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Everything posted by BobVbass

  1. [quote]Modern Ibbys are amazing value/quality, the SRs are beautifully balanced & lightweight - but the ultra-skinny necks are a bit marmite, if you favour a chunky P-type you probably won't like it.[/quote] I've had two - an SR300 and an SR700 both were amazing, lovely to play, fab necks great sound on their own but somehow I just couldn't get on with them at a gig - I'm a P bass person but it was the sound I couldn't get rather than the neck
  2. I use tape ever since I built up a really tough callous on my forefinger which then proceeded to blister and peel away during a (admittedly long and fast playing) gig. Micropore is best
  3. The times I've played big stages (2000 ish people) I loved it, room to move about and have fun. It also seemed easier to get the audience going and responding to you - I think because people felt more anonymous in a big crowd
  4. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Are either of these guys related to John Coghlan?[/font][/color][/quote] Coghlan's Quo is Jon Coghlan on drums playing early Quo stuff - the Francis Rossi stand-in wears a kilt. Not that has any relevance to the thread or his earnings at all.
  5. One of my friends is a fairly well known concert pianist - he does solo tours around the UK and US, few times in Africa, has his own record deal, regularly gets invited along to Radio 4 to do live performances on Friday Night is Music night etc, is a member of various top philharmonic and symphony orchestras (royal, irish etc) even has his own festival in Seville every year. He lives just down the road from me, same size house about the same size mortgage and while he's not skint he still has to supplement his professional career with teaching every evening. Saying that he's had a career spanning 40 years now quite happily doing something he adores.
  6. In a nutshell - no, it works from chord shapes and doesn't give good results from single notes. A walking bass line confuses the hell out of mine! You can set it to a specific key but that's not ideal for (for instance) songs with key changes or major to minor changes or even the chorus in a different key, very rough way for it to work. When plugged into a keyboard or guitar and with someone that knows what they're doing with their voice they are simply brilliant though.
  7. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]8 months of rehearsal is WAY too long. I like to be well-rehearsed personally, but in fact it's better to get out as soon as possible even if it's not totally 100% - it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking your sets have to be absolutely polished and perfect before gigging - this is a waste of time because it really doesn't work like that. You want to get good at playing gigs, not good at doing rehearsals..[/font][/color][/quote] Absolutely this - do some gigs at the first opportunity and then practice a you go. If you're doing it for fun and then not having any then that gives you your answer - not shallow; common sense.
  8. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hmmmm, I think Entwistle and Sheehan might have something to say about the list! [/font][/color][/quote] I doubt whether Entwistle's saying much these days to be honest! I always wonder why people do these lists as they're utterly pointless and no people will ever agree. Maybe that's why they do them Opinions are like ar*eholes, everyone's got one....
  9. what model mixer is it? what outputs does it have? you should be able to do what you want with a crossover to send the low freq stuff to your sub or if you've some other (i.e sub - not sub speaker - sub channel )outputs just use one of those for the signal to the sub.. There's a lot of subs in that explanation - I feel like a U boat commander hopefully it makes sense tho!
  10. For new places we normally chat to the LL or staff on the night and see what they think then give them the chance to run before we chase them (if we want to). For existing places we'll book extra dates on the night and also offer a discount if they want to block book - i.e. 4 gigs gives them 10% off our normal rate etc [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]BTW, knowing your age and experience level will help generate the best appropriate response.[/font][/color][/quote] 40's and 50's been playing pubs and clubs for 30 years or so....
  11. Same as JTUK - We use SRM 150's - really excellent
  12. Bought a little mark 2 from Phil, really well packed, really fast delivery and absolutely top chap - cheers Phil!
  13. I've a spare set of [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Spiro Weich's at home with about 6 months on the clock if you want to try them?[/font][/color]
  14. I've got some other stuff to put on ebay so manic price drop to see if anyone wants it or I'll try it on there as well
  15. I used to use a jamman exactly for this - I found there was actually a slight delay when triggered so getting a sample to match in the middle of a song was a complete pain - Intros and stuff though were perfect - theres an optional pedal so you can move between patches mid song without bending down and twiddling knobs which worked well. Backing vocals these days I use a TC Helicon harmoniser - damn sight easier!
  16. Hi All, so I bought this on here from Superbass back in February - lovely guitar, Barolini Mk1 pickups and active EQ, looks gorgeous and the neck and action is astounding. Sounds awesome and really can't pick a fault with it. I still end up using my Lakland all the time though so it's just sitting in it's case in the cupboard. I'm quite tempted to just keep it but I need a lighter amp (500W+) so something has to be sold to pay for it. I've used the original pics from the advert lat Feb (hope you don't mind Superbass) Has a tiny dink on the front buts that's it. The case is in usable but "used" condition, but ok all the latches and hinges are fine. Happy to post - I'd need a few day to get bubblewrap and stuff and figure out how much it would be though probably about £25 ish I should think
  17. Blimey! I thought these would be snapped up! Guess it will be ebay then....
  18. Hi - sorry to be a pain - I've too much going on with my daughter at the mo so I'm going to withdraw it from sale for the time being. Its not just selling it its getting time to sort out a replacement with things as they are so I'd better hold tight.
  19. I've got spare set of TS Weichs (previously enjoyed) you can have for it as well if you like....
  20. Yes maybe - my daughter's ill at the mo so it would be tricky getting a time to play it round my place for a while. Might be able to bring it to yours I suppose..
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