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Lord Sausage

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Everything posted by Lord Sausage

  1. Do you have any weed? Can you skin up? If a train is travelling at 90 mph travelling west and enters a tunnel. If it's made by Delorean, will it travel through time? Will you marry me? If all four answers are yes, then I'd join!
  2. My favourite Bass intro has to be Stairway to Heaven. I used to play it in a band years ago. It meant i could go and get a drink whilst the guitarists, singer and keys played for about 3 and half mins!
  3. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1450729681' post='2935356'] bringing home the bacon [/quote] Nice!
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450729446' post='2935346'] We had one called 'Spiders Ruined My Dong'. Also, 'Dracula Helps Us To Pee' and 'Bungalow Business'. That band folded for some reason. [/quote]That's a shame! It sounds like the perfect, high end, conceptual arty stuff I'm into!
  5. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1450727580' post='2935321'] The actual term is [b]bestiality[/b]. It is frequently mispronounced, and consequently mis-spelled. [/quote] Actually, when we wrote Beastiality (not the one above) we knew this but thought if we were singing "bestiality" people might not know what we were on about. We realised most people said beastiality! So +1 to us smart arse bastards! Plus it's funnier and fit better!
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1450716265' post='2935162'] One of those has already been done ... [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Other%20music%20related/Great%20Album%20Covers/Bestiality_zpsxh2kmxyw.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Curses! Guess it's time to retire!
  7. I don't know about that. Here are some of my song titles Man hippo Put it in the tossbank Beastiality Bacon butty Do the Fish Steve Christie is a media man and so is Linda lesbian Bombers on benefits Degeneration of the penis Fish special
  8. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1450644313' post='2934591'] Back in early 80s a bass had two less strings than a guitar...... [/quote]And now a guitar has two more strings than a guitar!
  9. Cos i wasn't quite a big enough Prick to be a guitarist!...............still a prick tho!
  10. could be rehearsed! Poor kid could have pushy parents. It's alright having perfect pitch but to know all chord names etc he's obvs had some formal training. Poor bugger, his producer dad could be torturing him to learn theory. Bet he's never played football or ate dirt and worms in his life!
  11. Also the Gold Top that has been turned into a triangle...awesome! and the jazz master
  12. The one with the massive Fender sign is excellent. I would love that!
  13. I have one in a hard case, which is then in a cardboard box that is insulated with stuff.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450203035' post='2930525'] Both sets of statistics were, and are, routinely manipulated. [/quote] Ya can't beat a bit of routine manipulation!
  15. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1450127180' post='2929915'] He was one of the guys that made me live bass. A much funkier player than any blues rock based group ever deserved to have. Love his playing on Fool For Your Loving [/quote] I really like pre 1987 whitesnake. I thought they had some great players, tunes and vocalist!
  16. Anyone mentioned Neil Murray yet. What a player! Hardly any bass player i know talks about him. Maybe I know a load of ignorant bleeders! http://youtu.be/kOcEzkXYgaE
  17. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1449227831' post='2921700'] Incidentally, a quick search on the social media shows that 5 Seconds of Summer - the one in the pic - is a huge band. They've apparently been touring the world and have millions of FB likes. [url="https://www.facebook.com/5secondsofsummer/"]https://www.facebook...econdsofsummer/[/url] It's emphatically [b]not [/b]the band these kids are trying to form. [/quote]Isn't it mad how band popularity used to be measured in numbers of records sold. Now it's number of FB likes!
  18. I'd say the opening to The Rite of Spring by Stravinsky
  19. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1448722692' post='2917665'] And here's Scott Thunes playing 'disco' octaves with a plectrum.. [media]http://youtu.be/0Cif5i1rlzw[/media] [/quote]Is it colaiuta on the drums?
  20. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1448724777' post='2917676'] Weird isn't it, Winehouse was a bit "meh" as far as I was concerned. [/quote] I find most things a bit 'meh'.....god I'm a miserable twat!
  21. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1448702216' post='2917473'] She needs to cheer up a bit ...how many songs can one person write about being dumped from a relationship ? I've heard the album and felt quite miserable afterwards. [/quote] Yeah! Plus isn't she with someone and has a child with them. I'd be pretty pissed off if I was that guy and she was constantly writing about splitting up with ex fellas. You know, unless she was being disingenuous and just writing to a formula to sell records. But surely not!
  22. I think winehouse dying left a hole in the market for her. Don't think she'd have been as big if she was still around. Jumped into that boohoo break up thing that winehouse had blasted with back to black. Think it's all pretty derivative pop. It's ok I guess. Hate her vocal style tho. Sounds like a sad dog sometimes. Same vocal inflections and tricks all the time. That really big song is it 'someone like you' sounds like a GCSE composition.
  23. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1446889397' post='2903170'] It's not in a song situation. He is showcasing his drum skills. I thought he was superb. Ok, if a band was playing that song and he jizzed all over it, fair enough, you would be annoyed , but he's just letting loose to prove he can do it. I like it! [/quote] That is exactly it. I quite liked it. I'd kick him in the nuts if he did it when you were playing the song as a band. But who's to say he would.
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