right!!

status my ass!


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[quote name='andy67' post='120880' date='Jan 15 2008, 03:57 PM']aye right!!

status my ass!


But it is. :)

70s importer brand name, I've seen these before, not sure if it's a UK brand. Remember Rob Green's basses were originally called "Strata" until Fender got arsey - whoever used Status originally (early 70s by the look of the bass) would have been quite within their rights to do the same!


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[quote name='Bassassin' post='120953' date='Jan 15 2008, 04:59 PM']But it is. :)

70s importer brand name, I've seen these before, not sure if it's a UK brand. Remember Rob Green's basses were originally called "Strata" until Fender got arsey - whoever used Status originally (early 70s by the look of the bass) would have been quite within their rights to do the same!


i did originally think this...but the decal looks slapped on!

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Now this is a VERY nice example of a Greco P-bass:


If it was a J, then I'd probably have to go for it.

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[quote name='Happy Jack' post='123179' date='Jan 18 2008, 10:57 PM']Now this is a VERY nice example of a Greco P-bass:


If it was a J, then I'd probably have to go for it.[/quote]

That's a lot for a Fujigen P copy, particularly when you consider shipping from Japan & import bumrape tax.

Very quiet on the JapCrap front post-Xmas, particularly the elderly copies, but there's one or two oddities.

A medium-scale P copy, absurdly high start:

Another old Kay P copy:

A very strange & interesting semi-acoustic:

A Hondo licensed S D Curlee:

Aria SB1000:

And [i]another[/i] Washburn Force 40 - you don't see any in about 5 years of regular Bay-scouring, then 2 turn up in a week:


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