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Darling buds of the May Composition Challenge


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Posted (edited)

A close run campaign for the April certificate was only split by a single vote, enabling @AndyTravis  to receive another presentation by @Dad3353 for the prize.


So early off the mark this morning Andy thus sent me the following image ...


"There we go - spaced out, ejected etc "





Simple rules 

✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded between now and the deadline.

✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on

✖️ No Bagpipes/panpipes, everyone had the chance last month's previous month, so there!

✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you..


Deadline-wise, we will go for Midnight on the 25th (I'll get up sharpish on the 26th if I can ! ) 


A line or two of blurb as usual for the vote thread will be super smashing. 


Good luck, Have fun 


Edited by lurksalot
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well who'd a thunk it 


first in with a silly soundscape 



Ibby 6 string through a couple of waves gtr3 patches , loads of synth type sounds from the digital pianola and a couple of samples from Freesound modified a bit. 

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I've made a start on some Mutant Jazz, to follow on from Mutant Disco last month...

So far we've got a bass improvisation to a 140bpm click track, plus drums - which I've built up from individual brush/cymbal/rim/drum sounds - they're 16 tracks!

Next it's keys, guitar then found samples.

Be Afraid!!!

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Posted (edited)





Really happy with this. 

Just love the Shergold doing its thing, have demoed this for the band and we played it on Bank Holiday Monday. 

Just struck me that it’s a May composition, the first lyric the singer put to it started with “Home Again” so I thought of the man ejected into space wanting to be home again…

Edited by lurksalot
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Posted (edited)

Here's Event Horizon, where I aimed for a 70s Krautrock feel. It is is about looking into, and being pulled over the Event Horizon of a black hole which might actually be a wormhole into a parallel universe.




Edited by Jean-Luc Pickguard
better mix uploaded
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I done some jazz!

A chaotic riposte to James Blood Ulmer's "Jazz is the Teacher, Funk is the Preacher"; this is The Creature! 



This started life as a bass improvisation over a 140bpm click track... Bits of guitar (Strat and Gretsch) were added and layered, plus various keyboard VSTs (clavinet, rhodes). Finally some brass ensemble VST to hold it together and trumpet samples found at Loopmasters to give it more spice. The drums were assembled using 16 tracks of individual brush/cymbal/hi-hat/tom sounds from Ableton's Loopmasters jazz drums sample bank. Most tracks ever used too - 36!

All mixed in Doblies with a smearing of Neutron 3 and Ozone 9, guitars going through Bias FX and bass as recorded apart from a spot of small-room reverb.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Following the old 'Catchphrase' mantra, I've sung what I've seen !!   T-bird bass, squire guitar keyboards and vocals all my undoing with MT drums trying  to keep me in time !

Another pc breakdown has caused a loss of plugins and vst's (and loss of sanity on my part), so created in Reaper using all the stock plug-ins.

Anyway, it was still good fun......

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Okay, I'm in this month!

Drums played by my electronica band's drummer.  Bass played on the Roli Rise.  Other parts using a mix of softsynths.  I really wanted to use my Jupiter for some of this & if I get time, I'll use it for a vocoder part.


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I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date...


Flying craft and missiles are the order of the day for mankind yet again as we find ourselves fighting on the edges of space and time. When will we ever learn? Hopefully, I've tapped into a vague Hawkwind vibe both lyrically and musically which, in my book, can only be a good thing.


Lyrics hidden below.



Under the spell, here we go again

Ignorant masses, we must be insane

Reason and logic are out of style

The war is raging, it could take a while


Event horizon on the edge of time

There's cosmic chaos but I'm doing fine

Speeding through space on the edge of the stars

I remember my teacher said I'd never go far


The battle continues in the great unknown

The peace is over, that bird has flown

We fought them on the beaches, now we'll fight them in space

It's the same old story with the human race


Power speaks, the narrative unfolds

The struggle is just, or so we've been told

Grab your weapons, tie your colours to the mast

How many more times will we ignore the past?


Lunatics in charge and morons at the controls

Firing the missiles into the black holes

Conflict on the fringe of singularity

The madness continues to its apogee


Four dimensional space-time war

Can't tell who's winning, no one's keeping score

Mankind always ends up in these kind of scrapes

Have we really evolved much ever since we were apes?


Westfield Les Paul copy, Westfield P-Bass copy (I like Westfields 😁, Vivlex delay pedal, MT Drums, Apogee+ mic. Most of it through a Roland Cube and recorded in time-honoured fashion with Wavepad, Audacity and Ableton.

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