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i've got a problem!


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I was doing some silent practice with my Fender Jazz last night, and after about 35 minutes i heard a very distinct cracking sound. I thought "oh sh*t!" and then checked the bass over very thoroughly but couldn't find the source of the noise. I thought i must've been imagining it, and started playing again - then i discovered the fault. The skunk stripe on the back of the neck is no longer flush with the neck for about 4-5 inches. It isn't noticeable with the naked eye, but you catch it if you run your fingernail across the radius of the neck. It doesn't affect my ability to play, but it shouldn't have happened.

What's annoyed me is the bass is brand new and i've had it less than a month. My first thought was to return it to the store, but i got it mail order and the store is about as far away as you can get from where i live, plus i no longer have the box it came in. Plus, i've grown quite attached to it, but i'm not paying for it to be repaired!

I've emailed the store but they don't open for another hour or so.

Is it something that can be easily fixed? because i'd rather do that than go through the mither of sending it off, but part me is thinking "it's brand new and you paid enough for it, get one that's not bloody faulty!"


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[quote name='rasher80' post='430097' date='Mar 10 2009, 08:14 AM']a new neck??????? :)

now i [i]am[/i] pissed off! it is too much to ask to get something that isn't going to fall apart after five minutes these days???[/quote]

If it is a new instrument and you have a warranty, return it.

Slippage between laminates occurs even in neck through instruments, and your insert is not really immune from that.

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Hm, think you might be right.

It's a major headache.

the annoying thing is that the neck on my Squier is fine and i've had that years now. I can't really blame Fender, the bass was perfect when i received it. Not sure what happened to cause it to pop out, as it were.

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[quote name='rasher80' post='430129' date='Mar 10 2009, 09:22 AM']Hm, think you might be right.

It's a major headache.

the annoying thing is that the neck on my Squier is fine and i've had that years now. I can't really blame Fender, the bass was perfect when i received it. Not sure what happened to cause it to pop out, as it were.[/quote]

Sounds like it hasn't been glued properly - dodgy glue, undulatingt surfaces... theres a number of reasons that somthing come come apart. Still, it's not good. Your next doesn't look like a banana does it? Is there too much tension in the truss rod that has put too much pressure in the skunk stripe I wonder? I hate skunk stripes - why can't they drop the truss rod in before putting on the fingerboard... it avoids all these problems... (unless of course you have a one piece neck/fingerboard combo...

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[quote name='rasher80' post='430093' date='Mar 10 2009, 08:03 AM']I was doing some silent practice with my Fender Jazz last night, and after about 35 minutes i heard a very distinct cracking sound. I thought "oh sh*t!" and then checked the bass over very thoroughly but couldn't find the source of the noise. I thought i must've been imagining it, and started playing again - then i discovered the fault. The skunk stripe on the back of the neck is no longer flush with the neck for about 4-5 inches. It isn't noticeable with the naked eye, but you catch it if you run your fingernail across the radius of the neck. It doesn't affect my ability to play, but it shouldn't have happened.

What's annoyed me is the bass is brand new and i've had it less than a month. My first thought was to return it to the store, but i got it mail order and the store is about as far away as you can get from where i live, plus i no longer have the box it came in. Plus, i've grown quite attached to it, but i'm not paying for it to be repaired!

I've emailed the store but they don't open for another hour or so.

Is it something that can be easily fixed? because i'd rather do that than go through the mither of sending it off, but part me is thinking "it's brand new and you paid enough for it, get one that's not bloody faulty!"


It's not down to you to pay for the cost of getting it back to them, that's their responsibility. The box could be a problem for shipping, but explain the situation to them. They may offer to send you a replacement and you could use the box to send the faulty one back.

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[quote name='Musky' post='430217' date='Mar 10 2009, 10:56 AM']It's not down to you to pay for the cost of getting it back to them, that's their responsibility. The box could be a problem for shipping, but explain the situation to them. They may offer to send you a replacement and you could use the box to send the faulty one back.[/quote]

I'm not entirely sure about that... it could be the case. I know I have had warranty jobs where the cost of postage is not covered...

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[quote name='rasher80' post='430231' date='Mar 10 2009, 11:04 AM']No, the neck is still straight thankfully. The intonation seems fine.

Still awaiting their reply...[/quote]

I know that this shouldn't matter, but just out of curiousty, is this MIA, MIM etc?

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Being only a month old, they should replace it under warranty, or send it to Fender for an authorised repair.

The stripe is the 'access cover' for the original intstallation of the trussrod, so it could just have been badly glued, but it will need checking to see if there is any damage to the trussrod or the neck.

Never heard of one popping out before. Has the neck been prone to 'shape shifting' with different weather patterns?


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it's only very slight -but it's there. It's been in and out of the warm and cold constantly over the last month and i've had no issue with it. In fact, i was over the moon with it, considering the hard time MIMs get - until last night!

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[quote name='rasher80' post='430129' date='Mar 10 2009, 09:22 AM']....I can't really blame Fender, the bass was perfect when i received it. Not sure what happened to cause it to pop out, as it were....[/quote]
As has already been said, the laminate is coming unglued. The neck might be stable now but it won't be for long because a large part of its strength is disappearing with the delamination. Also this is a serious structural failure and will reduce your chances of selling the bass in the future.
I don't understand your thinking! Of course you can blame Fender. They made it and it's faulty. Send it back and get a replacement. If you have problems with the supplier try Fender UK.

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[quote name='rasher80' post='430294' date='Mar 10 2009, 11:44 AM']Sorry, i meant to say the store. Having a mare today DURRRR!

well, we shall see how it goes. I'm quite prepared to go to Fender UK and grumble like hell - especially seeing as my bass is effectively useless now.[/quote]

I'm sure there won't be any need to grumble, try phoning the shop rather than relying on emails, you'll get a much quicker answer.

It will be sorted under warranty I'm sure, but it does highlight the pit falls of buying at a distance rather than going to your local ! I'm a guilty as anyone trying to save a quick buck or two !

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I had some fret rattle on my Jazz that I noticed a couple of months after I bought it, so I took it into the shop I got it from. They got on the phone to Fender UK who authorised the repair immediately and it was fixed under the warranty at no cost to me. It has in no way put me off Fender products as the after-sale support has been great (unlike Ibanez which was like getting blood from a stone). I suppose I was fortunate that I live within a couple of miles of the store I bought it from, but the retailer has to be the first port of call.

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just spoke to someone at the shop; they said that the "exchange" period had expired, but they are prepared to collect the bass minus the box and have it "repaired".

Not sure i'm happy that it's going to be flung around the back of a delivery van from Manchester to Surrey and back!

I've got to wait for the head honcho to contact me, but i'm a bit concerned thus far!

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[quote name='AndyMartin' post='430330' date='Mar 10 2009, 12:08 PM']Fender should sort this out without question.[/quote]
Absolutely, the cause is most likely to be that they have used wood that hasn't been properly dried out. They've had the wood in stock, sawn it while still damp and its still had tensions in the grain while continuing to dry out after its been fitted to the bass. No question in my mind that defective materials are to blame. It would need checking but I'd hope you would still be protected under consumer legislation regardless of the guarantee offered by Fender.

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You should normally be offered a replacement within 28 days of delivery date
Check their T&C's on the website to see if they offer different terms.

Make sure get them to send you a good packing box and that you keep all documentation when the Bass is collected by the courier.

What net-shop did you buy it from?

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I bought it from Andertons.

There appears to be some sort of glitch on their "returns" page, so i can't access it as yet. i'm still quite apprehensive about this now. I'd imagined they'd just offer me a like for like and that would be the end of it. From what Crazykiwi said, it doesn't seem as though a repair is a viable option, so this could rumble on for a while.

Of course, if i'm not happy, i'll just mither Fender as well

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