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Everything posted by misrule

  1. Perhaps if/when Jake repays the money, we should set up a fund to pay the costs of any similar situation in future. The next wrongdoer can then reimburse the fund what he owes. Cheers Mark
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='345317' date='Dec 4 2008, 12:57 PM']No you can't you have to pay the court bailiffs to go round and they are useless.[/quote] A mate of mine recovered the money he was owed plus costs through the bailiffs when he sued a garage -- it worked very well. I hope things work out for you, Beedster. Cheers Mark
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='345269' date='Dec 4 2008, 12:32 PM']Thanks for the above guys. Allen's been on this site this morning (in fact he was on this thread a few minutes back), so is clearly aware but choosing not to respond. As several of you are pretty good private eyes, I now have 1. a photo of him (he wouldn't be difficult to identify in a crowd trust me) 2. his address 3. his place of work 4. a list of his upcoming gigs What am I going to do? Well I'm tempted to phone my mate Rich who's local and is a bit handy, and ask him to go round to have a chat. Am I going to? No, because I'm going to give Allen the chance to do the right thing. If he doesn't I - and BC 's generally - just learn another lesson along the lines of the Jake thing. If this is the case then I've lost £116 but he's lost the goodwill of a significant proportion of the UK bass playing population. I know what I'd rather have Chris[/quote] You could also try the small claims court now you have an address -- it costs around £30, I think, and you don't need a lawyer. If the case goes in your favour but he still refuses to pay, the court can send round a debt collection agent at his expense. You have PM. Cheers Mark
  4. Is this your man? [url="http://www.faceparty.com/allen1uk"]http://www.faceparty.com/allen1uk[/url] Cheers Mark
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='342755' date='Dec 2 2008, 10:44 AM']It really is a problem. At the gig last night I was pestered rotten by Kate Moss. Couldn't shake her off!![/quote] You must stop selling drugs Cheers Mark
  6. [quote name='tombboy' post='339063' date='Nov 27 2008, 11:23 PM']Christ... is there one for everything?[/quote] OffHob Cheers Mark
  7. [quote name='BassManKev' post='339315' date='Nov 28 2008, 10:16 AM']nothing to do with it. The amount of views a thread has is only refreshed every hour or so, so it will read no views until an hour has passed.[/quote] I meant that the counter only registers once ten or so people have posted. Or so it seems to me. Cheers Mark
  8. The counter doesn't start working until it hits around ten or so. Cheers Mark
  9. [quote name='Shaggy' post='311272' date='Oct 21 2008, 01:17 PM']Rather like Hendrix’s flambéed Strat, it would probably be worth ten times as much with the bloodstains.[/quote] Hendrix's Strat was refinished and is or was owned by Frank Zappa's son, IIRC. Is that right? Cheers Mark Edit -- Er, nearly [url="http://petersenmuseum.com/default.cfm?DocID=502&ArticleID=12"]see here[/url] It was restored.
  10. Hi, Crag -- and welcome. I keep my Thunderbird on a Hercules stand. It holds the neck, which rules out the shape problem. They're about £25. [url="http://www.herculesstands.co.uk/dyn_prod.php?p=GS414B&k=85317"]Hercules Stands[/url] Cheers Mark
  11. Bud LeCompte in Texas could probably build you something similar, to your spec, for less money. That was $2,500 (£1,475) plus delivery. [url="http://www.lecomptebass.com/"]lecomptebass.com[/url] Sorry to be the bearer of GAS Cheers Mark
  12. People usually suggest getting a strap with something non-slip like suede on the inside. I play a Thunderbird, which has a similar problem to yours. I actually use quite a slippery strap -- and just live with the problem. Cheers Mark
  13. [quote name='xverminate2' post='296086' date='Oct 1 2008, 12:33 AM']Hi, I have just started sifting through yrs of collected items with the view of selling etc and have found a box of guitar pedals i had sealed up since the 80s. 1 pedal is an Ibanez Overdrive OD-850. I was intending to let this go cheap,but have since searched and found some silly prices up to £395, is this right? If they are worth more than a few quid! I might be getting a new bass. I will make full list later this week. If you have a fair idea of old gear from pedals to amps and recording Please help! Thanks Greg[/quote] Don't expect too much. I recently dug out my 1980s Ibanez FL-9 flanger after hearing they were very much in demand. But the last one on ebay went for £36. You might want to hold on to yours until the economy picks up (another ten years? ) Cheers Mark
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='295192' date='Sep 30 2008, 10:25 AM']Who is the autograph of?[/quote] Mr Paul Reed Smith Cheers Mark
  15. Is it an SVT-3? If so, I'd say take it along. Dial in lots of mids, turn the graphic EQ on then slide the level dial (No18 in the owner's guide) up to full. And the tube gain knob gives more distortion to the left, less to the right -- the opposite of what many people expect. It should be great -- have fun Cheers Mark
  16. [quote name='TheShebeats' post='290020' date='Sep 23 2008, 02:48 PM']Before guys go on about discrimination...[/quote] [b]Sex Discrimination Act [/b] [i]It is possible to restrict a job to members of one sex if being of that sex is a genuine occupational qualification for the job but the circumstances where this may apply are very limited. They include; ... in dramatic performances or other entertainment, for reasons of authenticity.[/i] You're safe Cheers Mark
  17. +1 for Hercules. I've got two -- and my T-bird rests on one of them. Cheers Mark
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='266595' date='Aug 20 2008, 08:25 PM']We don't give a monkey's whether or not you buy it. Come to that, we don't care what you want. Now go away.[/quote] They're getting that mission statement engraved over the door Cheers Mark
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='265221' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:56 AM']Local to me, the bass department in GAK is pretty good too.[/quote] +1 for GAK -- I've spent thousands of pounds in there. Somebody who has known the owner for years told me the store became successful because they always encouraged youngsters to try out their stock. Then when those people got older and started earning money they came back to buy. And in the process GAK forced a less customer-friendly rival out of business. When will people like the Bass Cellar learn? Cheers Mark
  20. Our seller 'Val' doesn't know what a bridge is -- but she knows enough to tell us the neck is straight in about the second sentence. How could she tell? Why would she even think to inform us? Obvious scam even without the pictures. Cheers Mark
  21. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='226349' date='Jun 24 2008, 11:41 PM']Erm, I don't really want to comment too much on that really. He held a note well, was in tune, but I don't think he'll be worrying Amy any time soon. He sang "That's Life" and "I'm in the Mood for Love" while struggling to read the words off a sheet on the table (he didn't have his "readers" with him). He seemed like a thoroughly nice bloke so don't want to appear to slag him off. Fair dos to him for having a go.[/quote] Very tactful There are those who say his daughter's not the greatest singer in the world, either ... Cheers Mark
  22. [quote name='bnt' post='226097' date='Jun 24 2008, 06:31 PM']I betcha there is more in the original pictures, but everything but Mr. Winehouse got cropped out. [/quote] That's fair enough -- he's the famous one. What's his singing like? Cheers Mark
  23. [quote name='ahpook' post='225842' date='Jun 24 2008, 01:14 PM'][size=1]/quiety/ i think they're god-awful looking bases...that blue is just horrific[/size][/quote] Arf Cheers Mark
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