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Everything posted by BobVbass

  1. Basschat.co.uk Pistonheads.com Bushcraftuk.com
  2. I use a rucksac so I can carry it on my back while a carry the bass in one hand and roll the Super twin along with the other - when I used to have a little type D amp that went in the rucksack too - one trip to the car
  3. No! one of my hero's - Lights Out on that live album is one of the greatest songs ever recorded live - saw him many times in Waysted as well - Save Your Prayers is another excellent album - met him when they supported Quo in 1867 or whenever it was and chatted to him for ages in his tour van; really lovely bloke and stoned out of his head Best wishes to him - really hope for a full and speedy recovery
  4. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The only time my heart sinks, when I go into a rehearsal room, is when there's a trace elliot amp in there. I can never get a decent sound from them.[/font][/color][/quote] Thank god someone said it finally! I've tried just about every TE stack and combo (except the V's) and I've found them all dismal sounding and underpowered. Anyway, sorry, digressing - Hartke would be my choice as well - very transparent sounding as well so you can make of them what you want. Cab wise I'd have a word with Alex and get a bulk discount on Barefaced to be honest otherwise I'd look at Eden or Aguilar Where's your studio based btw - I like the sound of somewhere where the options aren't limited to a 20 year old Laney combo or a Peavey TNT
  5. I may well the the worst bloke to give an opinion on this but I love it - buy it
  6. I always feel very sad about Schecter - they used to be the boutique select builders of basses in the eighties before their financial troubles - now sadly just another mass maker; saying that I played one not so long ago - some bound edge body thing - look pretty well made - kind of ibanez quality
  7. I remember playing on of these in the eighties along with a weird rail bass where the pick up moved - nice bass!
  8. I saw a chap at the rehearsal studio with just like that a few weeks ago and thought it looked the mutts - does it suffer from neck dive at all or is it ok?
  9. learning 200 songs is OK been in a few bands including my current one that has about this - difficulty is learning 200 songs so they're all tight and sound great - getting to that level takes months of constant practice for that amount of songs and keeping them there takes loads more constant effort as well. You're better off sticking to about 75 you can do really well and rotate, 30-40 each gig...
  10. There's been a few - Bacchus Wine bar, Kingston in the nineties was in the basement and had pillars and barriers right in front of the band so the audience had to look through little gaps and windows; There was a pub in Woking (can't remember the name annoyingly) that used to set up bands in a wide passageway between it's two bars so you played the night facing a wall 3 feet away. Proud cabaret in London has a small stage covered in champagne from the acts before and you get (literally) 3 minutes to set the band up before you play, the drummer had to play without a snare for the first four songs once as the sound man left it in the booth! (but a brilliant gig and awesome audience) Played gay pride in Manchester in a big Marquee in a car park - great gig and stage, came back and found the portable toilets had leaked and all run over or cases and clothes in the dressing room worst has to be the now defunct and built on Jolly Waggoners in Ewell, never have I came across a more inaccurate title for the most miserable bunch of gits in my life; the "stage was a 8'x4' area contained by wooden railings that only the drummer would fit in that was so close to the bar that we could order drinks while on stage. There was one plug socket that the manager provided by unplugging the fruit machine and the punters kept unplugging us to plug it back in. Strangely we never went back.
  11. There places like myUS.com that will take a parcel and forward it on - maybe have a look at them
  12. Wow, the years haven't been kind to Suzi Quattro have they... ok..I've no idea..
  13. yes read that as well - along with their great idea to make a film about a Roadie on a mission behind the scenes at their shows or something. I'll watch that straight after I watch Bula Quo!....
  14. Spectors are nice. If its cheap and good buy it, you can always sell it.....
  15. [quote]You're in a Spinal Tap tribute band and you're finding it difficult getting worthwhile gigs? I can't help but think something is wrong here. [/quote] Nah just some ribbing between RT and me We started doing it about 20 years ago before t'internet an all & have got back together a couple of times to do the odd gig - last one was a big one in Cardiff about five years ago maybe; inflatable Stonehenge, drumset like a custom chopper etc looked great, sounded great, audience loved it. Every time we've got it back together we've said we'll really put some effort into it and get some decent gigs going but for whatever reason we never quite do in true Spinal Tap style In the meantime we've all got regularly gigging bands and busy lives so I'm not sure whether another VT resurrection is the right thing at the mo - even though we have a great laugh when we do it and it sounds great (and RTs one of my best friends )
  16. yes same here - started out singing bass in choirs at school then just plugged into the bass from there - saying that Alan Lancaster and Duck Dunn would have to have done some of the lines I liked first
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1380291145' post='2223362'] There is absolutely no reason to be playing these kinds of gigs. In fact the only reason I can see that you would be doing them is because either your band is crap, the venue is in the middle of nowhere with no regular audience, or because you can't be bothered to do the publicity required to get the audience in. [/quote] haha - yes all of the above - another great reason to get in a band where the people booking the gigs know what they're doing a damn sight better than me and leave me to doing the bits where I can contribute best
  18. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1380278259' post='2223113'] Exactly! That's why I am not keen on gigs... [/quote] Haha ok.. so you want to reform Vinyl Tap to just to practice then? [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1380272326' post='2223005'] Everyones entitled to set their own rules, the trick is to only be in bands with like minded people. [/quote] exactly this - it doesn't work any other way; you need people with the same motivation
  19. Very true - but you don't get the 100 people gigs without paying your dues at the 3 punter ones unfortunately...
  20. Probably, I've got them both upstairs tucked away ( along with a circular saw picture disk of F*ck like a beast ) I'll have to dig them out when the house is all back together. The most remarkable thing i remembe about TS is how tall they were, they were all about seven foot - nice chaps though thy came out he stage door at Hammersmith and talked to us for ages.
  21. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] If only I still had a poodle perm, I would be set... [/font][/color][/quote] or any hair for that matter
  22. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I suppose. Still cringeworthy though... One of your favourites if I remember correctly? It figures.... [/font][/color][/quote] well to paraphrase the audience participation in "Wee Wee Baby" - B*ll*x! You wouldn't understand - they were a proper bikers band - not for [i]Harley[/i] riders - I seem to remember having a CG125 at the time though actually [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Warrant. Cinderella. White Lion. Stryper. Great White. Brittany Fox.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Had 'em all [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][/quote] Cinderella were brilliant - still listen to them now and Gypsy Road is still one of my favourite songs of the time. Waysted were great too - Save your Prayers is an excellent album. So what about Magnum? Not sure they've aged very well....
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