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Everything posted by BigBassBob

  1. About £120-130 new if you order from a shop in the US.
  2. No worries dude Yeah, the whole thing of putting delay and such in the loop is more for guitarists who derive much of their overdriven sound from preamps. For most bass players I think it's fine to run straight into the front of an amp. Regarding the RAT I'd say that it's best going in the front rather than the loop. I've not used them at all myself but I've heard that they can lose low end on bass without mods so that might be why it's getting lost. I think the best thing you can do is run it in a blend loop to bring some more clean signal in... that should give it more punch. I think you can use a Boss LM2 as a blender. I've used an Xotic X-blender for a while which is a great (albeit expensive) pedal; it has bass and treble EQ, volume controls and a phase-shifting switch (only ever needed to use it when running a Roger Mayer Fuzz.) I'm debating selling mine if you're interested btw.
  3. The effects loop of an amp is for using effects such as reverb and delay. The idea is that your derive the majority of your tone in the signal chain up to the poweramp which then takes that tone and amplifies it. So, for example, if you like to run your preamp dirty and you're using other effects before you hit the front of the amp, the end result can then be sent to a reverb unit so it's YOUR sound being reverb'd before being amplified for the listener (rather than running reverb before the preamp which would make the difference in tone between bypass and in effect much greater as the signal the preamp receives is going to be reverberated.) You could also use the send and return if you're using a tuner sat on your amp. For the most part, the majority of effects should go into the front of an amp. I'm awful at explaining that lol, but hopefully you get the idea or someone could put it a better way. "Loopers" could refer to a few things; true bypass loopers which are hardwire switches with a send and return loop. People put effects in the loop that have a negative effect on their tone when bypassed (e.g. pedals with bad buffers.) People can also put multiple effects in a loop so they don't have to riverdance on their pedals to turn multiple ones on at the same time. It could also refer to blend pedals which are much like the loopers mentioned above except they have a dry/wet blend so you can mix your clean signal with an effect. And it could refer to phrase loopers which allow you to record ostinatos and layer them in real time. Chances are, people are referring to the first example I've listed Hope this helps dude!
  4. Hey guys, Christmas is coming and I could do with shifting some gear [EDIT]: Wow! You guys have been quick with snapping up some of the gear in this sale... [b]EBS Multicomp - GONE[/b] [b]Dunlop 105Q Wah - GONE[/b] [b]Xotic X-Blender - GONE[/b] [b]Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B - GONE[/b] Just need this last one to go! Surely you guys like mosrite-style fuzzes or know a guitarist who does? [b]Catalinbread Merkin Fuzz[/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMe2Sfe8c9A[/url]]width=500[/media] This is a nice vintage-sounding fuzz for guitar. I'm not great when it comes to selling guitar fuzzes and the like but it has a satisfying, buzzy-fuzz tone that is aggressive with a bridge pickup and smooths out deliciously when you switch to the neck pickup and roll back your tone knob. For more info, check out this link: [url="http://www.catalinbread.com/merkin"]http://www.catalinbread.com/merkin[/url] Brand new condition with velcro on the bottom (and with a Catalinbread fabric bag) - [b]£80[/b] All prices include postage. Payment by either Paypal or banktransfer. Pedals include their original boxes and gubbins. Please note: the bedsheets are not included with any of the above items Thanks for looking! Bob.
  5. Best way to view the effects loop of an amp is as thus: Preamp> FX LOOP > Power amp. The idea is that you can take your base tone from the preamp and put it through effects such as reverb and delay before the signal is sent to the power amp which does all the hard work. That way your tone will, in theory, be more consistent than if you put said effects before the preamp.
  6. Tasty playing Higgie! Good luck with the sale dude I'd be tempted but I'm more of a P-man and I'm in the middle of turning one bass into two frankenstein projects myself lol.
  7. Same as before except now with a Mighty Bright and POD. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/IMG_0410.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/IMG_0409.jpg[/IMG]
  8. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1318285855' post='1400205'] Bit of a change around for this next gig, took a few pedals off the board, added a Novation Bass Station and a Gameboy [/quote]
  9. [quote name='I am not excane' timestamp='1317572556' post='1391879'] Sorry, I meant the Pickle Pie. Do you use the pickle and BB together? [/quote] No worries, I often thought that Matt's choice of calling two of his most popular bass pedals Pickle Pie and Phat Phuk may raise confusion lol. Short answer: no as I always found the sound of fuzz into overdrive indistinct and messy. That said, it sounded pretty cool when I tried it, IIRC. I'll get back to you after I give it another spin some time.
  10. I was actually talking to a friend about pop recently and I listed Jessie J as one of the few modern pop stars I don't mind; I like her voice, her attitude and her image. I can't put my finger on it but she doesn't have that "egotistical bitch" thing going on that so many other artists have.
  11. *Sigh* I want it. I can afford it. Do I NEED it? Not when I've already got four in the stable Have a bump on me mate. I have a feeling someone will be very happy with this beauty!
  12. I'm afraid I have no experience with the M288 but I just noticed this thread on TB and thought you might be interested: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/mxr-bass-octaver-technical-difficulties-812768/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/mxr-bass-octaver-technical-difficulties-812768/[/url]
  13. I love using effects on bass but one must always be aware of what is tasteful and what is selfish indulgence. If a certain song requires a certain effect then go for it. But be wary of what your band needs and what others are doing. For example: Is the guitarist using chorus? Don't use chorus when he does... it's won't be as pretty as you think it will be. You're rocking a walking 12 bar? Then FFS don't even look at that envelope filter. Etc... I've noticed a lot of musicians tend to shoe-horn gear that isn't really needed into their live sets and often it works against them (I confess that I was one of these when I was younger.) I do enjoy effects but I don't really see them as a necessity. They're more of a luxury in the context of cover work in my humble opinion. I now only use a few effects which tend to enhance my base sound rather than overly colour it (I'm very much content with my dry tone and I could live without my pedalboard for the most part.) The only effect that really stands out on my board is fuzz and I only use that on one number in my current band's set anywho.
  14. Oh, and in response to your actual question: I love both pedals but if I was forced to only have one... it would probably be the BB as it has more tonal variety (although thankfully I can have both )
  15. [quote name='I am not excane' timestamp='1316887262' post='1384116'] I dig this little board a lot. Which do you prefer, the Wren and Cuff or BB? Do you use both at the same time? [/quote] Thanks mate Well, they're quite different beasts; the BB is far more prone to breaking up (even at low gain settings) than the Phat Phuk and is obviously more versatile due to the bass and treble EQ. The Phat Phuk doesn't do a great deal to your sound other than adds a tiny bit of grit and boosts something in the low-mid and high-mid ranges that compliments my base tone very nicely. I've been using the BB as a low-gain grit pedal to fill out the sound for the more rocky numbers in my band's set while using the Phat Phuk either as an independent boost for solo breaks or to push the BB into a really organic, yet aggressive overdrive.
  16. It runs off standard 9V DC, 2.1mm centre negative barrel jack (industry standard.) No experience with the TLC I'm afraid.
  17. I'm loving mine although it's going to take a few gigs and a bit more tinkering to get the most out of it although it was pretty easy to dial in some very usable sounds straight out of the box (if you have even a mild understanding of how compression works.)
  18. Wired this up today and I'm pretty chuffed with the results
  19. I'll be the first one to say that forum rules dictate that you must include an asking price in your ad (just a friendly heads up .) BTW, the X-Blender is a brilliant pedal! I have no use for mine at the moment but I know that if I unload it I'll kick myself when I need it for a new application somewhere down the line.
  20. I have to say that I ordered a strap from these guys a while back and I liked the quality (and vibe) so much that I bought matching straps for each of my instruments.
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