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Genz Benz bargains?


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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1384778455' post='2280531']
Ive got to the point where as long as I can hear something behind me im happy, id use an ashdown rig again if someone else provided it at every gig, I used a trace commando combo for a few gigs that the singer provided to save me taking mine. Im lazy :)

I'm coming to that way of thinking to be honest

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[quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1384777451' post='2280511']
I'd say that the fact that there are a couple of negative comments about the cabs on this thread will not be helping the resale...

The thread will be forgotten in time.

It's the same as people saying you can't sell a Stingray for a decent price. You CAN, if you are patient and its been looked after.

There are so many single H Black Rays, its unreal, but a sunburst HH Ray with matching headstock? Changes everything.

Supply/demand. Notice how BF Gen 2 cabs used to be snapped up VERY quickly? Not so much now as the market is becoming flooded.

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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1384778455' post='2280531']
Ive got to the point where as long as I can hear something behind me im happy, id use an ashdown rig again if someone else provided it at every gig, I used a trace commando combo for a few gigs that the singer provided to save me taking mine. Im lazy :)

I wish I could get there too! I'm certainly not a gear-head, but I do like to sound good, even if it is only to myself. I definitely prefer playing when I like my tone. I think it makes me play better too and I just feel more "involved". That should (hopefully) have the knock-on effect of making the band sound better, so it's a win/win situation!

I don't want people to get the impression that I am dissing these cabs. They are very good cabs and would have been (at full price) beyond my financial means. I bought one as much out of speculation as anything, after reading a number of glowing reviews/comments on here. I was slightly disappointed by the screw-length thing, but that is very minor.

For me, the tone I get through the NX2-212T is not what I was hoping for - but I was comparing it to a BF Compact, and that is not a fair or valid comparison (regardless of their RRPs). Another bass player ran a vintage Fender P through my rig on saturday and it sounded GREAT - a total mid-fest!!

So maybe that is the solution.... keep the cab and buy a P bass!! :lol: :rolleyes:

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It is an often overlooked aspect, quite a few people with rays went to genz years ago with the shuttles, then more people went genz with the streamliners but Rays and genz gear appear to match each other for some reason and other basses tend to match other gear. The 3 band stingray in either single coil mode or series with the shuttlemax 900watt head into a genz 2x12t cab is about as cutting as you could ever get ime. A passive jazz with both pups on, fx and a different head is a whole new ball game.

One thing I would say is if you dont like it move it on,lifes too short :)

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[quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1384774626' post='2280465']
So, valuing yours at £300 I am actually being generous in my calculation given what you paid for it.[/quote]

Er... no you're not.

What I paid for it is immaterial. Anyone who has not been following this thread may be unaware that these cabs have been available at such a good price for such a short time. Maybe more will become available at that price, maybe they won't.

If I was a shoplifter and got it for nothing, would I be expected to give it away for nothing? Of course not (or so I assume, being unfamiliar with the "rules" of the criminal classes...). Should people who bought company shares at rock-bottom be expected to sell them on for the same price? Again, that would seem logically flawed.

As you (and others) have said, the market dictates prices. But "the market" is made up of individuals, who all have individual wants, opinions and needs. I love the "community" feel of Basschat, but at the same time, why should I shoot myself in the foot and undervalue something just so other people feel better about it? :huh:

Anyway, I may be looking to trade it for something else locally so all this may be academic :)

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Give it a few months and a lack of a replacement from fender and I suspect these will go for around the £500 mark.
That is fairly cheap for what a 6 month old good 2x12 seems to fetch.
i don't see why these should be any different.
So they were available for a short time @ £379 so what? - if they are so desirable then why should they go for anything less than comparable products from other manufacturers?

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[quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1384795444' post='2280812']
bass direct half cheap prices.


No mention of the NX2-212t. Must have sold out - mostly thanks to us lot! :D

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[quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1383682849' post='2267711']
Just arrived. Absolutely brand spanking new. Bulletproof packing by Genz (massive padding inside). Still sealed in a bag with a big box full of packing.

EXTREMELY impressed. This is the bass bargain of 2013. You couldn't buy a decent 1x12 for this.

I was going to spend £1000 on a Berg but now, I've spent just more than a third and got the same type of cab.

Excellent construction, really thick tolex, the handles are actually well placed, and very very easy to move.

I sold my Tecamp M212 bargain a few years back and regretted it for a long time. I agree, once these are gone the price second hand won't be affected.

This is staying with me. Perfect 4 ohm/2x12 lightweight cab.

Trust me. Do whatever you can, whack it on a 0% credit card...its worth it.

Hey Gareth can you compare it to your trusted db212?

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[quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1384800525' post='2280911']
just trying to find a solution to your fiscal/moral dilemma, 410 £299!

It's a work in progress! :) And my days of using 4x10s are over I'm afraid! Until we start employing roadies that is... B)

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1384789761' post='2280726']
Er... no you're not.

[b]What I paid for it is immaterial. Anyone who has not been following this thread may be unaware that these cabs have been available at such a good price for such a short time. [/b]Maybe more will become available at that price, maybe they won't.

If I was a shoplifter and got it for nothing, would I be expected to give it away for nothing? Of course not (or so I assume, being unfamiliar with the "rules" of the criminal classes...). Should people who bought company shares at rock-bottom be expected to sell them on for the same price? Again, that would seem logically flawed.

As you (and others) have said, the market dictates prices. But "the market" is made up of individuals, who all have individual wants, opinions and needs. I love the "community" feel of Basschat, but at the same time, why should I shoot myself in the foot and undervalue something just so other people feel better about it? :huh:

Anyway, I may be looking to trade it for something else locally so all this may be academic :)

But people here would know...

and not sure using the morals of a shop lifter is that great a stance either...

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[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1384815955' post='2281205']
But people here would know...

and not sure using the morals of a shop lifter is that great a stance either...

Not sure what you're trying to say here... :huh:

The number of members of this site that get actively involved in discussion threads is small compared to the overall number of members. So yes, [i][b]some[/b][/i] people here would know. Still not sure it's any of their business. Some people join BC [i][b]purely[/b][/i] to sell stuff. Do you question [i][b]their[/b][/i] motives?

And the shop-lifter was just a silly example. But you knew that, didn't you?

Anyway, it is no longer my problem. My short-lived and rather disappointing (ad)venture into Genz Benz cab ownership is over. B)

Edited by Conan
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Had a good blast on the new rig at the weekend... very impressed, hardly touched the EQ, found myself playing more on the bridge pickup than usual, guess there is something in the midrange drop with the NX2s others are mentioning?... still just moved my hand to compensate and it sounded ace :)

Don't know if you'll be able to get hold of these cabs anymore but anyone in need of an entire new rig could do alot worse for the money than a ShuttleMax12.2 and a pair of NX2s.

Edited by CamdenRob
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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1384849312' post='2281326']
anyone in need of an entire new rig could do alot worse for the money than a ShuttleMax12.2 and a pair of NX2s.

That's a heck of a rig!!! :D B) What kind of gigs do you play? :yarr:

Edited by Conan
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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1384849659' post='2281329']
That's a heck of a rig!!! :D B) What kind of gigs do you play? :yarr:

Loud ones... :blink:

Trying out some new projects at the moment got a jam with some guys next weekend for generic rock stuff. I'm writing a bunch of full songs at the moment with the view of advertising for other members... I'm fed up of people asking me to play root notes so I've been forced into setting up my own band so I can play the basslines I want!

Glad you've managed to move your cab on, nothing worse than being stuck with gear your not sure about... what are you thinking of getting next?

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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1384850053' post='2281339']
Glad you've managed to move your cab on.... what are you thinking of getting next?

See my sig... B)

Or if you can't - I've gone back to my Compact, which I never actually quite sold.... it's a complicated story! :rolleyes: :D

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1384850192' post='2281342']
See my sig... B)

Or if you can't - I've gone back to my Compact, which I never actually quite sold.... it's a complicated story! :rolleyes: :D

Thats cool, sometimes it takes trying out something else to realise what you had to start with is what you really wanted anyway!

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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1384850383' post='2281344']
Thats cool, sometimes it takes trying out something else to realise what you had to start with is what you really wanted anyway!

Ain't [i][b]that[/b][/i] the truth! :rolleyes: :D

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