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Everything posted by BobVbass

  1. I'd say - wrap it in a towel, store it flat, keep the truss rod as it is but most importantly keep it at constant temperature and humidity
  2. The Rock Garden at Covent Garden! what a hole that was - lugging your kit for miles over a load of cobbles as there was no where to park, playing to a load of tourists who wandered in bemused because Dire Straits played there once ten years before and having to buy tickets off them to "sell" to people for our fee - I wonder why we only played there once!
  3. yeah I could get my DB in my Lupo - nothing else except me though!
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  5. I have to say I was very tempted by your Schecter but went for a "safer" Yamaha instead; only because I know Yamaha's do solid great value basses - Schecter used to be superb in the 80's but now I've no idea what they're like or sound like now - I like the look of it though
  6. well, in a moment of unadulterated madness and GAS yesterday I bought a Yamaha RBX765a Five string, spotless condition this one in fact : [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Rbx765A-Bass-Guitar-/161187761919?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=N36YMaAtIMeMvn3YjGvfbHqVrs8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Rbx765A-Bass-Guitar-/161187761919?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=N36YMaAtIMeMvn3YjGvfbHqVrs8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc[/url] It gets delivered tomorrow - I haven't owned a five string since the nineties when I had an awful Aria MAG 5 string that put me off since - so here's hoping!
  7. ok - I'll have a look - ta!
  8. Hi all, So I have a Zoom H1 - pretty happy with it but the software it comes with it pretty limited and is giving me hassles importing big files - can someone recommend anything better? I'd like something that will work with mp3 and wav, let me chop the files into tracks and fiddle with the Eq - as well as being simple to use for someone that has no time to learn anything complicated! Thanks Bob
  9. Sad news, fantastic songs and a great talent; there's a few Everlys songs in the set list of the band I'm playing with tonight and I enjoy them every time. RIP
  10. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Would the effect be different on flats to rounds? [/font][/color] [/quote] flats would be a more thumpy silence, rounds would have more of a silent zing to them - all depends on the body wood, whether its a bolt on neck or through body stringing is used - the difference in these variations of silence will be just as discernible as they are here on Earth with bass sound
  11. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Since there's no friction in space - yes. Flats and rounds would feel the same to play! [/font][/color] [/quote] there is most definitely friction in space just no air resistance unfortunately your blood boiling out of your ears, eyes and any other available orifice may change the feel of your strings momentarily before you evaporate
  12. all of the above - but warm up your joints as well before playing with exercises, heat pads or just holding them under a hand dryer. Don't take a single blood test as gospel either - you'll need a few over a few months to look for RA - it sometimes doesn't reflect in CRP or ESR results for a while (not that I'm saying that's what it is )
  13. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I just think if you are asked to dep for a gig, and it's maybe the day before, and you are a decent busker, you should be expected to be put on on the spot. If you have a week to prep for it, the band should look after you, and make you feel comfortable. [/font][/color][/quote] 100% right - most keyboardists seem to be at least 80% assh*le but he sounds like he's graduated with first class chocolate tea towel holder honours Haven't done a gig like that but went for an audition last year with a band who sounded a really good laugh - I arranged to just come along for an impromptu jam to see how we got along, the morning after a particularly late gig as well just to suit them - everyone was fine except for the guitarist who played at a volume that would have made the back row of Wembley wince; stopped various songs (bearing in mind this was a "shall we have a bash at this song" type jam) to tell people (me, keyboardist, drummer) they played bits wrong and then proceeded to run up and down his fretboard in some obscure scale while saying "feel the burn baby" between numbers while staring at me - I left after that
  14. Status Quo 1969-1976 Blackfoot Electric Light Orchestra Frank Sinatra's Orchestra Madison Square Gardens 1974
  15. [quote]Showbusiness - which is what music essentially is a part of - means putting on a show, dressing for the part, and playing the role. The same way as being a banker or estate agent means wearing a suit. I don`t think you get famous by a look though, you have to have something there that people want to hear, the visuals are part of the entertainment side but without the music to back it up, well yes some have managed it but there has to be something there. [/quote] Exactly this -people like to see a show if they pay good money (including club owners here) not just some blokes who wandered in off the street [quote]I love dressing up. It gives you permission to be a different person. [/quote] Yep -it's brilliant!
  16. I'm not sure it would react too differently in zero gravity but in the vacuum of space ( no air resistance etc) the string would wobble and resonate longer, although energy would still be transferred from the string to body and I guess minute amounts of friction at the nut and saddle would slowly disapate it in the end. You would get any sound out of it though...
  17. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]And Jack Bruce. Go for it. [/font][/color] [/quote] and Alan Lancaster, but go and get it checked
  18. Aha beat me to it - just been reading all the posts on here about them - they sound pretty good - first things after Xmas I reckon I'll get some!
  19. Hadn't thought of flats actually - that's a good idea - I'll have a look - are they ok with through body stringing?
  20. Well it's a momentous day for I have decided I need new strings. Bearing in mind I change my basses more than I change strings it's a big decision! I usually use Rotosound RS66 stainless - my current set is errm probably about 5 years old So should I go for some more of the same or should I try something else?
  21. I had a fire bass for about 15 years, brilliant, awesome amp - it's the one I still hanker after now.....
  22. Hmm funny, my LH seems very clear and clinical to me, sounds great with my EB but a bit colourless with my DB - I normally just have the Eq pretty flat, boost the middle for the DB. So I guess I find it a completely adequate amp for everything I do - certainly loud enough - just a bit soulless......
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