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Everything posted by BigBassBob

  1. Ah yeah, I forgot to mention about the adjustable threshold - makes it far easier to dial in just the right amount of compression when swapping between instruments. That was indeed something that bugged me with the EBS; active mode makes the threshold too high for most of my instruments, passive mode sets the threshold too low for a few. I know you can adjust it with an internal trimpot but it would've been nice to have control on the pedal itself =\
  2. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1329996573' post='1550950'] Lovely!!! [/quote] [quote name='The Walloper' timestamp='1330274162' post='1554990'] The Aguilar cabs are sooo pretty. [/quote] Thanks guys
  3. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1329812424' post='1547604'] Nice selection, very neat. How are you finding your mxr compressor? I love my multicomp but if i was going to swap for anything else, that could tempt me. [/quote] Thanks. The MXR is really good although (to my ears) the EBS I used to have added more of its own character to your sound... was quite nice for fattening up the signal. That said, the transparency of the MXR is a different flavour, and it's more versatile. Looking back, seeing as I don't use compression a great deal, I probably would've been fine with the EBS. I definitely prefer the MXR. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1329885215' post='1549096'] VERY Nice board. I would love to gig with that! [/quote] Cheers Higgie [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1329985336' post='1550684'] I believe they're [url="http://www.georgelsstore.com/"]these[/url], as is on the board above it but with caps. [/quote] Bingo.
  4. Here's my newly completed rig: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/Snapbucket/70C6D8F5.jpg[/IMG] Small and f***in' loud!
  5. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTbUUX2_wYU"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/Snapbucket/B186ECB9.jpg[/IMG][/url]
  6. Wow! I had to tilt my monitor back to see the pickup, and I can't even make out the pickguard outline! Blacker than black XD
  7. A lovely example of a Rickenbacker
  8. As others have said, the topic's a can of worms! Personally I put my compressor first in my signal chain as I don't use any filters or anything that would create a huge volume spike. My other effects are two grit pedals and a subtle chorus.
  9. Hmmm, I guess they got lazy in the Chinese factory then?
  10. Popped the amp open out of curiosity to check what tubes are inside. Even though the website states the amp has an ECC82 (12AU7) and ECC83 (12AX7) the amp actually has a pair of Shuguang 12AX7Bs.
  11. Oh, and with the EQ set flat and the mid and bright switches engaged I almost sh** a brick; that's one hell of an aggressive sound!
  12. Alright guys, the Spyder arrived this morning and I spent the good part of this afternoon playing with it. Initial impressions are positive; despite it having a valve preamp the tone is very clear and articulate (at least in comparison to the ABM) with plenty of bass and a bit of growl. It definitely has its own character but it doesn't impart too much of itself on my tone which I like. Flats sounded warm and thumpy through it with the appropiate EQing. My Rick with steel rounds sounded wild and aggressive, especially with the bright switch on. It's going to take a while for me to become fully adjusted to the EQ (I've found I've had to turn down the tweeters on my cabs as this amp has more treble response than my ABM.) but I've got high hopes for it. I've got gigs booked every weekend for the coming month so I'll have a chance to mess with the EQ live and see how it sits in a band mix (playing with a three piece this weekend and then with my usual four piece for the rest of the month.) I may look into experimenting with different valves at some point... I currently have a few JJs and Sovteks on order. Might (and that's a MIGHT) look into some NOS 12ax7's but that's a rabbit hole I think I'd be best off avoiding. For anyone interested in these, you might want to know that the specs on Ashdown's site aren't up to date: There are two speakon outputs for hooking up to cabs. There is a balanced XLR output on the back along with a balanced 1/4". The amp is branded "designed in the UK, made in PRC" so it's Chinese built. I'll post an update after I've taken it out on a few gigs.
  13. The Phat Phuk B is one of those pedals that seems pretty nice in the bedroom. Play it at gig levels and it does wonderful things to your tone in a band mix. It's never leaving my board either. Also, the Pickle Pie B is great! I only sold mine as I don't have a use for bass fuzz.
  14. Spyder has been ordered. I'll report back with my thoughts tomorrow evening. I'd also like to thank Pete Academy for putting up with my somewhat impertinent questions and slight rambling (this flu has been bad on my coherence... I managed to leave my WALLET at the bank today )
  15. AHA! LOL, my apologies, I'm currently sat in bed with the flu and I'm definitely not with it. Good shout Gareth, I'll get in touch with Pete some time and make a few enquiries
  16. Cheers mate So is Pete Academy the proprietor of a shop then?
  17. I just listened to this again with some decent headphones. Yeah... I'll be putting an order in within a month. I'll let you know my thoughts in this thread Where did you get yours from Gareth?
  18. Awesome I've been rocking an ABM 500 through a single 1x12" for a good while now. I was waiting on a second 1x12" to arrive when I stumbled upon the Spyder which caught my interest. I think the Spyder through two 12"s would work well for my current blues/rock work
  19. Cheers Gareth That was pretty useful. It actually sounds more bright than I'd anticipated, which is a good thing for me. I have to say though that when you hit the bass switch I can hear the low-mids drop out and I struggle to hear what bass range is being affected (although I'm sure this is because of how it was recorded, the fact it's been compressed like hell by youtube, and my small headphones.) Nice little demo, I can't wait to try one out. One last query: Seeing as it uses the ABM 500 power section I take it that it has a similar amount of shifting power as the evo II's and III's?
  20. Thanks mate... although it currently says the video is private
  21. Ah I see. Thanks for your feedback on this, you've been loads of help I look forward to the vid!
  22. Ah cool. I like to get my slightly overdriven sound by pushing a preamp with a boost or using a hint of OD. I'll see how I get on with it stock and then look at changing the tubes (thinking about some JAN Philips 5751s as I'm after a clean sound.) Are the preamp tubes a pair of ECC83s or an ECC82 and ECC83? I've seen two different specs online and as far as I know 82s and 83s are actually spec'd differently. Did you replace yours with ECC83s?
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