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Everything posted by scalpy

  1. Worth watching all the way through, there's some serious guitars on that rig.
  2. Had that at a gig in Shoreditch. Turned out to be the mildly amusing cheeky girl fiddling inconsequential lib dem MP lembit opek.
  3. Possibly, or is it an ability to really ‘hear’ the lightbulb?
  4. That depends if you're going to read the instructions or change the bulb by feel.
  5. Barn dances are great fun, especially if the audience doesn't what they're doing- you just stand there whilst the caller teaches them! If you do one on guitar your brain will become addled by every conceivable combination of D, G and A when a Bm comes along ITS THE HARDEST CHORD IN THE WORLD!
  6. Totally subscribe to the Indian philosophy of music for time of day and season, so yesterday arriving at work (a Friday) facing another few months of work before a weekend off and a holiday required the following- Gallows Pole- Led Zeppelin Go With the Flow- QOTSA I'm Waiting for the Man- Velvet Underground
  7. Two rules of getting a dep in- make sure they're not better than you, and not an attractive blonde of the singer's sexual preference.
  8. That's some quality gear right there.
  9. The day job is classroom teacher and I used to run a 18 piece soul band with the school. We got asked play to a village fete, so did all the necessary admin- book minibus, parental consent forms etc and schlepped all the way out to the back of beyond. The kids arrived as I was working out where we were playing. The space was an open fronted marquee with rain coming in sideways. The power had been run from a single socket in the church 50m away, whereby the catering got it first, running 4 vats of tea/ coffee, the cable itself being held up off the ground directly above the water vapour by the sopping tent frame. They had then daisy chained an extension cable for me to use, which was just sitting in a clump of wet grass. We ran a 2k PA, monitors, the works and it was all meant to go into this single socket. The kids had worked really hard on their performance and there was bank of parents who'd given up their Saturday afternoon, but after 15 minutes of discussion and questions I couldn't justify the risk and sent them all home. One dad tapped me on the shoulder and whispered "thank you' so I guess it was the correct decision.
  10. LB100 with flats for the function band. ASAT for singer/songwriter gig, deps and other odd jobs. 5 string Sire Jazz for pit work. Doesn't stop me wanting more though!
  11. It's pretty embarrassing to admit but it was my Mum who pointed it out. She's a pretty accomplished wildlife photographer. Once I got my head round it I couldn't stop seeing it. Especially Freddie Mercury. He must have been a gift to cameramen. Every pose is a gift, stance, mic stand, gesturing arm- (teeth!) really energetic.
  12. It's pretty easy when you have a bass! The instrument in all of these creates an angle- but there's extra ones as well. Macca's hand position, Flea's body position and Mike's arm all create that line which helps give the image some interest and character.
  13. 2 diagonals- head position, bass neck.
  14. I totally agree with stewblack. The quickest way to look like a plonker is to try not to look like a plonker. The best photos or videos show something interesting so do something interesting. For ages i didn't know what that meant but a photographer friend gave me a tip- just make sure there's a diagonal somewhere. What does that mean? Look at a photo of any great performer, Jimi Hendrix or Freddie Mercury- the body position, or gesture, or instrument will be creating a diagonal line across the image. The London Calling cover is great example, the leg position- 2 diagonals, the bass itself creates another. It doesn't have to be that dramatic, you can just drop a shoulder or move your arm away from the bass, or lift a heel and you'll look ten times better.
  15. 20 feet from stardom.
  16. Don't want your Noble, eh????!
  17. Number 1, saying he's happy to help whenever. The only way forward that doesn't get him a bad rep is to time it right and start a new band himself. Personally I'd book a gig for the dep band on a date the regular singer couldn't do and hope they had the same reaction to the new vocalist as they did to him!
  18. Go and see which local band has a good front person. Steal them.
  19. Totally agree, not helped by my recently acquired habit of singing the bassline at the same time! Need to break that habit fast.
  20. Good shout. We put music on for most events, but if there is a DJ we give then the setlist- which they promptly ignore most of the time. Really grips my proverbial. Us doing the music also helps with the volume war, i haven't met a wedding DJ yet that doesn't make a point of blasting the band out of the water. On a more positive note, the band being in charge of the music allows the initial volume to be set at conversation levels, then gradually increased to reduce the 'live drum kit' shock when we start playing. Still not DJ volume either!
  21. Nice to see the love for Power Windows on this thread- a friend of mine was the engineer on that record (AIR Montserrat sessions). He recalls using a tape machine for each of the band, plus a slave, each! And 32 mics on the kit, as you do...
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