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Small amp choice: what would you get?


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Hello! I'm in the market for a small amp head. Owned a few of class D and A/B, then fell in love with tubes... I guess you all know these stories :lol:
I still own the tube amps but I'd like to build a mini-rig I could use everywhere. Not much volume needed but I certainly want quality. I think I'd put together a small and light 1x10" cab but still, the choice for a small head is pretty hard in these days:

Ashdown Mibass (I guess I'd be fine with the 200)
EBS Reidmar
Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0
Aguilar TH350 (should be already available?)

I think I don't need 500w, it would be mainly used for low, mid volume practice and since I already have a 15" cab and big amps I guess I should go for the smallest and lightest combination possible.

I owned an MB200 and wasn't happy with the sound and the build quality wasn't wonderful IMHO. I'll probably search in the used market but as you can see the Reidmar and the TH should be bought new.
I also considered the PJB combos but the small head can always be combined with a bigger cab in case I need to, while the combo is probably easier to carry but less versatile.
What do you think of the tone and the overall quality of these amps? The main trouble is that I can't try before I buy, no shop has them available... only Markbass 'round here. :blush:

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I consider small being anything upto about 20lbs in weight.

I'd consider an old SWR 220, ( or SM400/500) pre Fender, superb components and decent 4 band semi parametric EQ.
Or a Thunderfunk 550-B..which is a modern take on the SWR.

I'd expect those 2 choices to be infinantly better made amps than your list..and available from £200 to £600 second hand.

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I owned several Markbass... the older (heavier) models and a LittleMark II. Well made and sound good but they're not smallest and lightest if compared to (for example) GK.
I'm sure "traditional" amps sound "better" but it doesn't make sense to buy a 10kg amp for me, at the moment. Otherwise I think I'd buy a Trace B)

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Markbass have just released the 'big bang' head which is smaller than the LM series, and the F1 is as wide as a LM2, but half the height! They have some crazily compact combos too but they don't come cheap. The Ashdown MiBass heads looked massive in comparison and a bit plasticky. Not actually heard them yet though! The Genz Benz stuff sounds awesome too but you have to try them first as they have their own sound. As far as lightweight stuff goes that's about as far as my experience stretches!

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I use the Ashdown MiBass and love it.I was using the Genz Benz Neo Pak (the predecessor to the
Shuttle) which is great,but I prefer the Ashdown. In fact,I preferred it to all the small heads (and a lot
Of large heads)I tried....and I prefer the Genz to the Mark Bass stuff.

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I've found a few used F1s (smaller and a bit lighter) but I'd prefer to get something different this time. The Ashdown doesn't look too small but I'd certainly like the fact the eq. is so flexible. Deciding which frequency boost/cut is very good!
I remember the MB200 being very close to a chinese toy... felt cheap. I'd like to get something that feels decent when you touch it or turn a knob :happy:
Oh, I could add the Ampeg PF350 to the lot but... don't know what to expect. The good thing is that I could try one in a store (160km back and forth)

Edited by Matte_black
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[quote name='Matte_black' timestamp='1332091280' post='1583067']
. The Ashdown doesn't look too small but I'd certainly like the fact the eq. is so flexible. Deciding which frequency boost/cut is very good!
It is a really small amp....similar to everything else. The EQ is great,but it has a really good flat
sound. I've had more compliments on my 'sound' since using the MiBass than I have for ages....
I never had any negative comments before,mind you.

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There is no comparison between the MiBass and the Little Giant.
I shied away from Ashdown for years and was never a massive fan of their
amps,although I really liked the Spyder and their valve amps like the Little
Bastard and the VBA......but when I tried the MiBass I was blown away by
the sound and versatility of it.

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I don't see the benefit of owning separate gear for small or medium gigs. I use the same amp with 1 or 2 cabs depending on the volume.

For small gigs I'd suggest a 112 over a 110 for a bigger, rounder, fuller tone. I use my regular 500 watt amp and as it's just ticking over I get plenty of headroom and a great tone. You could probably get a good tone out of a 300 watt amp but I have no experience with any of those. For loud gigs I put in 2 210 cabs but I use the same amp for all my work from acoustic to Led Zep.

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Ibanez Promethean is possibly an option, maybe the combo (which gives you the option of removing the head).

Alternatively the Harley Benton BA500 or Red Sub offerings, which are substantially the same as they come from the same manufacturer as the Ibanez. There are a few threads about all the above such as this one. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168416-another-promethean-clone/

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[quote name='Matte_black' timestamp='1332092093' post='1583089']
Do they feel "cheap" like the MB200? The price is very good, I'm tempted (even if they're not smallest). The 500 should be a different preamp, though.

I had a PF500, and currently have a GK MB500. The Ampeg does feel more substantial, but then that may be down to weight - it`s difficult to believe the GK won`t fly off of the amp when you hit a low E (though I`m glad to report that it doesn`t). I do see what you mean though. I`d happily recommend both of these amps.

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I have a GK MB200 amp with an Epifani UL 110 cab.
It souds great and i use it at home and for small gigs.

It is all very light and i can carry everything in one trip from the car to the venue :)
I know what you mean about the MB200 feeling cheap but i have found it to be agreat amp with great tone and represents good value for money

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I've recently played the TH350 back to back with my TH500 at BassGear & I couldn't hear any difference at the sort of volumes you can reasonably use in a shop (pretty loud but not jacking them right up).

I love my TH500 & would definitely recommend either of the TH heads.

If you're anywhere near BassGear then they had three in stock last week :)

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