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Everything posted by dincz

  1. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1398585864' post='2435413'] In which bands wad/is the bass player the best musician in the band?[/quote] As the question was "which bands", Cream immediately springs to mind. I wouldn't say Jack Bruce was the best musician in every band he played with, but certainly in Cream.
  2. No maple but a Cort C4H? [url="http://s1070.photobucket.com/user/dincz/media/cortC4H_zps736eb9e5.jpg.html"][/url]
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398345106' post='2433199']getting yet another hernia or exploding my scrotum[/quote] Authentic art is born of experience. There must be a couple of decent songs in there. Worth the risk?
  4. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1398335975' post='2433005'] He was planning on moving to Greece anyway [/quote] Those implied smilies always let me down
  5. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1398335131' post='2432981'] I've just taken a look at both speakers. The original speaker is 16ohm and the replacement is 4ohm. I would ssend it back to get the proper speaker fitted but the guy's no longer in the country :-\ [/quote] That makes the cab either 3.2 or 20 ohms and messes up the power distribution between the two drivers. Still, leaving the country seems a bit of an over-reaction.
  6. Ooh yes! Do I hear the ghost of Jeff Buckley?
  7. A 6 ohm 2x10? How does that work?
  8. A helpful little mod for your bass might do the trick: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uqpObxAVZs[/media]
  9. Samson SR850 are pretty decent but a little over budget at £29. EDIT: Vinyl earpads but AKG D240 velour pads fit.
  10. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1395911375' post='2407767'] Roll back the bass and treble: viola! Mid boost! [/quote] Doesn't sound anything like a viola!
  11. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1395924847' post='2407969'] the pinnacle of design and functionality that they always genuinely were.[/quote] Well, apart from having to use that leg brace thingy to play sitting down
  12. dincz

    Noise gates

    Over-simplifying a bit but noise gates reduce gain (or switch off) when the signal level is low - in other words they switch off the hiss and hum when you're not playing a note. Compressors and limiters reduce gain when the signal level is high, so the loudest bits in your playing will be turned down.
  13. When combined with everything else that colours the sound e.g. pickups and cabs, I really think it's irrelevant which direction the lines on the knobs point. Adjust for your preferred sound and be happy
  14. Thanks, will have a listen on iPlayer. A bit partial to Jack - more for his songwriting than his bassing - is that heresy around here? I think he peaked on Songs for a Tailor and Harmony Row but his stuff with Robin Trower was good too.
  15. It's very clear to me that everyone on BC chooses their instruments and associated gear only after an exhaustive and totally objective comparative analysis of the important practical considerations. Style, image and fashion just don't get a look in. This is even more true of TB members.
  16. I find that my best lines come from the head rather than the hands. What I mean is I sing a bass line first and then duplicate it on the bass. That way I'm not limited by my technique and sometimes have to work at playing what I can create in my head - so it pushes me to improve technique.
  17. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1394122602' post='2388176'] The Hartke HA3000 does not actually say. Its labelled as a protect light and the manual does not say whether its pre or power amp [/quote] Preamps don't need protection circuits. That would be the output stage. From the manual: [i]"7. Status LEDs - The bottom “Power” LED lights whenever the HA3000 is powered on (see #8 below). The top “Clip” LED lights whenever the output signal rises to an unacceptably high distortion level. The center “Protection” LED goes on for approximately five seconds when the HA3000 is powered on and fades slowly when it is powered off. While it is lit, all connected speakers are muted via mechanical relay, thus preventing any “thump” from occurring."[/i] So both the clip and protection LED's indicate what's happening in the power amp.
  18. The tweeter is just reproducing the hiss sent to it from the amp - or maybe even from your effects pedals or the bass's onboard preamp. It might be the way you've got your eq set.
  19. Chorus might get you somewhere near, but the key to that sound is a fretless bass.
  20. I'll be watching. Does it make sense to talk about the opposite of a placebo? The belief that something is doing you harm? Certainly a known phenomenon but I've never heard it described as occupying the other end of a spectrum including the placebo effect. Just curious.
  21. [quote name='stoko' timestamp='1392548559' post='2369843'] would it suck the power being 600w and the amp 500w?[/quote] Cabs don't "suck" power. Send it one watt and it will work quite happily. A cab's power rating is the maximum it will accept - something like a speed rating on a tyre. Driving at 20mph on tyres rated for 200mph isn't a problem.
  22. [URL=http://s1070.photobucket.com/user/dincz/media/Toilet.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u493/dincz/Toilet.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  23. A difference of 3dB sounds like this: http://www.talkbass.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=315441&d=1359883572
  24. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1390998542' post='2352049'] Is that catching peaks or crushing the utter nuts out of your signal? Hell of a high ratio! [/quote] It would be if it wasn't nearly always bypassed I occasionally set it up as a peak limiter.
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