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Everything posted by Earbrass

  1. Tuuletar: see 00:24:00 onwards - especially the first song (24:00 - 31:30 ish). I had heard of them, and seen them described as "vocal hip-hop", which didn't inspire much confidence, but was at this show a couple of weeks ago and was blown away. https://areena.yle.fi/1-50027364?seek=1440
  2. If trees could vomit, that's what it would look like.
  3. They hurt your hands. I thought it was just me (I had one for a while but moved it on for that reason), but I was chatting with a pro drummer at the weekend who uses one - "doesn't it hurt your hands?" I asked, expecting tips on proper technique or something... 'yes it does' he confirmed, and showed me his hands - a mess of callouses and dead skin. On the other hand, I saw someone else using one just as a seat / bassdrum, using a kick pedal turned around and worked with the heel. He had a large djembe sat in front of him which he played lightly with brushes and sticks, and a second kick pedal which operated a tambourine jingle type thing. Whole kit worked really well together.
  4. "Practising" is correct in the UK. The verb is "to practise". "Practice" is the noun. Eg 'We had a good practice today' but 'we practised for two hours'. If you forget which is which, think of "advice" vs "advise", which rarely get confused with each other because they are pronounced differently. HTH. 😉
  5. Someone in the YouTube comments says it's a Paul Reed Smith, but I wouldn't have a clue myself.
  6. Pity about the bass sound farting out in this vid, but....
  7. I have vivid and fond memories of watching my (South African) mate giving an excellent and very well received impromptu version of "We Will Rock You" on the highland pipes while dressed in full Scottish regalia, accompanied by a German oompah band, also wearing their traditional costumes, late at night at an open-air riverside café in Turku, Finland in the summer of 2017 during the Europeade (European folk dance) festival. Pick the cultural bones out of that one!
  8. Good luck with your endeavours. If anyone, of whatever colour, tries to tell you that you shouldn't be playing a particular type of music because of your ethnic background, then they are being racist, and should be ignored, however much they may try to conceal their racism behind such fatuous pc terms as "cultural appropriation". It's no different from someone telling a black person that they shouldn't be performing opera or playing in a string quartet. Music is music, and has always benefitted from cross-cultural fertilization, without which much of the music we enjoy, and which has enriched our lives, simply would not exist. Enjoy!
  9. I had completely forgotten until I started reading this thread, but I saw them somewhere in London (Hammersmith Odeon???) sometime in the late 80's. I know that "Green" was the latest album at the time. I know I enjoyed it, but I can't remember a damned thing about the gig itself now. Old age.....now, what did I come onto this site for?
  10. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-46383617 What exactly do they imagine they are protecting it from, I wonder? "Other cultural traditions which made the list included a Spanish riding school in Vienna, a Mongolian camel-coaxing ritual and Czech puppetry." - If I told them once, I told them a hundred times, put reggae music first, then the Czech puppet show.
  11. Is it, though? Who's playing the bass from 2.30?
  12. Ever noticed that the frets get closer together the further you go up the neck? There's a clue there.
  13. Well, if we're talking melodica, then this surely deserves inclusion:
  14. One of them actually was crucified. Harsh but fair - nobody's ever late for rehearsals now.
  15. And if said employer were to be, say, a financial software company, they may then, having paid you for it once, license its use to any number of clients, and rake in fees over and over again. Whether the fintech business may be classified as being part of the "real world", however, I will leave others to decide.
  16. The lesser spotted squarnch (merpuria plobinata) is easily distinguished from its orvidious cousins by the prominent kraspules on its lower phlegnum.
  17. Proof that the rebellious, devil-may-care, sticking-it-to-the-man spirit of rock'n'roll is indeed still alive and well: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-45667802
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