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Everything posted by misrule

  1. I can't really help you -- but I use Rotosound 45-105s on mine without any problem. I took mine to Chris McIntyre in Peckham, South London, who did a great job setting it up, if you're anywhere near. [url="http://www.mcintyreguitars.com/contact.htm"]His website[/url] Cheers Mark
  2. I doubt many people here will have tried them. His website says: "It is illegal for me to ship Lignum Vitae Surfpicks out of the US." This from Wikipedia: "The wood is obtained chiefly from Guaiacum officinale and Guaiacum sanctum, both small, slow growing trees. All species of the genus Guaiacum are now listed in Appendix II of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) as potentially endangered species." Cheers Mark
  3. [quote name='51m0n' post='830443' date='May 7 2010, 10:30 AM']Moose - New Model Army (Thunder and Consolation)[/quote] Or Stuart Morrow, more prominent on the earlier stuff. Cheers Mark
  4. Week-to-go bump. Shadowkeep are also at -- Scream Lounge, [b]Croydon[/b] -- Saturday May 8. Kiddermonster metal all-dayer, [b]Kidderminster [/b]-- Sunday May 23. [b]Staines[/b] Town Hall -- Sunday May 30. Yardbirds Rock Club, [b]Grimsby[/b] -- Saturday July 17. East Riding Rock Festival, [b]Dunswell[/b], near Hull -- Sunday July 18. Cheers Mark
  5. Welcome, Andy. Metal fans should check out Pythia's album Beneath The Veiled Embrace. It's awesome Cheers Mark
  6. Just rang the customs helpline (0845 010 9000), to be certain. They said a bass taken to New York would be classed as a personal possession "so you shouldn't have a problem" bringing it back into the country. To avoid any doubt, they said you could get a receipt from customs at the airport before boarding your flight. Cheers Mark
  7. If you don't have a sales receipt, you can get a receipt from customs at your departure airport to show you're taking your bass out of the country. By the way, to avoid any doubt, basses bought second hand in the US are still subject to import tax and VAT. In my experience, it's best to play it straight. I've declared that I'm over my customs limit since my arrest and I'm often waved through. Cheers Mark
  8. Your friend should be very careful. Customs staff are very good at guitar and bass spotting -- and have been since 1984 when they collared me. They know about makes, models and serial numbers, will ask for receipts and have the power to confiscate anything on which your pal might be evading import duty and tax. It will then belong to the Queen. Your pal will be free to bid for his former property at an auction in the Queen's warehouse, if he wishes. Meanwhile, your friend will be up in court -- or tried summarily in the C&E interview room, as happened to me. £120 fine and no guitar. They are wise to most ruses and target instrument cases. B*stards Cheers Mark
  9. +1 -- OBBM does great speaker cables. I've got two. Cheers Mark
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='765944' date='Mar 6 2010, 12:00 PM']The two assistants present were treating shoppers with interest and respect.[/quote] My god -- that's a first Cheers Mark
  11. [quote name='Johnston' post='763663' date='Mar 4 2010, 09:08 AM'][attachment=44053:aint_no_...the_city.pdf] [attachment=44054:Whitesna...r_Loving.pdf] I found them two and exported to PDF if they help any .[/quote] Thanks, Johnston. That second one would have saved me a bit of work a few days ago Cheers Mark
  12. I can't help either -- but I recently had to work out Fool For Your Lovin' and I'm facing Walking In The Shadow Of The Blues in the next few days. I recommend you get a Tascam trainer or similar and slow the tracks down until you can hear what's going on. Fool For Your Lovin' is the same basic riff, with a million little fills between. Once you've got the riff, it's just a question of decoding the fills -- or making up your own Good luck. Cheers Mark
  13. I've also got the guitar version. Its on/off switch is patchy but otherwise it's great. Cheers Mark
  14. I doubt we'd have a libel problem -- the law allows for fair comment, which can be extreme as long as the views are honestly held. But the opinion expressed must be based on fact and in the public interest. So my saying that I hated, say, the Dog & Duck because the landlord was rude and the toilets were overflowing would be fine. He is, they are and it's in the public interest for me to warn other bassists about the place. Oh, and in a libel case both the writer and Basschat could be liable. [s]But, IIRC, there has never been a libel case involving a website[/s]. Er, there has. [url="http://www.ip-brands.com/media/index.php/2009/02/28/defamation-law-part-2-successful-strategies-to-deal-with-online-defamation/"]A lawyer writes ...[/url] Cheers Mark
  15. The Peel, 160 Cambridge Road, Kingston KT1 3HH. Saturday, May 1 from 7.30pm. Tickets £7 -- please order from us rather than paying on the door, so we earn more For track samples, see ... [url="http://www.myspace.com/shadowkeepuk"]Shadowkeep myspace[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/pythiamusic"]Pythia myspace[/url] And if Andy N-C is on here, please PM me, mate. Cheers Mark
  16. Awesome. Great track, great logo -- just get rid of that balloon picture. It's so un-metal Particularly love the soaring vocals. And your man can hit the high notes. Not too keen on the growly bits but they work well in places, like the ending. Brilliant. Well done. Cheers Mark
  17. I bought a speaker cable from Pete. He's a great bloke, everything went super-fast and he even sent the goods before my cheque cleared. Nice one. Thanks, mate. Cheers Mark
  18. [quote name='poptart' post='740754' date='Feb 10 2010, 10:54 AM']Hi There has been price changes on the Auralex products, the GRAMMA has just gone down and the Great GRAMMA has just gone up and I will be making these adjustments on my site today, however I am happy to offer the BC community deals on the Great GRAMMA at £80 inc shipping (saving of £7) NV610 have also come down in the past six months and are great value considering how minding numbingly good they are!! ;-) Mark PS - Just PM me or call the shop - 01926 886433 and I will sort you out.[/quote] Thanks, Mark. I'll pass on the Gramma, I'm afraid -- I've had a lower offer. This group buy thing is getting complicated But I'll definitely be in touch about the NV610 when the time is right. Cheers Mark
  19. Could we have a price for Great Grammas, Mark-Poptart? I might be tempted. I've already got the smaller one. Oh, and can we have a group buy for NV610s? I feel a visit to Warwick coming on ... Cheers Mark
  20. They're obviously a Marmite bass -- but they sound great to my ears. The pickups are very high output and the tone's very clanky. Their neck dive is a pain but nothing that a suede strap won't sort out. And, like many, mine's got finish issues which I ignore. I'd go for the Gibson rather than Epiphone. Cheers Mark
  21. Thanks, Chris. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Cheers Mark
  22. I bought Chris's Hamer guitar -- and I can confirm he's a top bloke. The deal went fine, he put up with my messing about trying to get it picked up and even threw in a Gibson gig bag. Thanks very much, Chris Cheers Mark
  23. [quote name='jonthebass' post='718383' date='Jan 19 2010, 08:53 PM']I see...it's still frickin loud though! I've never had my one over 4 on the Master Volume, and that's at fairy large gigs, etc For the OP, what about Matamp? I think if I were after a valve beast of an amp they'd be getting a call. Good luck, Jon[/quote] My guitarists tell me to turn down at about 3 Cheers Mark
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