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Everything posted by Merton

  1. Gav at GM has not been trading for a while, not sure why but there is rumour aplenty...
  2. Absolutley. I think I kinda missed that point with what I was trying to say so it came across slightly wrong, apollogeez. I suspect Alan (correct me if I'm wrong) is using OBBM cables so all hunky dory [i]EDIT 2: to stop me being a pedantic asshole![/i] I love going to rehearsal rooms where an amp is connected to a cab with a patch lead. That's fun.
  3. I didn't say it made a difference to the sound, it makes a difference to the amount of power going down the first lead. But I did also say that it doesn't matter, you can connect how you want!
  4. www.britishaudioservice.com has them all, but they have a min order value of $15.00 so you'd need to buy a lot!
  5. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='151507' date='Mar 5 2008, 08:25 AM']Lets say your 2 drivers are rated at 300w RMS @ 8ohms Thats 600w RMS @ 4ohms when linked together (and it [i]really [/i]does not matter if you link the cabs together or straight into the amp contrary to the second post - if it was a single 2x12 cab you would only be feeding one cable from the amp.....)[/quote] It doesn't matter, but it makes more sense to do it from both amp outputs. If you daisy chain, the first cable takes ALL the power down it, if you use both amp outputs, the power is split evenly across the two. There was a post by Oxblood or someone explaining this in terms of two bits of elastic and it makes sense, but I can't find it now. Basically, think of 2 equal weights, one on the end of each bit of elastic. If one bit of elastic is connected tot eh weight of the other, the first bit of elastic is holding twice the weight. If each bit of elastic is fastened to separate points (ie not together) then there is equal weight distribution between the elastic and one isn't holding both. Simple analogy, badly explained. It doesn't MATTER, but it DOES make a difference!
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  8. [quote name='jakesbass' post='151047' date='Mar 4 2008, 01:36 PM']Now this bit is [i]really[/i] serious: It will be easier to adjust to a different playing position now (however much of a ballache it seems) than to recover from the damage you could do to muscles, tendons, nerves etc Jake[/quote] +1 I try to avoid overly bent wrists though I am aware my bass height tends to push me in that direction; an important thing is to ensure you are relaxed and not tensing your arms/wrists/hands/fingers coz that won't help.
  9. Good to hear. £45 isn't bad for getting a few little things fixed which could have all gone independently at any time
  10. [quote name='TheRinser' post='150561' date='Mar 3 2008, 06:47 PM']I've got 2 of those drivers in my 2x15! it's over a metre tall (i think 120 or 160cm...) and sounds alright at low volumes, but crap at anything like gig volumes. crap xmax if i remember correctly? dr decibel (he even had business cards!) from celestion helped me design the cab, porting, volume etc. Do you have the parameters for the driver? i've lost 'em and i'd love to try and make a good cab out of them. if it's possible. bill?[/quote] I have asked said Doc coz I've lost all the specs. Will copy them on to you if/when I get them. I suspect it's a better mid driver for PA apps rather than a dedicated bass driver, in which case it may stay as a weird fruit bowl type ornament in my living room! That said, I blew one of the 8" drivers in my 4x8 combo yesterday so getting replacements for all 4 means I'll have 3 spare 8s kicking around, [i]begging[/i] for an Omni15 build!
  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='150596' date='Mar 3 2008, 07:27 PM']The business about what o'clock you have on the knobs can be pretty meaningless as well cos it depends in the make, some give all the volume at the start to con people into thinking they are more powerful than they are - then dont get any louder. This is also often the case with amps with limiters protecting the output (like Peavey), the limiter cuts in when you reach say 5 on the knob and the rest is wasted.[/quote] Yep, as I found out tonight by blowing one of the 8"s in my V-Type combo. The volume was on bloody 2. Grrr.
  12. [quote name='Perry' post='150453' date='Mar 3 2008, 04:28 PM']Is the neck pocket the same size?[/quote] If you get the right one, yes. Just have to be careful with getting the right neck I believe
  13. [quote name='umph' post='150094' date='Mar 2 2008, 11:33 PM']pictures when i can be arsed.[/quote] Can you be arsed yet?
  14. Oh, plus one for what Jake said. Eye contact is the most important thing, I make sure I have plenty of that wherever I am - left/right/lying on the floor in agony after falling over.
  15. In my function band I am on the right of the drummer - ride cymbal side, coz it balances us out with our singers and guitarist. In my originals band I go on the left of the drummer, by the hi-hat. Makes b*gger all difference to me which side I go on thesedays though, I used to feel more at home on the right but have gotten used to being on the left recently. I run all over the shop anyway
  16. It'll be fine. The only rule, as always, is if you hear distortion, turn down! EDIT: use both speaker outs rather than daisy chaining, that way it saves all th epower going down the first cable
  17. Omni15 of some flavour it is then
  18. Cheers Bill! I just realised WinISD does do these cabs, was relying on my fuzzy memory rather than pure fact. But that aside, it's prob a bad idea all said and done!
  19. OK, here's the thing. I have a spare 15" driver - a Celestion Q15-2550 I believe, no longer made - which needs a "box" to go in I was originally thinking I'd build an Omni 15 of some description, but I had a stupid thought last night - what about doing a Dual Reflex Bandpass cab like the old Trace BLX combos, just for a giggle?! So the question is, how should I go about designing one (I don't thnk WinISD has this type of design in it...)? Any other software or info on the calculations needed? Alex, I'm looking at you! [i](I have to confess I have done zero google searching so far on this, must try harder)[/i] I suspect the driver in question may be totally the wrong choice for the DRB type of cab. It was in my first home-build cab and that was rubbish as I made the cab too small - I ignored what the numbers said in a vain attempt to make it match the 4x10 I had at the time... Oh the stupidity of youff! I've finally ripped the cab apart after having it take up room for 5 years, I'm using the metal grille to re-inforce the cloth grille on my V-Type 1x15 combo (it will sit behind it) and the speaker currently looks like a weird fruit bowl in my living room so I want it to go in a new box. Is the Dual Reflex Bandpass cab a stupid idea? Discuss: pros, cons, calculations etc
  20. [quote name='TGEvans' post='150193' date='Mar 3 2008, 10:10 AM']hello.........where is everyone? do you not know what these are capable of?t[/quote] Pics?
  21. [quote name='Brother Jones' post='150107' date='Mar 3 2008, 12:03 AM']These things are lovely - more a good pre + a great compressor in a box. Also built to last. Spent ages looking for one and very happy with it. Monday bump.[/quote] +1, whoever buys will not be disappointed
  22. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='150078' date='Mar 2 2008, 10:53 PM']Welcome back Chris - look after those fingers.[/quote] Wot 'e said
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